"Just, thank you just now..."

"Yeah." Hua Ye responded casually, and looked sideways at Wei Nai, only to feel that his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and the faint fragrance from just now remained on the tip of his nose, as if there was a flash of reluctance in his heart.

However, girls are the most sensitive in this regard. Hua Ye only took a few extra glances. Wei Nai noticed it immediately, and immediately felt ashamed and angry, bit her lip, raised her hand and pinched Hua Ye: "Don't talk!"

"I didn't say anything." Hua Ye expressed his innocence.

"You..." Wei Nai bit her lip, glared at Hua Ye, and turned her head away.

At this time, the two children came over timidly, and said cautiously, "Sister, I'm sorry!"

Wei Nai was a little angry at first, but when she saw the other party coming over to apologize sincerely, her anger dissipated, and she said solemnly: "Next time, don't run around here, what if you bump into someone?"

"Yes, we won't do it again!" The two children bowed, "I didn't notice it just now, and I was shocked when I recovered. Fortunately, my sister's boyfriend is here."

"You, what did you say?" Wei Nai opened her eyes wide.

"Hey, of course it's the big brother." The two children looked at Hua Ye and said, "It must be my sister's boyfriend, he was very handsome just now."

"Man, man, man, boyfriend!" Wei Nai's face was burning red, and steam rose from the top of her head, as if she was about to faint in the next moment, "What are you talking about! It's not a man, a boyfriend! "

Chapter 141 German Orthopedics

"It's, it's not a boyfriend!" Wei Nai regained her senses, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, she immediately denied it loudly with her face flushed.

"Eh, is that so?"

The two children were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect Wei Nai's reaction to be so intense, and they looked at Hua Ye involuntarily.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Listen to her."

"So that's how it is." The two children suddenly realized: "Understood, senior!"

So what do you understand!

I'm just too lazy to explain, what's wrong with that 'we've seen it all' expression!

"Then, let's not disturb the date, let's go first." The two children bowed again to apologize, and then turned and ran away without waiting for Wei Nai to explain.

Wei Nai, who had no time to explain, had no choice but to bite her lip, and turned to give Hua Ye a glare.

"Why didn't you explain just now..."

"It's troublesome to explain something." Hua Ye said casually.

Hearing this reason, Wei Nai couldn't help puffing up her cheeks, and turned her head to ignore him, but the blush on her face never faded.

As soon as I thought of being recognized as a boyfriend and girlfriend just now, my shame spread uncontrollably...

How, how could it be that kind of relationship!

Obviously just classmates!

And there is no agreement...

In this strange atmosphere, it was Kang Na who was the first to catch a palm-sized carp.

After fishing, the blue-eyed baby dragon put the fishing rod aside casually, lay down on the mouth of the bucket, and looked at the fish.


Then, taking advantage of Wei Nai's inattention, she actually grabbed the fish and ate it in one bite!

"Kang Na, what are you doing?" Wei Nai was startled.

Islanders really like to eat raw fish sashimi, but the way you eat it is too simple and rude!

Are you Meowpas who loves to eat fish?

"It's not tasty." Kang Na looked disgusted.

Apologize to that crying fish, I'm really sorry I didn't make you feel delicious.

After discovering that the fish he caught was not tasty, Kang Na quickly lost interest in continuing to fish and ran to the side to play.

The warm sunshine fell on the body, and the gentle breeze blew across the face, bringing moist and fresh air.

Birds are circling in the sky, and their crisp chirping echoes in the clear sky.

Hua Ye closed his eyes, and suddenly felt that such a day was not bad.

As a result, not long after, two crisp voices sounded suddenly.

"Master, master, here we come."

Two lolis ran over, their small chests heaving up and down. After adjusting their breathing a little, they put their hands behind their backs, tilted their heads slightly, and looked at them with big clear eyes, as if they were waiting for Hua Ye's praise.

"Go aside." Hua Ye snorted.

"Master, master, don't you want us?" The two loli burst into tears.

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

Don't keep saying this kind of thing on your lips, how can I answer it!

The two lolis are still wearing the small and cute maid outfits. They are the same height and short, and their looks are also exquisite and cute. Even their voices are almost the same, and it is easy to get the embarrassing situation of calling the wrong name.

So in order to make it easy to distinguish, Wei Nai bought two hairpins of different colors, the one wearing the blue hairpin is Xiao Ai, and the one wearing the red hairpin is Xiaoxia.

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