"I know." Shihua's eyes softened, "Liuhua has troubled you."

Liuhua raised her face and said solemnly: "I didn't cause any trouble for everyone. When I encountered an attack by an evil blood-sucking creature, it was I who broke the seal and used the evil king's true eye to defeat the enemy and successfully protected everyone. "

Shihua rolled her eyes, "Go into the room and go to rest."


As a boy, Hua Ye naturally lived alone. Just as he was about to enter his room, Liu Hua waved his hand and whispered, "Brave man, come here."


Hua Ye turned his head to look.

Liuhua said: "Come here and talk to my sister, you haven't talked to my sister until now."

Whoever said that they haven't talked, there was a conversation just now, okay?

Hua Ye thought for a while, then turned around and walked over. If Wei Nai and the others didn't untie the seal, they would be ordinary girls. It was necessary to beat jet lag, but he didn't need to rest at all.

Go into the room.

Liuhua and Satania "smell like each other", so naturally they live in the same room. The room is not big, but it is clean and colorful. When you open the window, you can see the Alps not far away.

"Sister, these are super delicious biscuits made by the Brave." Liuhua opened the suitcase, took out the spiritual biscuits from it, and presented the treasure to Shihua, "Try it, it will improve your beauty."

"I can testify." Satania nodded, "It's really delicious."

Shihua reached for a piece of biscuit, and found that it looked like a very ordinary cookie, and the smell was also very ordinary, and there was nothing special about it at all. However, Shihua knew Hua Ye's cooking standards, so she didn't have any doubts. He opened his pink lips and took a bite.


Just like the thirsty earth meets the rain, the intense pleasure of spiritual energy nourishing the body is extremely strong. Even Shihua, unable to defy the instinct of the body, hums softly involuntarily, and the image of Gao Leng Yujie almost collapses.

"Sister?" Liuhua was dumbfounded, "You called just now..."

"I don't." Shihua bit her lower lip, and quickly calmed down, but a faint blush that she had never seen before appeared on her pretty face.

Satania said, "I just heard..."

Shihua squinted her eyes sharply, "What did you hear?"

"Okay, so scary!"

Satania hurriedly retreated to Hua Ye's side. Apart from good luck, the idiot's ability to grow up was also due to his keen sense of danger.

Liuhua raised her small face, the hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side, and said expectantly, "Sister, are the biscuits delicious?"

He asked if it was delicious, but his face was clearly written with the words 'come and praise me, come and praise me'.

"Yeah." Shihua nodded lightly, "You guys go take a bath."

"Got it, sister."

As Liuhua and Satania walked into the bathroom, the room quickly became quiet.

After a brief silence.

Shihua looked at Huaye and said, "Massage my shoulders."

Hey, you are going too far, please ask others for help, at least use the tone of request, don't just ask others to do things without asking!If you have a good temper, you may agree, but if you meet someone with a bad temper, you will be ignored!

"Compared to massaging your shoulders." Hua Ye said with a poker face, "I think you need to massage your abdomen more."

"Huh?" Shihua turned her head to look at it, she was not angry or blushing like ordinary girls at all, and calmly said, "Give me a reason."

Hua Ye said: "Your physical discomfort mainly comes from menstrual disorders, chest tightness and depression, palace cold and chills. Just massaging your shoulders will not have much effect."


Shihua was silent for a moment, she was still the expressionless Gao Leng Yujie, but her voice was lowered a bit: "Okay."

Hua Ye said, "Then take off your clothes."

Ten Flowers: "..."

Chapter 1429 Bad Posture


Ten Blossoms and Willows raised their eyebrows lightly, and their eyes were piercing.

what to see?

If you want to take advantage of it, you've already eaten it up before you came to Italy!

Shihua was silent for a moment, and her voice was cold: "How long do you need a massage?"

My family knows their own affairs, they are not acclimatized to the environment, they are tired from work, they have no friends who can talk to them, and they work silently in a foreign country.

If other men asked her to take off her clothes, no matter how legitimate the reason was, Shihua would refuse on the spot without hesitation.

But Hua Ye is different.

We've known each other for so long, and we've also been alone before, so I've already taken advantage of it.

Hua Ye said, "Just a few minutes."

"I see." Shihua nodded lightly, completely free of the panic and shyness of ordinary girls, and stretched out her hand to unzip the windbreaker, "It's right here."

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