Lafite's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile, "That girl just now was so beautiful, I was a little tempted when I saw it."

Hua Ye tilted his head to look at this dark-bellied girl, and naturally knew what to say at this moment: "Not as beautiful as you."


Lafite blushed, coughed lightly, and changed the subject: "Hey, thank you Hua Ye for your compliment. I always thought that Hua Ye's eyes were not very good."

Doesn't look good?

Come over and warm my bed tonight!

"Very hungry." Satania rubbed her stomach and said pitifully, "My stomach is flattened."

Just now he said he was going to play until dark, and in a blink of an eye he said he was hungry. Sure enough, an idiot is an idiot.

Liuhua followed suit and raised her hand: "I'm hungry too."

"That..." Taplis stretched out two fingers and tapped his chest lightly, his face flushed slightly, his eyes looking forward, "I'm hungry too."

That's right, this angel schoolgirl who won't be entering school until next year is also an idiot.

Shihua's face was calm, her voice was like catkins flying in the afternoon of spring, and she said calmly, "Go and eat spaghetti."


"set off!"


Chapter 1439 Pizza Dilemma

When they arrived at the restaurant, Shihua had already reserved a seat before, which saved a lot of trouble.

"I've visited this restaurant, and the environment and food taste are good." Sister Gao Lengyu said calmly, "What kind of spaghetti do you want to eat, you can order it yourself."

"There are so many noodles!" Liuhua took the menu, opened her mouth and exclaimed, and said dizzily, "There are hundreds of kinds of Italian ramen!"

"After all, it's national noodles." Lafite tilted his head and said, "It is said that there are more than [-] kinds of pasta in the world."

Italy is divided according to the length, thickness and shape. There are at least [-] kinds of noodles, but many of them are noodles invented and innovated by pastry chefs. They are just for novelty, and these noodles are basically negligible.

"I bought spaghetti at a convenience store..." Wei Nai sat next to Liuhua and looked at the menu with Liuhua, "I always thought spaghetti only had vermicelli."

"I used to eat dried noodles for a while when I was short of money." Gabriel propped her chin with one hand, with disgust in her eyes, "It's so unpalatable."

When many people are short of money, some people will buy steamed buns and drink boiled water to satisfy their hunger. The correct way is to go to the supermarket to buy a tube of dried noodles. After cooking for a while, the noodles will rise.

"That's because I didn't do it well." Liuhua put his hand on the blindfold, "I often eat the noodles from the brave man in the morning, it tastes salty, and I feel energetic all day long..."

Nonsense, the plan for a day lies in the morning, if you eat breakfast, you must be more energetic than if you don't have breakfast!

Shihua turned her head to look, her beautiful wine-red eyes remained unmoved.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "It's my noodles, not..."

"Cough—" Wei Nai came over angrily, "Don't talk."


A group of melon-eating girls chirped and ordered meals, basically the same.

"Wait a moment." Ten Flowers said, "The pasta here is made to order."

Pasta must use Duran wheat as the raw material. In order to pursue the taste, many restaurants make it directly after customers order. As for Duran wheat, it is the hardest wheat variety in the world, accounting for [-]% of the world's planted wheat. Ten out of ten, this kind of wheat usually tastes a little hard, and basically all of it is used to make pasta.

"Poke poke-"

A slightly itchy poking sensation came from the thigh.

Hua Ye turned his head to look, and saw Lafite looking over with a smile.

On the surface, this black-bellied girl was talking and laughing happily with everyone, but her right hand was evading taxes under the table, and quietly wrote on Hua Ye's lap: "Mr. Facial Paralysis, who was that man at the hotel entrance?"

Just as Hua Ye was about to answer, the black-bellied girl continued to poke and prod.

"Just write it in my hand."

Hey, you're going too far. It's okay to say this kind of thing directly. Take a step back and say, even if you're embarrassed, you can still send a message. You don't need to write on the boy's leg with your fingers!

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said, "It's Shihua's suitor."

Lafite continued to write, and lightly stroked his light white jade finger on his leg, feeling a little itchy, "It doesn't feel like a suitor, but rather like an enemy who came to seek revenge."

Of course Hua Ye understood what this dark-bellied girl was thinking, and wrote on his hand: "When I was giving Shihua a massage, that man just called and heard Shihua's cry."

"Hey, what's the sound?"

"It's about the same as the last time you screamed in the bathroom."

"Classmate Hua Ye is big/pervert!"

The dark-bellied girl's eyes flashed, her white teeth lightly bit her pink lips, a blush appeared on her pretty face, and she wrote: "When I was on the phone, I deliberately increased my strength to make the girl make an uncontrollable shameful voice." ... Boyfriend-kun is really a pervert.”

"I do not have."

"That's it."

Hua Ye turned his head and looked at the cheerful face with eyes bent into crescent moons, and hummed softly, "Let's take a bath together at night."

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