Alice decisively admitted her mistake, then moved close to Lafite's ear, and whispered what happened this afternoon. Of course, she only said things like 'living together', 'one hour at a time' and 'favorite position' , will definitely not say it.

"I, I can't help it either."

"I wanted to explain it to Anna for a long time, but, but..."

"Well, I understand." Lafite nodded, "Alice's words are easy to understand."

Of course it's easy to understand, obviously I have no experience at all, but I insist on pretending to be the old Si Ji of Qiu Mingshan, and I have to make up for it with another lie. To save face and suffer' ah!

"Well, the smell is super good. I've never smelled such a good smell. Xiaoye must be a super rare human being, right?"

Sorry, I am not human at all, what you smell is not human!

With both hands behind Hua Ye's back, Anna leaned forward slightly, the big rabbit on her chest hopped up and down, her nose sniffed Hua Ye's body: "I will sleep in Xiao Ye's arms at night."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "No."

"Why?" Anna pouted, "Obviously we've already dated, so it's normal to hug and sleep together?"

Normal your sister!Leaving aside the fact that there is no relationship at all, you can see that it is ADHD type, and you will definitely roll around at night when you sleep, if you are accidentally pressed on your face by your rabbit, suffocation and murder will happen!

"Student Hua Ye." Lafite waved and shouted, "Come here."

Hua Ye walked to Lafite's side.

"Sit down and talk." The black-bellied girl patted the side of the bed and blinked, "Is the thing Hua Ye is carrying snacks?"

Hua Ye said, "The chocolates and snacks I just bought at the supermarket."

Lafite said, "I want to eat."


"Classmate Hua Ye feed me."


Hua Ye picked up a chocolate ball, peeled it off, and handed it to Lafite.


This dark-bellied girl slightly parted her pink lips, looked up with her big bright eyes, and gently bit Hua Ye's fingers with her white teeth.


It's agreed to eat chocolate, what kind of trouble is it to bite your fingers and not let go!

"Hey." Anna's eyes lit up, and she said expectantly, "I want to eat too."

Alice took out a chocolate: "If you want to eat, take it yourself."

"No." Anna shook her head, opened her eyes wide, and looked at Hua Ye expectantly, "I want Xiao Ye to feed me."

A row of black lines fell above Alice's head.

"Stupid Anna, show me some restraint!"

It's only been half a day since I've known each other, but I'm so shameless that I want to post it upside down. It smells good, so don't be so exaggerated!

"Mom said that the world is so big, it is very, very difficult to meet someone you really like." Anna said seriously, "So you must not miss it when you meet, or you will regret it for life."

He is obviously a big-chested and brainless idiot, so don't suddenly say such philosophical words!

Alice couldn't help complaining: "You don't like people, it's just the smell of this big-faced paralyzed body, it's not really like at all."

"What does it matter?" Anna tilted her head, unable to explain, "If you love someone, you will also fall in love with the crow on his head..."

"It's not the top of the head, it's the roof!" Alice complained, "No one will let the crow stand on the top of the head!"

"Xiao Ye smells so good. Over the years, he is the one I have met with the best smell." Anna has reason and evidence, which makes it impossible to refute, "Because of the good smell, Ai Wu and Wu like Xiao Ye. People, are you okay?"


Alice was speechless, and suddenly felt that the brain circuit of a fool might be different from that of ordinary people.

Otherwise, who would fall in love with a boy who has only known each other for a long time, just because this boy is good-looking and smells good?

and many more……

Some face-controlling girls, as long as the boys are handsome, they will fall in love with each other at a glance, and even want to have children for each other without asking for anything in return!

"Okay, don't make noise." Lafite took a few chocolate balls from the bag and shared one with each of them, "Eat a piece of chocolate to calm down the shock."

Hua Ye took the chocolate and didn't intend to eat it. He has no interest in snacks, so there's nothing he can do about it. Who made his desire for "appetite" quite indifferent.

"Mr. Paralyzed, eat one too." Lafite blinked quietly, with the corners of his lips upturned, revealing a cute and cute black-bellied smile, "It's interesting to eat together."


Make trouble, right?

When I saw you showing a dark smile, I knew you must be trying to make trouble!

"Hmm—" After eating the chocolate, Lafite began to get into trouble, frowned, and said pitifully, "This chocolate is so bitter."

"Hey, how could it be bitter?" Anna was puzzled, she stretched out the tip of her pink tongue and licked her lips, wondering, "It was sweet when I ate it just now."

"Alice." Lafite turned his head to look, "What do you think?"

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