The leading man was wearing a suit and was a little short in height. He looked only one or two centimeters taller than Shihua. He had a typical Asian complexion. He walked over with a gloomy expression... It was obviously the man who vomited blood on the phone this afternoon. , and behind him are three tall, fleshy Italians, probably playing the role of thugs or younger brothers.

"Xiaotiaoyou Toka, I told you, this matter is not over." Suzuki Jiro walked in front of the crowd, obviously the visitor was not friendly.

The man's gaze turned, and he glanced over Lafite and the others with a look of surprise on his face. Finally, he landed on Hua Ye and sneered, "You are the man who played with her this afternoon?"

In a sense, I really played around, right?

Hua Ye said calmly, "It's me."

Several melon-eating girls looked over one after another. It was rare for Liuhua not to be in the second grade. They explained in a low voice, "My sister has irregular menstruation. I ask the brave man to help her massage."

Shi Hua looked at the man in front of her, frowned and said, "What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Suzuki Jiro threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, stomped it out with his toe, and said coldly, "I've been chasing you for so long, and I didn't even let me touch your hand, but in the end I got involved with someone else in the afternoon, you Tell me what to do!"

"That..." An innocent voice sounded, and Taplis seriously reminded, "Littering is wrong."


The air was quiet for a moment.

Suzuki Jiro wanted to swear a bad word, but he met Taplis's pure and innocent eyes. When the words came to his lips, he couldn't swear, and finally said angrily: "This is none of your business, don't talk."

"Hey, it's really wrong to throw garbage."

"I'm going crazy!"

Suzuki Jiro couldn't bear it and roared.I was so close to writing 'black' on my face, a normal little girl should be terrified, right? Why can you say something like 'littering is wrong' in a serious way that only children care about!

and many more

Suzuki Jiro frowned slightly, and suddenly found that not only Taplis, but other people's reactions were also not normal, there was a loli girl with her hands in her pockets and an impatient face, and a red girl with a silly face looking around. A girl with long hair, and a blonde with ponytails and twin ponytails...

When did girls become so courageous?

Instead, respect the evil forces in foreign countries!

"This gentleman." Taplis clasped his hands together, put them on his chest, and said earnestly, "It is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. Please pick up the litter. Also, smoking is harmful to your health. In the future, please Stop smoking, or your lungs will be destroyed."

Compared to the salted fish Gabriel and tax-dodging Lafite, Taplis, who has not been polluted, is still a pure and harmonious angel, who wholeheartedly persuades people to do good things...but the way is a bit stupid.

Suzuki Jiro subconsciously wanted to bend down, but he suddenly realized that he stomped on the ground with his toes, and said, "Shut up, it's none of your business here."

Taplis was very disappointed, shook his head and said: "Your irresponsible behavior will not go to heaven after death."


The review of heaven is much stricter than the political review. According to the regulations on the qualifications for admission to heaven, the vast majority of people are actually not eligible to go to heaven!

A row of black lines fell on Suzuki Jiro's head. He stopped talking nonsense to Taplis, turned his head to look at Hua Ye, and said through gritted teeth, "You dare to fuck the woman I like, isn't it very comfortable?"

Hua Ye said blankly, "You should ask Shihua."

Shihua said calmly, "It's very comfortable."

"You two [beep——]!"

Suzuki Jiro's forehead was throbbing with blue veins, and his face was flushed with anger. The goddess he pursued so hard was being played by others in various ways, and he even yelled 'change your position and do it again' in front of the phone. This kind of miserable experience in the world is definitely Unforgettable!

"Call me!"

Suzuki Jiro turned his head and shouted, and the three stupid thugs behind her immediately walked towards Hua Ye holding their fingers.

Money can turn ghosts around. Of course, Suzuki Jiro would not do it himself. He directly spent money to hire a few gangsters who he knew well, and asked them to come forward to beat people. Don't think that all good people are good people. In fact, thieves in this country There are quite a lot of pickpockets, and those who hand you a handful of corn to feed pigeons in the square are also scammers.

"Student Hua Ye..." Wei Nai looked over, a little nervous, "Don't be too serious."

After getting along for so long, Wei Nai certainly knew that Hua Ye was indifferent to many things. If she didn't tell her, she might crush him to death in the street.

Just as Hua Ye was about to speak, an astonishing Aston Martin whizzed by and stopped firmly in front of everyone.

The car door opened, and a girl got out of the car, her eyes fell on Hua Ye.

Chapter 1438 Required Skills

The girl who got off the car was tall and beautiful, with long silver hair draped over her shoulders, she had both the three-dimensional appearance of a Westerner and the delicateness of an Easterner, especially her pair of crimson eyes, which were even more profound and charming. The room reveals extraordinary nobility and elegance.

The girl's eyes glanced lightly, and the three gangsters lowered their heads in shame. A beautiful woman who can drive this kind of sports car is probably something they will never get in touch with in their entire lives.

Suzuki Jiro also lowered his head, not daring to look more, but a bad premonition surged in his heart.

(This woman is obviously here for it.)

(Could it be Xiaoniaoyou Shihua's friend?)

(No, she usually rests except for work, and she doesn't even want to go out to play. How can she have such a friend?)

While thinking wildly, Suzuki Jiro suddenly saw a mysterious girl bowing and bowing out of the corner of his eye.

And the person who bowed was... the boy who played with Shihua on the phone before!

"My lord, I am late."

The girl's voice was pleasant to the ear, like the cry of a hundred spirits. It was the kind of voice that would make people feel happy when they heard it. However, it fell into the ears at this moment, but it made Suzuki Jiro's body cold, his hands and feet went numb, and he was stunned.

He is not a stunned young man who is ignorant of the world. Before he came here to make troubles, of course he had investigated Hua Ye's identity. He knew that he was a classmate of Sister Shihua, just a very ordinary male high school student.

"How, how?"

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