It's really gratifying to share your favorite snacks with others. When did you become so generous?

Hua Ye's poker face: "Don't eat."


The two continued to watch the video, and after a while, the phone suddenly "buzzed" and vibrated.

Hua Ye picked up the phone, it was Machiko calling.

"Squad leader."

"Hua Ye..." Machiko's voice rang in his ears, "Are you in the room?"


"My cousin just called me and wanted to call me..."

The relationship between Machiko and her rotten female cousin is quite good. The two of them can care about Dali to meet by chance. Naturally, they are very happy and want to party and play together.


A soft and waxy cry came into the monitor's ears.

(Hey, this voice... is Kang Na-chan?)

Machiko was taken aback.

(Kang Nachan went out when my cousin and I were on the phone, so it turned out that he went to classmate Hua Ye's room?)

(Why are you screaming for pain?)

The squad leader blinked, and was about to ask, when Kang Na's voice reached his ears again.

"You're pulling my hair down."


"Ehhh?!" Machiko suddenly opened his eyes wide, "Pressed, pressed the hair?"

Hearing this sentence, Machiko subconsciously remembered a joke she had seen before.

"Knowing that two people are together, wake up in the morning, look at each other, what is the first sentence a girl says?"

"Is it 'Good morning'?"


"what is that?"

"Girls say 'you're pulling my hair'."

"What if the girl has short hair?"

"You talk too much!"


Leaving aside the complaints at the end, the phrase 'you hold my hair down', the most likely scene to appear is on the bed!

"No." Machiko shook her head, "How could it be on the bed..."

After getting along for so long, Machiko's trust in Hua Ye has already reached full limit, and she absolutely does not believe that Hua Ye will do strange things to a young girl.

As a result, Kang Na's immature voice sounded again.

"The quilt is stained."

(Dirty with the quilt?!)

Machiko raised her hand to press her chest, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

(It can stain the quilt, that is to it actually on the bed!)

(The distance between the two sounds very close. Could it be that classmate Hua Ye is also on the bed?)

(No, classmate Hua Ye and Kang Najiang are relatives, so it's normal for them to sleep together?)

(There's nothing weird about it at all...)

This time, it was Hua Ye's voice that sounded.

"Put your ass up."



Machiko took a deep breath, pursed her pink lips, turned around and walked towards the door.

(Student Hua Ye would never do that kind of thing to little Lolita, there is no doubt about it.)

(Still...have to check it out.)

(Otherwise, I will definitely think about it later, and I won’t be able to sleep all night, right?)

(If you can't sleep, you will lose energy, and you will cause trouble for everyone tomorrow... Yes, that's it, it's not a ward round.)

While thinking about it, Machiko walked to the door of Hua Ye's room, raised her right hand to knock on the door, and suddenly felt that her arm was a bit heavy, and a small brain-hole theater was involuntarily staged in her mind.

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