After paying the money, Hua Ye and Alice stepped out of the taxi.

"Grandpa's house is just ahead." Alice took the lead and walked forward, with her twin ponytails fluttering gently under the sea breeze, she snorted proudly, "Let's say it first, I brought you here just because I'm worried about being alone. In danger... Liuhua and Sata Nyan were almost tricked by the gypsies, right?"

It wasn't almost, it was already cheated away, the two idiots have no vigilance, they believe what others say, fortunately they are not ordinary people, otherwise they would have called the police right now, looking for people all over the world!

"I called you here to be a bodyguard, not to meet my parents! Don't think too much about it!"

Shut up!If you didn't tell me, you never thought of meeting your parents!

Hua Ye said, "I didn't think much about it."

Alice raised her small face and looked over with her blue eyes: "You think too much."

Hua Ye said, "What am I thinking?"

Alice said, "You know what you think."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "How would I know if you didn't tell me?"

"I don't say that you know clearly in your heart..."

"Shut up." Hua Ye's face darkened slightly, "Besides the tongue twister, believe it or not, I'm going to pick you up here?"

Alice hurriedly stretched her hands behind her back, covered her buttocks, her face flushed, and she showed her small canine teeth and shouted: "Big/pervert, wait and see, I will settle accounts with you later!"

What he said was very strong, but it was a pity that no matter how he heard it, he tasted coquettish and coquettish.

This little bean has short legs and short legs, plus it is bloated. When Hua Ye took one step, she had to take two steps to keep up. After a while, she was out of breath and couldn't help complaining: "You are so tall and dry!" Well, it would be nice to give me a little more height."



Hua Ye's poker face: "Height means more to boys than to girls."

Girls who are short can be said to be petite and exquisite, while boys who are short can only be "three inches small, bark of bark"!

"Tch." Alice curled her lips and complained, "It's not important for a boy to be tall, but it's important to be tall when he's lying down."


You can say something so dirty, you need a strong cleaning powder to clean it!

Alice blushed, and hurriedly raised her hands to cover her mouth. After seeing Hua Ye's disgusted eyes, she puffed her cheeks and put down her hands, turned her face and hummed softly, "I read this sentence from a notebook... Just say it, what's the big deal?"

It’s really not a big deal. If you don’t collect a few pornographic jokes for emergencies these days, it’s easy to lose the chain at critical moments. The problem is that you don’t blush when you say it!

"I'm just talking about it. You've already put your perversion into action, so it's not shameful."

Hua Ye's poker face: "Who is the pervert?"

"It's you." Alice raised her small face, showing her pink chin, "Your girlfriend is washing up in the bathroom, and you are picking up the fat times of your girlfriend and best friend outside. This is something that only a super pervert can do?"


Talking all the way, I soon arrived in front of the largest Gothic building on the island.

Alice finally remembered something serious: "By the way, we are here to visit grandpa, should we buy gifts?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

When visiting as a guest, gifts are naturally indispensable.

"Then what?" Alice asked. "Shall we go shopping now?"

Hua Ye said, "Do you know where to buy gifts?"

"Of course it's going to the supermarket..." Alice looked around and quickly became discouraged.

This is Venice, an unfamiliar place, and you have to take a boat to go out. Looking around the dense buildings, you can’t find where to buy gifts!

"Forget it." Alice hesitated, put the cell phone she took out back into her pocket, and said in a low voice, "I don't know how long it will take to buy gifts in a hurry... After going back, send some biscuits to grandpa? "

Hua Ye said calmly, "Yes."

Reiki biscuits are meaningless to him. They are usually given away as snacks. Hua Ye really doesn't care whether Alice eats the biscuits herself or gives them to her grandfather.


Alice raised her chin and snorted softly, the corners of her lips raised visibly.

Ring the doorbell.

Not long after, a girl in a maid outfit opened the door and said in a crisp voice, "Who are you looking for, please?"

Europe is the birthplace of maids. Compared with Japan's cute and cute maid outfits, this maid's clothes are quite heavy. Like Thor, her legs are tight and tightly wrapped under the maid outfits.

Alice said, "I'm here to visit grandpa."

"Grandpa..." The maid was stunned for a moment, then whispered, "You are?"

"Alice." When outsiders were around, the short bean's temperament changed, and she was more elegant than a noble lady, and gave an impeccable noble salute, "Alice Bellini."

"Okay, please wait a moment, both of you." The maid responded, lifted the skirt of the maid's dress and saluted, then turned around and ran into the courtyard with small steps.

"What are you looking at?" As the maid left, the little bean immediately returned to his arrogant appearance, looked over, folded his hands on his chest and hummed softly, "Grandpa is old-fashioned, he pays the most attention to various etiquette... you will wait a while When I see my grandfather, I have to salute."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Then I'll wait for you outside."

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