Connor said, "Sleeping."

Thor blinked his eyes and asked doubtfully, "How do you sleep in broad daylight?"

Connor said, "It's getting dark in Italy."

"Ah, I forgot, you guys care about Dali now, no wonder it's getting dark." Thor patted his forehead, with a vigorous smile on his face, and the little canine teeth at the corners of his mouth are quite pretty, "Suddenly remembered that we were chasing The sunset is flying."

In the past, there was Kua Fu chasing the sun, and in the future, you are chasing the sun... This is the second disease, right?

It must be!

It seems that as long as it is an intelligent race, it will have the second disease, while chasing the evening wind, while shouting 'running in the sunset'!

"As a result, the setting sun never sets, but slowly rises and turns into the sun. I felt so strange at that time..."

Strange your sister, you learn some messy maid knowledge at home every day, but complete the simple geography knowledge when you have time!

"When you come back, I'll chase the sun again when I have time... eh?" The dragon maid suddenly opened her eyes wide, "Why is Xiaoye here?"

Hua Ye leaned over and said, "I've always been here."

"Xiaoye..." Thor took a deep breath, and said heartbroken, "You're going to go to jail for doing this!"

You have neither committed a crime nor violated the law, so why should you go to jail!

"Kang Na is still a child, no matter how much you like her, you can't sleep with her!"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "I didn't sleep."

"Nonsense." Thor opened his eyes wide, his golden pupils glared over the screen, and shouted with righteous indignation, "You already slept in the same bed as Kang Na, and you still said you didn't!"


Chapter 1443 Connor's Great Crisis


Thor opened his eyes wide, looked at Hua Ye across the screen, and said earnestly, "Xiao Ye, I know you like Kang Na..."

Shut up, who likes this blue-eyed baby dragon!He is only [-] meters tall, has baby fat on his face, and a pair of small thick legs. In the future, he will definitely be "plump and fleshy" like you!

Wait... Seems girls with 'meat' are more popular?

Thor continued: "I can only kiss and hug and hold high, and I can't sleep with hugs at night..."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "I've already slept in my arms."

When playing on the island during the summer vacation, this blue-eyed young dragon slept dishonestly, kicked the quilt, rolled around, and rolled into his arms!

Hua Ye thought about it carefully, except for kissing, he has never done it before, hugging him high, or watching a movie on his lap, he has already done it!

"Ehhh?" Thorton was shocked immediately, "You actually slept with Connor?"

In a sense, it was indeed sleep?

Thor sighed, "Since the raw rice has been cooked into cooked rice, I won't talk about it..."

Raw rice is still raw rice, no water is added at all, let alone cooked rice!

"You two must pay attention to safety, don't kill anyone..."

You are enough, don't talk like Kobayashi!Although this blue-eyed young dragon looks very young, it is actually quite strong in physical fitness, and can take a bath in the magma of the crater with its bare buttocks!Even if you do such and such things, the body will soon repair itself!

Thor stretched out a finger and said curiously: "I heard that the youngest mother in the world is only five years old..."

"you shut up."

The way your dragons reproduce is to lay eggs, not mammals at all, okay? Don't use human standards to measure yourself!

Hua Ye handed the phone to Kang Na, and took the tablet to watch the news.

After a moment.

"Master Thor is going to buy ingredients."


Kang Na returned the phone to Hua Ye, and instead of getting out of bed to leave, she turned her head to look at the tablet.

Hua Ye glanced at the blue-eyed baby dragon, put the tablet in the middle, and the two watched the video quietly.

Unfortunately, not long after, Hua Ye heard the sound of the little hamster knocking on melon seeds. When he turned his head, he saw the blue-eyed young dragon's cheeks puffed up.

"eat snack."

Kang Na raised her face and said, "Vina said that before brushing your teeth and going to bed, you can eat whatever you want."


It’s really not good to eat too much snacks. The first stomach can’t stand it. It’s enjoyable to eat too much, but the stomach will be full, and the second is easy to gain weight. It’s hard to think about weight once you go up, but These two cannot be established on Kangna. The juvenile dragon needs a lot of energy supply to grow. Unfortunately, the level of ingredients in this world is too low, and the energy that can be supplied can be said to be a drop in the bucket. Stop eating snacks, the energy absorbed is not enough for her to grow, let alone gain weight.

Hua Ye could, on the other hand, replenish the blue-eyed young dragon like he did to the Demon Sword Girl, so that Kang Na's growth period could be shortened rapidly, and she could even grow up to an adult at the growth rate of an ordinary human.

However, the energy level required is quite high, and it is not enough to contain fingers, and the exchange of body fluids is required...

Once discovered, he will either enter the gendarmerie or go to prison!I will never do such a troublesome thing!

"Here." Kang Na handed over a piece of white chocolate and said softly, "Let's eat together."

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