When they reached the door, they happened to see Lafite and his party coming out of the church.

"Vina sauce." Lafite walked over with his hands behind his back, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Why am I working so hard..." Wei Nai felt a little guilty.

Lafite smiled and said, "It must be very hard to take care of Satania and Kang Nachan, right?"

"It's not too hard..." Wei Nai coughed lightly, "Kangna-chan is very good."

The black-bellied girl blinked her eyes, "Is student Hua Ye good or not?"

Wei Nai's pretty face blushed, and she was about to look away with guilt, when she suddenly saw the narrow smile in Lafite's eyes, she immediately gritted her silver teeth: "Whether he is good or not, you should know better than me, right?"

Tax evasion has been stolen from me. At this time, I must fight back, and I will definitely not be cowardly.

"Student Hua Ye." The black long straight girl looked over pitifully.

Hua Ye walked up to Machiko, "Lafite bullied you again?"

"No." Machiko bit her pink lip and said aggrievedly, "Photography is not allowed in the church at all."

The squad leader was lured in by Lafite with the excuse of 'helping to take pictures', but as a result, pictures were not allowed in the church, and the hero was useless, so he was naturally unhappy.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "How's it going inside?"

"It's beautiful." Machiko gradually calmed down, raised her hand to pin a strand of hair behind her ear, and said softly, "There are many oil paintings and murals inside, but... the colors are too bright."

Bright colors represent enthusiasm and unrestrained. Machiko always likes to be quiet and not to move, and doesn't like bright and bright colors. For example, her room is mainly elegant and warm.

Everyone continue to hang out.

Because of the power of the Holy Light, Vinay and Satania cannot enter St. Mark's Basilica, but there is no problem with places like the Governor's Palace.

Walking to the gate of the Governor's Mansion, Alice's cell phone, which was behind, suddenly rang.

The short bean ding received a phone call, and the expression on his face suddenly became complicated.

"Hey, facial paralysis..." Alice whispered.

Hua Ye stopped and turned to look.

"You..." Alice hesitated, biting her lip and said, "Can you accompany me to a place?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

Alice blinked her eyes, the corners of her lips curled up for a moment, she turned her head and turned around, her ponytails drew two brilliant golden arcs in the sun, like exquisite handicrafts: "Then let's go."

Hua Ye said, "Don't call me Lafite?"

The short bean Ding paused, and said with a guilty conscience: "Lord Bai Yu is having a lot of fun now. It will take a long time to visit the Governor's Mansion. Let's go and come back quickly... let's go and go."


Walking to the side of the waterway, Alice waved her hand to hail a taxi, and got into the car with Hua Ye. After reporting the address, she turned her head to look at the flying scenery outside.

"It's been so many years, it feels like Venice hasn't changed much." The little bean suddenly said softly, turned to look at Hua Ye, and said with clear eyes, "Mom and Dad met because of Daoli, they got married in Venice place."

Hua Ye did not speak, but listened quietly.

He only knew that Alice was in a single-parent family. Her father had passed away when she was in elementary school. Alice's mother had been single for so many years and had never remarried. It was because she was of mixed race that she had golden hair.

"Father is not an ordinary wandering artist. He is also the heir of the family just like his mother." Alice continued, "After my father and mother got married, they gave up the inheritance rights of Idaily, and returned to Japan with my mother alone."

"At first, people in my father's family were very angry, thinking that my father had betrayed the family."

"After I was born, the relationship between the two parties gradually eased."

"When I was a child, my father would take me back to Venice every autumn to see my grandfather. I have been to Marco Polo Airport, Rainbow Island, Glass Island, and the Governor's Palace."

"Later..." Alice blinked, with a slightly sad expression, "Later, my father passed away, my grandfather and mother had a falling out, and I never came to Venice again."

Alice's mother was less than forty years old this year, that is to say, when Alice's father passed away, she was about thirty years old, undoubtedly an untimely death.

Combined with the fact that Alice's mother and grandfather had a falling out after her father died, it is clear that the cause of death was not simple.

Hua Ye didn't ask further questions.

Everyone has been dead for more than ten years, and there are no ghosts in Alice's mansion. Obviously, the soul of Alice's father either dissipated or was reincarnated.

"Hey, talk to me." The short bean clenched his fist and lightly hit Hua Ye's leg.

"What?" Hua Ye asked.

"Whatever you say." Alice puffed up her cheeks: "It really doesn't work, just squeak."


Four eyes facing each other.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "If you think too much, I won't say anything."

"Hmph." Alice's calculation failed, turned her face away, and crossed her arms and said, "Although my father has never been to Venice since his death, grandpa is still here. Now that I'm here, I must visit grandpa."

Hua Ye said, "You can video chat with your grandpa."

"No, grandpa is old-fashioned, so we can't talk at all." Alice shook her head, "There's not much to say, it's embarrassing to stare at each other..."

Talking all the way, soon came to the side of an island.

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