Suzuki Jiro looked at Hua Ye in a daze, and said in disbelief, "Did you make a mistake?"

"There must be something wrong!"

Suddenly there were panicked footsteps from behind.

Suzuki Jiro turned his head and saw another black car slowly stopped, and several quiet men in black suits stepped out of the car.

Seeing these people getting out of the car, the three gangsters hired by Suzuki Jiro suddenly widened their eyes, screamed strangely, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Jiro Suzuki reacted half a beat too late, and realized that he had really kicked the iron plate this time, and was about to run when two men in black suits were already on the left and right, silently blocking his way.

His eyes swept across the opponent's arm thicker than his own thigh, Suzuki Jiro didn't think about it, and immediately made a wise choice.

"I surrender!"


"Tch, you spoke so horizontally just now." Gabriel curled her lips and complained, "It's straight to the end."

"Normal people don't dare to go on in such a situation, right?" Wei Nai shrugged and said in a low voice, "But this person does have some..."

Lafite stretched out a scallion-white jade finger, tilted his head and said, "I think this is a survival skill that adults must possess... Well, can you bend and stretch?"

Alice complained: "It's clearly bullying the weak and fearing the hard."

Seeing Suzuki Jiro who kneeled in front of Shika and begged for forgiveness even if he disagreed with him, Wei Nai and others complained one after another. The person who was arrogant just now knelt down and begged for mercy in a blink of an eye, which made people speechless.

"How to say?" Shi Hua turned to look at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said calmly, "You decide."

Hua Ye is not even interested in taking a second look at this kind of death-seeking person who jumped out of nowhere.

Shihua looked down and said with a cold expression:

"This is the last time, don't appear in front of me in the future."

Suzuki Jiro nodded his head as if he had received amnesty, and said with an apologetic smile, "Yes, yes, I will never appear again in the future."

"Let's go."

Shihua directly issued an order to evict the guest.

Suzuki Jiro didn't dare to say more, he turned around and left despondently with his head down.

"Hello, my lord, I'm Sophia." The mysterious girl who suddenly appeared looked at Hua Ye, with the corners of her lips raised, and a slight smile appeared on her face, which brightened the twilight that was gradually covering the earth for a moment. blush.

It's a pity that such a smile has no effect on Hua Ye.

Sophia bowed again: "Please be sure to let me do my best as a landlord."

Hua Ye's poker face: "No need."

Cannibals have short mouths, soft hands, and people who can't be beaten with eight poles, suddenly come to your door eagerly, either to borrow money or ask you to do things.

Hua Ye just came to see Shihua this time, and he didn't want to waste time on other things at all.

As for this Sophia, she must be the member of the Rose Club that Igarashi reminded her before.

The girl didn't seem to expect that she would be ruthlessly rejected, she was a little dazed for a while, she gently bit her pink lips with her white teeth, her eyes were so cute and charming.


A group of melon-eating girls looked at Hua Ye one after another.

"They helped us just now, how could they have such a bad attitude."

"Big facial paralysis is too much."

"The girls are going to be bullied and cry by you."

"Doesn't your conscience ache?"


This world is hopeless!Good-looking has reached the point of doing whatever he wants!If other people look good, they will fight for the injustice of the other party, and the agreement is fair and just!

"We have no other plans, just want to invite you to the dinner party..."

"No." Hua Ye flatly refused.

Compared to the dinner party, he would rather eat spaghetti with Wei Nai, Lafite and the others.

"That's... disturbing."

The silver-haired girl Sophia bit her lips lightly, and instead of inviting again, she presented a business card with both hands, with only a simple phone number on it, "If you have anything to do, you can call me this number."

Hua Ye didn't refuse, and reached out to take the business card. Some mundane things are very troublesome, such as Suzuki Jiro just now, if he moved his hands, the police will definitely be attracted, and everyone's mood will be affected by then.

"Goodbye, my lord."

Sophia lifted her skirt and saluted again, then got into the sports car and walked away quietly. The bodyguards in suits didn't even say a word from the beginning to the end.

"Hua Ye, who was that person just now?" Wei Nai asked curiously.

Hua Ye said, "She knows me, but I don't know her."

"Sounds like a fan..." Gabriel complained, then shook her head and said, "No, where did you get a fan from?"

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