"No." Alice bared her teeth, "It's already here, why don't you go in?"

"Go in and meet your parents?"

"I-I didn't meet the parents!" Alice blushed, "Don't think too much about it!"

Without saying a word, the maid from before ran down, opened the door, bowed and said: "I'm sorry, Miss Alice, for neglecting you just now."

Alice shook her head: "It's okay, I haven't visited grandpa for a long time, it's normal that you don't know me... take me to visit grandpa first?"

"Okay." The maid led the way, "You two please follow me."

Walking into the house, the decoration in the house is extraordinarily luxurious. The crystal chandelier and the Persian velvet carpet on the floor all exude extravagance. In addition, there are various armors, sculptures, oil paintings and other works of art in the house, which is probably a low-key luxury. A family with connotations.

"The master is in the bedroom on the second floor. Miss Alice, please follow me."

Hua Ye and Alice followed the maid upstairs.

When I reached the second floor, I saw a tall, blond girl who was also blond and blue-eyed coming out. Her skin was snow-like and her eyes were clear. She seemed to be about the same age as Alice.

The two girls stared at each other silently for a moment, and the tall girl spoke first, "Are you...Alice?"

Alice took a deep breath: "It's me, Anna."

"Is it really Alice?" The girl blinked, with a surprised expression on her face, "I still keep the doll you gave me when I was young."

Alice was moved when she heard the words. After all these years, her childhood playmate has not forgotten herself...

As a result, Alice was not well in the next moment.


The girl named Anna suddenly let out a clear laugh like a silver bell. Instead of raising her hand to cover her mouth with restraint and elegance, she opened her mouth to laugh, revealing two rows of white teeth, and her smile was extraordinarily dazzling.


"Alice...you, how did you become like this?"

Alice wondered, "What's wrong with me?"

"I remember you are three months older than me." Anna raised her hand to cover her stomach, her body trembling with laughter, "Why, how did you become so short now?"


The height that has not grown since junior high school is one of Alice's taboos. There is no way, the more human beings lack something, the more they care about it.

It's like you can't say bald in front of a bald man. If you want to be like a pea shooter, you will probably be beaten as an old lady who can only spit date stones.

One of Alice's taboos is height.

Everyone knows that this short Douding has a strong self-esteem, and no one usually complains about her height, but as soon as we met, she was mercilessly ridiculed by her childhood playmates, which is unbearable!

"The soul is pale!"

Alice resisted the urge to lift the table, "Is this guy doing it on purpose? It must be!"

Fortunately, I was so touched just now, hurry up and give me back the touch!

Anna wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, covered her stomach and said, "I still have the photos we took together when we were young. You were a little taller than me at that time, why now..."

"Alice, come here." Anna beckoned, "Let's compare our heights."

"Go away." Alice tensed her face, "I don't want to talk to you."

Anna came over, hugged Alice's shoulders indifferently, and said in a friendly tone, "Alice is still as arrogant as she was when she was a child."

"Who is arrogant?" Alice subconsciously retorted, "I am not arrogant!"

"Then compare your height with me."

"Okay... okay you big-headed ghost!"

Alice discovered another place that made her extremely wronged.

That is milk volume.

The room was heated and the temperature was very high. The young girl Anna was only wearing a light blue pajamas. Between the buttons opening and closing, one could see a deep ravine looming.


(It actually looks similar to Master Bai Yu.)

(What did this idiot eat to grow so big?

(Or is it said that he received the attribute bonus of 'big breasts and no brains'!)

Watching her former childhood playmate unknowingly become a Big Mac, Alice's whole body is not well. This kind of critical damage from her childhood playmate is simply explosive!

This kind of guy who betrayed his childhood revolutionary friendship should be pulled out to face the wall and think for half an hour!

"Cousin Alice, give me a hug."

"Don't... woo!"

"Cough cough cough."

It took a while before Alice broke free from the girl Anna's chest, her face flushed red, not from suffocation, but from anger.

The facial cleanser from childhood playmates, the most annoying!

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