"That..." Alice hesitated, and finally betrayed her conscience, closed her eyes and said, "I also feel a little bit bitter."


Hey, are you referring to Zhao Gao who is like a horse?Zhao Gao turned a deer into a horse, you just ate sweet chocolate and insisted it was bitter!

"Where's classmate Hua Ye?" Lafite turned his eyes and looked over.

Hua Ye's poker face: "It's sweet."

I am not afraid of power like Short Douding, I can make troubles, but I can't tell lies.

"I'll just say it." Anna breathed a sigh of relief, took another piece of chocolate and threw it into her mouth, her cheeks puffed up, and said vaguely, "Chocolate is obviously sweet, so sweet, so sweet."

Lafite said, "It's not sweet."

Anna said, "Sweet."

"Maybe the piece of chocolate I just ate was a bit bitter?" The black-bellied girl looked at Hua Ye, her eyes flickering, "Student Hua Ye, come and taste it."

"I've already eaten it, how can I taste it?" Anna asked curiously.

Lafite didn't speak, but covered his chest with one hand, leaned forward, and his pink lips touched Hua Ye's.


Anna was shocked immediately, her mouth opened, and a shocked 0v0 face appeared on her face.

"Student Hua Ye." The black-bellied girl raised her hand to play with the hair beside her ears, her pretty face blushing, "Is chocolate sweet or bitter?"

Hua Ye was silent for a moment: "Bitter."


Alice turned her head to look at her stunned childhood playmate, and sighed softly.

It's useless, give up.

Naturally, staying in front of a black belly has no chance of winning.

Master Bai Yu is already able to treat a deer as a horse, you are doomed!


Hua Ye walked out of Lafite and Alice's room. After the rounds were completed, he was about to go back to the room to rest, when the door beside him suddenly opened, and the little red-haired devil in a dolphin pajamas poked his face out.

After seeing Hua Ye, the idiot's eyes lit up, and a small canine tooth full of vigor appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said vigorously, "Did the attendant come to play with me?"

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "No."

"Hmm..." Satania blinked, and suddenly raised her hands above her head, "The evil king Yan killed Hei Longbo!"

Hua Ye's face darkened, and he raised his hand to pinch the cheek of this stupid little devil.

Do you think it is a voice-activated light, as long as you shout this second line, it will hit your head? Don't be kidding, there is no such a bad weakness at all!

"Woo..." Satania turned her face away, tears streaming down her face, "It hurts."

If you know the pain, you should have a longer memory. Next time you call Xie Wang Yansha, it will not be as simple as pinching your face!

"It's too much for an attendant." Satania rubbed her face and puffed her cheeks and said, "I'm ready, but you didn't knock my head and secretly pinched my face. What about the trust between people?"

Hua Ye said: "I'm aboveboard, I'm not sneaky."

"Hmph." Satania snorted softly, "It's obvious that I sneaked in while I wasn't paying attention..."

The idiot rolled his eyes, "The evil king Yansha..."


Hua Ye raised his hand and tapped a chestnut chisel.

"It hurts." Satania raised her hands and hugged her head, screaming for pain, and yelled, "Sneak attacking me again, we agreed to pinch my face!"

Hua Ye's poker face: "I never said that."

No matter whether you pinch your face or hit your head, even if you are prepared, the result will still not change. It's like you have been playing boxing game every day, and you have lost for more than a month in a row, and you haven't won once so far!

"I'm angry." Satania puffed up her cheeks, her wine-red eyes looked over without blinking, "Stare—"

Hua Ye turned around and prepared to leave: "I'm going back."

"Hey, don't go." The idiot little devil hurriedly grabbed Hua Ye, "The attendant is too eccentric. If Vinette said she was angry in the afternoon, you should give her the collar. I said you have to go back, obviously I am yours. Master!"

The master is just a self-proclaimed one, you have never admitted it. You have been a "lord" for so long, and you have never paid a salary. The only reward is the pineapple bag. The people under you have long starved to death. !

"The attendant came in to play." Satania pulled Hua Ye into the room, "The courier I bought yesterday has arrived, let you see how good I am."

A black line fell from the top of Hua Ye's head, and he walked into the room and said, "Aren't you poor and poor, where do you get the money to buy props?"

There is no doubt that this courier must be the messy props recommended by the shopping channel, otherwise it would not be sent here.

Satania pinched her waist with one hand and raised her snowy chin: "Can you buy it with a loan?"

"Loan?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, thinking of many news about the campus loan getting into the pit, and finally getting into the quagmire, he said in a deep voice, "Who got you the loan?"

If someone contacts Satania in private and tricks this idiot into taking usury or something... no matter who it is, they will have to pay the price.

Even if it is a fool, not everyone can be bullied.

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