You said so much about feelings, did you mean the saliva of the alpaca?

Even if you get sprayed by the alpaca's saliva, it's not so bad that you can't get married!

I think back in Gensokyo, a certain Yakumo who lived for an unknown age... Forget it, if you say her name, maybe something bad will happen, anyway, that guy was once raped by something worse It's been sprayed, and it's not good yet.

Wait... is that guy married now?

"Hey, Wei Nai, what's wrong with you?" Sensing the cold air coming, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's head trembled.

"Me." Wei Nai chuckled lightly and said quietly, "I really want to hit someone right now."

(PS: Push the book! Nan Qinli's "If I Don't Raise a Girl, I Will Die", a love story of a passer-by who slowly conquers the heroine~ Qinli said that she wanted to make a PY transaction with me. Although I don't know what it is, but listen to it It looked amazing, so I agreed...)

Chapter 142 Returning


Wei Nai raised her hand and knocked on Liuhua's head.

"Pain, pain, pain!" Liuhua squatted down with tears in her eyes, "Vina is bullying!"

"Really?" Wei Nai was unmoved, "Then next time you are naughty, I will ask Lafite to punish you."

"Woo~ Wei Nai is so scary."

"So you think it's all fault!"


Not long after, the three of Gabriel also came over, each holding dolls and figurines in their hands, but looking at Satania's dejected look, she knew that she must be Lost again in the duel.

The red-haired idiot looked at the figurine in his hand and said puzzledly, "It's strange, why do these anime characters always look like they don't change their clothes..."

Because what you said is true!

Most of the anime characters may only have one piece of clothing in their entire life. If it is rainy and the new show is delayed, and they have no income, they will even go to act as [-] forbidden doujinshi to earn living expenses!

For example, the well-known Benzina, at the hardest time, had to run more than a dozen studios a day!

Gabriel hugged the doll she caught, walked up to the two lolis and said, "Which one do you like? You can choose for yourself."

"Really, is it okay?" Xiao Xia and Xiao Ai said flattered.

"Okay." Gabriel nodded.

"Master, did we choose?" The two loli asked Hua Ye timidly.

As soon as Hua Ye was mentioned, Gabriel became angry, "Ask that big hentai what to do!"

"Hey, why does Xiaojia have such a big resentment towards classmate Hua Ye today?" Rafael blinked, stretched out his hand and nodded his lips, "I remember you were not like this before, could it be..."

Wei Nai also looked at it with a little curiosity.

"You, what are you talking about!" Gabriel shook her head hastily, "I have nothing to do with him! I just don't want to see him!"

Raphael looked at Hua Ye, and said with a smile: "Student Hua Ye, is that so?"

Hua Ye let out a sigh, "Actually..."

"Don't say it!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards his face, and a tender white hand covered Hua Ye's mouth.

"Do you want to die once?!" The useless angel lowered his voice, with shame and anger flashing in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you!"

It wasn't until Gabriel felt a burning sensation in the palm of her hand that she couldn't help but think of how she was kissed yesterday, and she was shocked, she shook her hand away with disgust in her eyes, but her face blushed involuntarily.

"It's disgusting!"

While talking, he glared at Hua Ye with an expression of "If you dare to tell the truth, I'll bite you to death", and said, "When I went to the bathroom last night, I saw this guy drinking water in the living room wearing only one piece of underwear. So it must be hentai!"

"Is that so?" Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's, that's it!" Gabriel replied with a guilty conscience.


Time passed quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, Hua Ye suddenly felt his sleeves tighten, and when he lowered his head, he saw the blue-eyed young dragon looking over with shining eyes.

"Is it already noon?" Hua Ye looked at the time and sighed, "Let's go to the buffet."

The blue-eyed young dragon decisively raised his hands in agreement: "Oh——"


"Boss." A man who looked like a manager walked into the office, "That kid came again yesterday!"


The boss was a middle-aged man in his forties. Seeing Kang Na walking in with bright eyes from the surveillance, he immediately clutched his chest in pain.

God knows how a small child eats so much food!

It can be eaten like this, it will become a great weapon in the future...

That's right, in ancient times, people's bravery was generally linked to food intake. For example, the general Xue Rengui could eat a whole sheep for a meal. "No", it is to judge Lian Po's ability to fight by judging by his food intake.

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