"Hey, there seems to be something on Shihua's neck?" Satania had sharp eyes and saw a strange pattern on the back of Shihua's neck.

Hua Ye said calmly, "That's a tattoo."

"Strange, why is there a tattoo on the back of Sister Shihua's neck?" Satania asked curiously.

Liuhua shook her head, "I don't know either."

"Tattoos are generally used to show personality, and have no real effect." Hua Ye said blankly, "It is one of the popular elements in the second period."

Satania: "..."

No wonder Shihua always wears a collar, it turns out it is to cover up the tattoos on her neck!

Forget about the scars, the existence of tattoos can only prove that Shihua also had a period of middle school and second stage, and they are indeed sisters. Not only the stupid hair on the top of the head is exactly the same, but all of them have the second middle school label on the attribute panel!


Shihua is still dancing.

There is a common high-kick movement in ballet. Shihua raises his hands above his head, touches the toes of his left foot, and kicks his right leg high.

This time, the black fat was completely exposed to Hua Ye's sight.

It is not made of lace, nor is it sexy underwear, which makes people a little disappointed.

"Sister, sister, your fat times are showing!"

Liuhua hurriedly reminded.

Unfortunately it didn't work.

Shihua still pursed her pink lips without saying a word, and continued to dance meticulously, but her fair and pretty face was flushed with a large amount of blush, like the sunset in the sky, and her wine red eyes were also rippled, obviously her heart was not peaceful .

To be precise, it's pretty embarrassing.

In front of my younger sister and juniors, dancing in a bathrobe, even showing my fat times, the level of shame has almost reached the limit of human beings!

"It's amazing." Satania opened her eyes wide and worshiped, "Sister Shihua can lift her legs so high. I learned it once from the TV. My thighs hurt so much."

"My sister's dream was to be a gymnast. Her body is super flexible. I even helped my sister press her legs before."

Liuhua raised her chin and answered proudly.

After finishing speaking, I don't know what I thought of, my eyes dimmed, and the dull hair on the top of my head also fell down.

Before his father passed away, the family of four lived a happy life. Shihua liked gymnastics and won prizes in school-level competitions. He also restricted his diet and exercised frequently at home.

After her father passed away, Shihua had to give up her dream of being a gymnast and learn Italian cuisine to become a chef.

Now that he can still perform such professional movements, it is obvious that he has never given up exercising on weekdays.

(If it's not for yourself, sister should be chasing her dream, right?)

Hua Ye held the dumb hair on top of Liuhua's head, and gently lifted it upwards.

"Brave, it hurts." Liuhua put her head in her hands, put the sadness behind her, and said pitifully, "Don't pull my stupid hair, it's an antenna that receives signals from outer space..."

Hua Ye said, "My hair is dry."

"Thank you Brave." Liuhua took the towel, stood up and said, "The towel is so wet...I'll go and put the towel back in the bathroom."

Liuhua walked halfway, and suddenly shouted: "Hey, the bathrobe is loose."

There is no way, the bathrobe is not formal clothes after all, with the spinning and jumping of the ten flowers, the bathrobe finally lost its protective ability, and slid down one shoulder, revealing the snow-white and slender neck and the round and white shoulders soon.

"Sister, the clothes are about to fall off!"

Liuhua yelled, and hurriedly reached out to help Shihua pull the bathrobe, but unfortunately she was flat-chested and short-legged, and although she grabbed the neckline of the bathrobe, she was unable to lift the bathrobe up. The bathrobe was ripped off!

The room seemed to brighten up for a moment.

The beautiful, snow-white and flawless body is exposed to the air without any cover, and reflects the dazzling delicate luster under the light. Can't be overemphasized.


The room suddenly fell silent.

Girls basically don't wear underwear to sleep after taking a bath, because it is uncomfortable and affects development, which is the case with ten flowers.

The result is... the little rabbit is white and white, with two ears pricked up!


The sound of steam burning sounded.

Shihua is still under the influence of magic, unable to speak, unable to control the body, but her shame is not restrained.

At this moment, even the always calm and composed sister Gao Lengyu, her shame broke through the sky in an instant, reaching the level of exploding on the spot!

The blush on Shi Huaqiao's face quickly turned to blood red, and white water vapor even came out from the top of her head, emitting astonishing heat, making people worry that they would burn their fingers if they touched it.

"Sister, sister?" Liuhua yelled nervously, "I didn't mean it just now, the yukata fell off by itself!"

It wasn't intentional, but it's a fact that it's a disservice to be kind. Just wait to be killed by Shihua holding her sister in her arms again at night!

"Brave, what should we do?" Liuhua looked anxiously, "If this continues, my sister will be broken."

You underestimated your sister's strong character, you just exposed your body, you haven't defeated your sister yet!

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