It appeared again, the number one lie in the sports world is the phrase 'friendship first, competition second'!Whoever participates in the competition is for the first place, and they don't even want to win, why don't they go home and raise pigs!

"Vina, Xiaojia, and the class monitor." The black-bellied girl said with a smile, "It's rare that everyone is here, let's compete together?"

This proposal was immediately unanimously approved, and even Gabriel rarely nodded in agreement. Skiing with friends in the Alps should have been a beautiful memory engraved in the depths of memory, and of course there should be no regrets.

"Well, student Hua Ye will be the referee, right?" Lafite turned his head and looked, "Remember that the final winner will be rewarded."

Liuhua said: "The brave man shouted to start."

Satania: "The final winner must be me."

Alice: "Master Bai Yu and I will not lose."

Wei Nai said: "When everyone is playing, remember to pay attention to safety."

Hua Ye's eyes softened, and he said, "Start."


Naturally, Ten Flowers would not participate in this competition, and the blue-eyed young dragon who could break the world record also did not participate, and they were all by Hua Ye's side.

"I have a question I want to ask you again." Shihua turned her head to look.

Hua Ye said calmly, "Say."

Shihua said, "Who do you really like?"

"Like all of them."

Shihua glanced at Hua Ye expressionlessly, and didn't angrily scold the scumbag for Hua Ye's shameless answer. As for Kang Na... this blue-eyed baby dragon was eating snacks, and the baby's fat cheeks were bulging. Don't care about anything else.

"Liuhua told me, you already said 'I want them all'?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

What I said was what I said, and it’s even worse if I dare not admit it. I am not a human being, and I don’t need to abide by human morals and ethics. The option of handing over the girl I like to others does not exist at all.

"Do you know what is the most important thing when two people are together?" Shihua said calmly, "It is a harmonious life."

"The divorce rate has been increasing year by year, and it has become a common social phenomenon," Shihua said. "Research has shown that [-]% of divorces are due to unharmonious married life. The real proportion must be higher than this."

"You like so many girls by yourself, don't talk about living a harmonious life, you will die next make a choice."

Hey, don't say such words as exhaustion and death with a calm face, where is the girl's reserve!Facial paralysis is amazing!

Hua Ye said calmly: "I am in good health."

"Before the accident, everyone thought they were in good health."

"Want to try it?"

Shi Hua turned her head to look, and said calmly, "Okay."


Chapter 1437

Skiing is a sport that consumes quite a lot of energy. Gabriel and Liuhua, the sports insulators, became sore and weak in a short while, exhausted.

"What time is it?" Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said, "Ten past five."

"It's been playing for so long..." Wei Nai wiped her forehead with her hand, exhaled whitely, "Shall we go back?"

"Hey, I haven't played enough yet," said Satania, "Vinette, can you play for a while?"

"No." Wei Nai put on a pretty face, "I want to play tomorrow. It's winter now, and it gets dark very quickly. It will be dark in a blink of an eye, and it will be troublesome to walk by then."

Gabriel looked like a salted fish that had been bouncing ashore for a long time, and said weakly, "That's right, go back quickly, your heel hurts."

Heel pain is because you never exercise, and you can’t run a thousand meters. After playing for half a day, your heel will definitely hurt.

"My legs are also a little sore." Lafite raised his hand and hammered his thigh, his eyes rolled, and he said with a smile, "Let's stop playing here today."

Hua Ye has no expression on his face, just speak as you say, don't look at him expectantly!For things like leg pinching, go to your Alice!

"Hey, there is a saying in the south of Italy, 'If you rest during the day, you can sleep more soundly at night'." The black-bellied girl stretched out a finger, "I've decided to go to bed at eight o'clock in the evening."

Enough is enough for you, Patriarch Bodhi also knocked Wukong on the head three times, you just said the time when you came to the door to pinch your legs!

Voting is complete.

Everyone went to a nearby store to return the ski equipment, and then went down the mountain together.

On the way back, Shihua calmly said, "We'll have spaghetti and pizza tonight."

Italy is the birthplace of the Renaissance. In addition to literature and art, architectural scenery, and food are also world-famous, the most famous of which is Italian pasta.

Wei Nai said, "Then I'll trouble Miss Shihua."

The Shihua people don't talk too much, and the eldest sister is full of aura, where to go and play, basically don't worry about Wei Nai, everyone just needs to follow along.

Just after returning to the hotel entrance, several uninvited guests came over aggressively.

Shihua stopped in her tracks and frowned slightly.

"Jiro Suzuki."

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