As the plane arrived in Italian airspace, not only the ADHD idiot Satania cheered, but even Vinay breathed a sigh of relief.

Flying is actually a very boring thing, it’s not convenient to walk around, you can’t talk loudly, if you don’t sit by the window, it’s hard to see the scenery outside, besides, it’s night and there’s not much scenery outside, so it’s great Most people spend their travel time sitting in their seats, wearing seat belts, reading books, newspapers, eating snacks, or sleeping in a daze.

It's okay at first, but after a long time, it will inevitably make people irritated and uncomfortable.

Among all the people, there are only two people who are not bored. One is the blue-eyed young dragon who is absolutely fine as long as there are snacks, and the other is Gabriel. This useless angel is sitting next to Vinai. Snacks, go to bed when you are sleepy, and play with the handheld comfortably when you wake up, it is simply super enjoyable!

"I remember the holy cook said that Italian people are very strange." Liuhua tilted his head and said, "For example, he likes to eat Italian pasta."

Spaghetti is Italy's national delicacy. To put it bluntly, it is actually noodles, but the raw material is not pure flour, and many other things are added. For example, the red Italian pasta is filled with tomato juice, and the black one is inside. Added squid ink and more.

Wei Nai said: "When we get off the plane, we can order a spaghetti for breakfast."

"Hmm..." Satania crossed her chest with one hand and rested her chin with one hand, "I remember the history teacher said that the Italians like to eat spaghetti, and even ran from a prisoner-of-war camp to Another POW camp?"

The Italians took on all the jokes in World War II. Eating noodles in the prison escape camp was a joke. Once they wanted to surrender, but the British army refused.Pasta and red wine are indispensable in every battle, so much so that after a certain war, the amount of red wine seized was more than the amount of ammunition!

"I know." Liuhua raised her hand and replied, "The Renaissance started from Italy, and Venice, the floating city, also paid attention to Italy."

I can still remember the knowledge from the junior high school history textbook, what a joy!

The plane landed steadily.

Wei Nai shouted: "Don't worry, let others go first."

After the passengers on the plane had almost disembarked, Wei Nai stood up and said:

"Okay, everyone, get up and get ready to get off the plane."

"Xiao Jia, stop playing games, get up quickly."

"Tap sauce, follow me closely later, if you don't follow, follow classmate Hua Ye."

"Satania, salute and check, don't lose it."

The attributes of Wei Nai's housekeeper were vividly revealed, and she almost didn't call her name directly!

"Vina." Gabriel stuffed the handheld into her pocket, covered her mouth with her hand, and yawned, "A life that is too fussy will not be happy."

"Xiaojia..." Wei Nai appeared behind Gabriel in a flash, and put the notebook in her hand on Gabriel's neck, and said with a smile, "What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly."

"Haha..." Gabriel laughed dryly, she was stronger than others, she bowed her head resolutely, "Vinai has worked hard."

Machiko stood up, took off the luggage, pursed her lips and said, "Thank you Hua Ye."

After sitting on the plane for more than ten hours, I didn't feel the slightest bit of airsickness on the way. There is no doubt that it was all due to Hua Ye.

"I'm not happy anymore." Lafite puffed up his cheeks, "Obviously played games with the monitor, drank drinks, ate curry rice, ate, drank and played with him, but in the end he didn't even say thank you, the monitor is so biased."

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said, "You're so embarrassed to say so."

I don't know how many times I molested Machiko along the way. If you are eating, drinking and playing with me, then Machiko has contributed a lot of pleasure to you!

"Master Baiyu." Alice came over, crossed her fingers, raised them above her head and stretched, "My body is so uncomfortable, it seems like a frame has fallen apart."

"Let classmate Hua Ye give you a massage?" Lafite said, "I guarantee that Alice will wake up instantly."

"No." The little bean put his hands on his chest, turned his head and snorted, his ponytails flicked slightly behind his back, "The big face is paralyzed, so I won't let him touch a finger!"

"Student Hua Ye?" Wei Nai looked over, "How's it going?"

Hua Ye nodded and said, "Everything is ready."

Seeing all directions and hearing all directions is one of the inherent protections. With Hua Ye here, let alone get lost, you won't even lose a single thing!

"Okay, let's get off the plane." Wei Nai waved her hand and gave an order.

"Hi, I'll go first!"

Satania, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, rushed out first, opened her hands, stood on the steps and jumped down in the standard posture of a diver, and the result... Naturally, she fell firmly to the ground.

A sports idiot won't have such embarrassing things like falling on the ground!

"Hahahaha." Satania pinched her waist with one hand, raised her chin and said proudly, "I won the first place."

It's not about taking the exam, no one will compete with you for the first place, and you care so much about the outcome of the competition, so don't be the tail of the crane!

Liuhua followed closely behind: "Idali, here I come. (*^▽^*)"

"Is this Italian?" Taplis walked out of the plane behind Wei Nai, looking left and right, very curious, "I don't think there's anything special about it... Hey, there are a lot of bearded people, aren't they all there?" To cover up your ugliness."


Everyone lined up to get off the plane, and Hua Ye was naturally at the back. After walking a few steps, he saw Gabriel slowly falling behind.

Hua Ye looked down, "Are you waiting for me?"

"Tch, you have a good idea." The useless angel looked up at Hua Ye with disgust in his eyes, and replied concisely, "I'm tired after sitting for a long time."

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and said, "I'll hold you."

"No." Gabriel shook her head, I don't want to let you walk hand in hand in public, "Hurry up... I'll just hold on to the hem of your clothes."

As I said before, you are so stubborn, but don't even pull the corners of your clothes!

Walking out of the airport, I saw many people holding signs at the pick-up gate to pick them up.

"Stop—" Satania reached out to block Liuhua, sniffed her nose, and said seriously, "I feel a dangerous aura."

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