"I'm not an idiot." Satania pinched her waist with one hand, raised her chin, and showed the little canine teeth at the corners of her mouth. She said proudly, "Lafite said that I am as wise as a fool."

It's useless to put gold on the face, the two characters of'stupid' are clearly written on the forehead!

"That's right." Liuhua stood beside her in solidarity with her best friend, and said crisply, "Sata Meow is as wise as a fool."

Hua Ye turned to look at Shihua.

"What does my sister think?"

Shi Hua was putting on her coat, she paused when she heard the words, and replied calmly, "It's as wise as a fool."


Wouldn't your conscience ache for talking nonsense with your eyes open?

Shihua glanced at Hua Ye. Although he didn't speak, the meaning in his eyes was obvious: "It doesn't hurt at all."

"Hey, I thought of it!" Satania blinked suddenly, "Servant, servant!"


"The evil king kills Black Dragon Bo..."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, raised his hand and knocked on it.


Satania had been prepared for a long time, and clapped her hands on the top of her head, "Empty hands and white blades..."


Empty-handed and white-knife declared failure.

Satania rubbed the top of her head, completely forgetting the beating, and said enthusiastically, "It was a mistake just now, let's do it again."

The idiot took a deep breath, his eyes turned into crescent moons: "The evil king Yan killed Hei Longbo! Hahahaha!"


Chapter 1452 The land of milk and honey

"Servant, servant." Satania opened her eyes wide, the wine-red pupils were extraordinarily shining, "The evil king killed Black Longbo?"


"it hurts."

The idiot raised his hand to cover his forehead, and let out a trademark smirk while crying out for pain.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

"To shut up."

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

If you are successful, you will say that you are like this!The last one who made trouble like this has already been slapped honestly!

"Hmm!" Satania raised her hands above her head, put on a defensive posture, and shouted solemnly: "The evil king kills..."

Seeing Hua Ye raise his right hand, the idiot's eyes lit up: "Hey, empty hand into the sword... woo woo woo!"

Hua Ye reached out to pinch the smooth and delicate face of this idiot, and pulled it out.

"The attendant doesn't play cards according to the routine..." Satania said vaguely, "Hurry up and face me..."

You are enough, stop talking when you have a big tongue!It is against the law to bully the mentally handicapped, no matter whether it is from the front or from the back, it is illegal!

"Don't make trouble." A cold voice sounded, and Shihua came over, with a calm voice, "Let's go have breakfast."

Liuhua backed away, hugged Hua Ye's arm, and said vigilantly, "Why did the Holy Regulator cast black magic on me last night? Did he want to secretly seal my evil king's true eyes?"

Shi Hua crossed her arms and said expressionlessly, "You were the one who squeezed into my arms last night."

"I, I wouldn't do that kind of thing!" Liuhua was a little lacking in confidence, and looked up at Hua Ye for support, "Brave man, must be the witch who attacked me?"

Who else could it be?

Rolling around is fine, and I like to roll up the quilt, you are the one with the worst sleeping posture!When you talk about the aroma of milk, you know what happened. The place that can make you breathless and smell the aroma of milk is the only place where milk and honey flow!

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "You can try again tonight."

"But, last night it was hard to get rid of the control of black magic, and the memory is very deep." Liuhua pursed her mouth nervously and said, "Will the brave man sleep with me at night? He will definitely be suffocated."

Hua Ye turned his gaze and landed on Shihua's chest.

Gao Lengyu's black hair is like a waterfall, her pretty face is cold, and her eyes are indifferent. She just changed into a light gray windbreaker, but she still can't hide the exquisite curve of her chest.


This data is not a random guess, but the data obtained after personal observation!And it's not the visual inspection through the clothes, but the visual inspection without clothes!

When Shihua first arrived in Italy, she often made video calls with Liuhua. One day, she happened to be taking a shower during the call.

I have to admit that this size can really make people feel the horror of suffocation.

So big breasts are not good at all. If you accidentally sleep at night, you will be so oppressed that you can’t breathe!

Sensing Hua Ye's gaze, Shi Hua only slightly raised her eyebrows, her pretty face as white as jade remained unchanged.

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