"What? Master?!" An uncle fishing next to him heard the voice and looked in surprise. After looking at Hua Ye, a shocked expression appeared on his face, and he muttered to himself, "You actually let my sister wear a maid outfit to please you?" I...are young people now so good at playing?"

Seeing Hua Ye's cold and impatient expression, the uncle blinked and couldn't help thinking.

Any normal brother would surely blush with excitement when he saw such a cute little sister walking over in cute clothes, so... such a cold reaction must be a deliberate act!


The more repressed feelings are, the more terrifying they will explode. In this way, maybe this young man will not be able to resist attacking his sleeping sister one day in the future!


This kind of thing must be resolutely stopped!

So the uncle cleared his throat, and said to Hua Ye earnestly, "Young man, I used to be a girl like you, until that day when I was sent to the German orthopedics department..."


Which of your eyes sees that I am a younger sister, I don't have a younger sister at all... Wait!

What terrible things did you do to be sent to the German orthopedics department!

"Ahem, I made a mistake, please forget what you just said." The old uncle blushed.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to forget it!

"Anyway, your sister looks like she's only eleven or twelve years old, she's just a child..."

"It's not...it's not a child! Xiao Ai is already an adult!" Wearing a blue hairpin, Xiao Ai pouted, "And is it wrong to serve the master?"

"That's right! I like Master the most!" Xiao Xia nodded beside her.

The uncle was shocked immediately.

Not only did he not shy away from calling the master in front of so many people, but he also mentioned words such as serving...

After being stunned for a moment, the uncle looked at Hua Ye with an expression of admiration: "I didn't see that... you have already trained/taught my sister to such a degree."

Shut up!

Besides, am I about to become a pervert who overthrows the younger sister!

The uncle sighed: "I have a phone here, why don't you book a seat at the German Orthopedics Department first?"


Not long after, Xiaoniao Youliuhua also came over. She lowered her head, her eyes were reddish, she looked aggrieved, and even the dull hair on her head drooped.

"Hey, Liuhua, what's wrong with you?" Wei Nai asked puzzled.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua sniffed her nose lightly, the first sentence made Wei Nai's whole body tremble.

"Woo~ I can't get married..."

"What are you talking about?" Wei Nai was a little bit dumbfounded, it was less than half an hour since they separated, how come they couldn't get married all of a sudden.

Xiaoniao Youliuhua sat with her arms around her knees and sat beside Wei Nai, staring blankly at the lake, as if there was an untouchable other side of the realm.

"What happened? Tell me." Seeing this scene, Wei Nai frowned slightly.

Liuhua sniffed, and said in an unlovable tone: "I, I just got sprayed on my face by a sticky, horrible liquid..."

What, what? !

Sticky, scary liquid?

Wei Nai's heart sank, she took a deep breath and asked, "Did you encounter a pervert?"

"It's something scarier than perversion..." Liuhua hugged her knees and said softly, "That person said don't be afraid, just touch gently... I did as he asked, and the result was not like that at all. What a horrible liquid was sprayed on me!"

Wei Nai's eyes have turned into black holes that can destroy everything.

It is an unforgivable crime for someone to dare to do such a thing in public!

Wei Nai bit her lip, showing self-blame, heartache, regret and other expressions on her face: "I thought nothing would happen to you guys playing there, so I came out to fish for a while, but I didn't expect that such a short time would happen. Horrible thing..."

Wei Nai stood up directly, and said sharply, "Did you call the police?"

"No." Liuhua shook his head, "Even if we call the police, the police won't catch it..."

"Should we just let the other party get away with it!" Wei Nai was filled with righteous indignation, "If the police don't care, then I will let him be punished!"

"Where is the murderer?" Wei Nai asked seriously.

"Still in that pet shop..."

"What? After doing such an abominable thing, you still dare to stay where you are!" Wei Nai clenched her fists tightly, and the breath around her had turned into an extremely cold storm that froze everything.

"Go, I'll teach that pervert a lesson for you!"

"No need." Liuhua shook his head, "I've already scolded that alpaca."

"Hey, sheep, alpaca?" Wei Nai's eyes widened.

"That's right, it's that alpaca that spit at me... It's so disgusting, I'm sure I won't be able to get married..." Xiaoniao You Liuhua said with tears in her eyes.

"Mouth, saliva..." Wei Nai lowered her head, and there was faint black air rising from her back.

Hua Ye also had black lines all over his head.

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