Sister Gao Leng Yu never blush.

"Brave, shall we sleep together at night?" Liuhua offered an invitation.

Hua Ye said decisively, "No."

It's useless for you to talk, your sister won't agree!It's nothing to cover your face with the land of milk and honey, don't even think about it for others!

Liuhua blinked her eyes vigorously, and said aggrievedly, "The brave don't want me?"

your sister!This is a trick I learned from, it is not suitable for you at all!No wonder I kept blinking just now, in fact I wanted to blink tears, but I couldn't see any tears!

Hua Ye said with disgust: "The bed is too small, three people can't sleep in it."

"How do you know if you haven't slept?" Liuhua turned her small head, and the dull hair on the top of her head swayed slightly, "Could it be that the brave man tried it?"


"Hey, that's right." Satania asked curiously, "Why does Sister Shihua wear a collar?"

Hua Ye turned his gaze and landed on Shihua's neck.

A black leather collar was fastened around the snow-white and slender neck, which looked surprisingly good-looking.

"That's the seal of the holy recuperator." Liuhua said nonsense seriously, "My blindfold is used to seal the evil king's true eyes, and my sister's collar is used to seal the double. Laura—"


Ten flowers and one chestnut chisel knocked over.

"Okay, it hurts." Liuhua held her head in her hands, raised her face in disbelief, "My sister never hit me before!"

Shihua said expressionlessly, "I'll knock in the future."

Satania pinched her waist with one hand: "I thought Elder Sister Shihua was going to connect to the Misaka network."

It's just an ordinary leather collar, it's an ornament, it doesn't even have the function of a wristband, and it can't connect to the Misaka network in another world at all!

Shihua raised her hand and touched the collar on her neck: "It's just an ordinary decoration, don't make random guesses."

It must be no ordinary decoration!

You don't wear a watch, ring or necklace, but you wear a collar, which obviously has a special meaning.

Shihua didn't intend to say anything, Hua Ye of course didn't ask more questions, and after a few more words, Wei Nai called and asked everyone to have breakfast.

Hua Ye turned around and went out, when he heard aggrieved voices from the next door, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The door opened quickly, and a cute girl with short blond hair stood behind the door, blinked, and shouted in surprise: "Senior."

Hua Ye walked into the room: "What's wrong?"

"Senior Gabriel has been refusing to get up." Taplis closed the door and said pitifully, "I've shouted many times."

Hua Ye said, "Why did you shout?"

Taplis blinked, and said in a crisp voice, "I just called 'Senior Gabriel, get up quickly', and then Senior Gabriel said it, but didn't move."

No wonder you can't afford to shout, this kind of shouting can only be counted as deaf ears, not even pillow wind!A self-disciplined person will get up without you yelling. The problem is that the word self-discipline has long been removed from the dictionary after the fallen angel!

"Senior, what should we do now?" The idiot junior looked over pitifully.

"I'll call."

Hua Ye walked to the bed and looked down at Gabriel.

Naturally, this useless angel has already woken up, with golden hair hanging down her body, her eyes are half-opened and half-closed, and her face is full of laziness after just waking up.

The four eyes meet, everything is under control.

Hua Ye shouted directly: "It's time to get up."

"It's useless." Taplis shook his head, "I've called it many times..."

As a result, Gabriel sat up the next moment, and said lazily, "Tch, get up."

"Ehhh?" Taplis opened his eyes wide, "Ju, did you really wake up?"

The wind in your ear is not painful or itchy, and it has no effect at all. Of course, this useless angel will not take it to heart. It will be different if you change it to yourself. I used to call her once every morning when I woke up. get dressed!

At least this useless angel still has a little face. He won't ask Hua Ye to help him get dressed in front of you, so he will naturally get up.

The idiot junior turned to look at Hua Ye, adored her eyes and said, "Senior is so amazing!"

"What a big-headed ghost." Gabriel curled her lips, while putting on her clothes, she waved away people, "Go, go, get out of my place, I'm annoying to see you."

Hua Ye shook his head: "Not going out."

If you go out by yourself, you will definitely become lazy again like a salted fish, sluggishly unable to go out for a long time!

Hua Ye turned his head to look at the idiot junior, and said, "Taplis, you go and play with Wei Nai, and leave this place to me."

"What are you doing?" Gabriel immediately became vigilant.

Taplis naturally wouldn't think in the wrong direction, and said in a crisp voice: "Thank you senior, I'm going out to play!"

Getting up early is boring, this idiot school girl has already flown outside with all her heart.

Hua Ye closed the door casually, looked at the useless angel sitting on the bed, and said, "Three minutes."

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