Sister Gao Lengyu's undressing posture is quite heroic... Bah, it should be crisp and neat. With the windbreaker off, the black slim sweater inside is exposed, but the figure is slender, the waist is slender, and the curve of the chest is strange. The peaks protrude, and the breathtaking curves prove one thing - until you take off the other person's clothes, you will never know how much meat is hidden under the clothes.

"Do you need to take off the sweater?" Shihua turned her head to look.

Hua Ye said, "No need, just lift it up."


The sofa in the hotel room is very small, it's fine for sitting, but it's not suitable for lying down, Shihua glanced around, "Shall I lie on the bed?"

Of course Hua Ye had no objection: "Yes."

Shihua pursed her pink lips, walked silently to the side of the bed and lay down, her black hair spread out under her body like a waterfall, facing upwards, then turned her head to look at Hua Ye.

Hey, what's wrong with your cold eyes!I just want to give you a massage, not to violate you!

I have to say that Shihua's current posture is a little bit bad. If it is in the book, it is estimated that the cold and beautiful girl was knocked down by Huang Mao with lethargic black tea, and she was lying on the bed weakly. Don't get close to Mao... Everyone is already lying on the bed, with such fierce eyes, the more fierce you are, the harder you will be slapped later!I won't let you cry and beg for mercy!

"Touch it." Shihua's voice was cold.

It's a massage, it's not just touching you, you won't be any more comfortable than others!

Hua Ye walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, "Turn up the sweater yourself."

Shihua silently opened the sweater, revealing a white and slender waist, and a small and cute belly button... Facts have proved that Shihua has been working in Yidali for several months, and she is indeed thinner than before. Judging whether a person is thin or not , just look at the navel.

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and was about to drop it when the cold voice suddenly sounded again.

"Wait a moment."


Hua Ye stopped and looked up.

Shihua's face was calm: "Are your hands cold?"

You have a cold face all day long, thinking you are fearless, so you are afraid of other people's hands!Having said that, girls seem to like to stuff their cold hands into boys' pockets to keep warm, just like the food in front of others tastes better, and other people's pockets seem to be warmer.

Hua Ye said, "It's not cool."

"I'll touch it."

Shihua raised her right hand, her fingers were slender and fair, clean, her nails were neatly trimmed, and she looked pretty.

Hua Ye held Shihua's hand expressionlessly, and Gao Leng Yujie's fingers were icy cold.

Shihua's eyes fluctuated slightly, "It's really warm."

Nonsense, if it is not cold and heat, who would go skiing in the Alps wearing only a pair of jeans?It's shameful to waste social public resources, okay?

Shihua said calmly, "Help me warm my hands."

warm hands?

"You're going too far." Hua Ye looked disgusted.

"It's very cold here." Shihua said, "It's very troublesome that my hands are often not warm."

So you use other people as a heater, why don't you take off your clothes and let you stretch your hands in to keep warm!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes, stretched out his other hand, and pressed it on Shihua's lower abdomen.

Sister Gao Lengyu's stomach is extraordinarily soft, her skin is delicate and smooth, and the moment her hand is pressed on it, she can obviously feel her body tense for a moment... The vague abdominal muscles have disappeared. Obviously, Shihua has not How to exercise.

The massage begins.

Shihua is not a stomachache, but a pain caused by irregular menstruation. There are also some symptoms of cold palace. The position of the uterus is relatively low, or the position is quite sensitive. His legs curled up immediately, but fortunately he bit his lower lip and didn't make a sound of shame.

There was no fluctuation in Hua Ye's heart, and he continued to massage and massage, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. The voices of Liuhua and Satania came from the bathroom from time to time, but the outside of the bathroom fell into silence!

As time passed quietly, an indelible blush gradually appeared on Shihua's fair and jade-like face, her white teeth bit her lower lip tightly, her fingers quietly pinched the pillow, and she even turned her head to one side , no longer staring at Hua Ye.

Because the skirt was in the way, Hua Ye pulled down the skirt a little with his fingers, and Shihua suddenly turned his head to look at it, but his gaze was no longer as cold and sharp as before. After looking at Hua Ye, the eyes that gradually melted flickered. She blinked, didn't speak, and turned her head silently once again.


Hey, what's your reaction?

If you don't speak, you will acquiesce!Is it acquiescing to continue to take off your skirt, or more extreme things are also within the scope of acquiescence!

Hua Ye felt nothing in his heart, and was about to continue massaging when he suddenly saw a thread protruding from Shihua's chubby side.

The lint coming out is absolutely unbearable, it’s fine if you don’t see it, of course you can’t let it go if you see it.

Without hesitation, Hua Ye reached out and grabbed the end of the thread on Fatty, and pulled it outward.

Sister Gao Lengyu, who was lying silent on the bed, trembled slightly, gritted her silver teeth, and suddenly raised her head and kicked over.


Hua Ye reached out and grabbed Shihua's ankle.

At the same time, the door of the bathroom was pushed open, and dense mist gushed out, leaving a girl dumbfounded.

"elder sister?"

Shihua was surrounded by a bath towel, and every strand of her hair was trembling. Even after washing her hair just now, the iconic dull hair was still stubbornly standing on end.

"You... what are you doing!"

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