"Let me look at the manual."

Satania also realized the seriousness of the matter. The Shihua people don't talk too much, and they are surrounded by a strong aura. Now that such a shameful thing happened, they will definitely get angry later.

"I'll do it." Hua Ye stood up with a calm face.

By the time this idiot finds the manual, and then finds the way to dispel the magic with a snail-like reading speed, the ten flowers are already cold!

"Brave, hurry up." Liuhua urged nervously.

Hua Ye took two steps forward, walked in front of Shihua, looked at each other, and could clearly see the shame that was about to overflow from Shihua's eyes.


Hua Ye bent a finger, and lightly flicked Shihua's forehead in the middle.

The magic fairy wand is a children's toy, and the magic inside is also at the kindergarten level. In front of Hua Ye, it can be dispelled with one finger.

Shihua suddenly regained control of her body, and before she had time to be surprised, she felt her feet go soft, and her body involuntarily threw herself forward, directly into Hua Ye's arms.


The sound of rapid breathing rang in Hua Ye's ears, sweet and moist, which made people's ears itchy.

Hua Ye took a step back, ready to distance himself.

"Don't, don't move."

Shihua opened her arms and hugged Hua Ye with her backhand. The big rabbit on her chest pressed tightly against Hua Ye's chest. Even through the clothes, she could still feel the amazing elasticity and softness.

Shihua bit her lower lip, her hot breath fell on Hua Ye's ears, her voice was no longer as cold as before, "Put me to bed."


Hey, you are wrong!The magic just now just makes you dance, it doesn't have the effect of making you in heat at all!It's just a dance, how did you jump out of the idea of ​​mating!Liuhua and Satania are still nearby, do you want to teach them physical health knowledge in a practical way!

"No." Hua Ye said, "You haven't passed your menstrual period yet..."

Shihua's menstrual period has not yet passed, and doing strange things now always feels super bad, and she will lose her qualifications as a human being!

"What are you thinking?" Shihua said angrily, and raised her hand to pinch Hua Ye's waist, "I sprained my ankle!"

Sure enough, every girl has the gene of a lobster star. The trick of reaching out and pinching her waist is clearly a skill that everyone can learn without a teacher!

Hua Ye picked up Shihua and put her on the bed.

Shi Hua covered her chest with one hand, and after sitting down, she quickly pulled up the quilt to cover her body, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Liuhua." Shihua raised her hand and pinned the hair that was hanging down in front of her eyes behind her ears, the blush on her face still remained, and she ordered, "Bring me the pajamas."

"Understood, sister." Liuhua hurriedly took the pajamas and handed them to Shihua.

Shi Hua grabbed the quilt with one hand, covered her chest, and looked at Hua Ye with piercing eyes: "Turn around."

"You are deluding yourself."

The bathrobe fell off during the dance just now, and the outline of the size is completely visible. It is meaningless to turn it around now!

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone and turned around.

There was the rustling of clothes being put on behind him.

Not long after, Liuhua's cold voice sounded again: "Okay, turn around."

"What happened just now?" Shihua squinted her eyes, and Gao Leng Yujie's aura was fully activated, directly suppressing the audience.

Satania lowered her head and apologized softly, "I'm sorry, Sister Shihua, it's my fault."

"Huh? Satania?" Shihua raised her eyebrows lightly, then turned to look at Hua Ye, "Don't let Satania take the blame."


Your uncle, who made her take the blame!Don't wrong people casually!

Hua Ye said blankly, "I don't."

"Aren't you..." Shihua paused, and although he didn't say the following words, everyone knew, "Aren't you an Onmyoji, who else would you be?"

I'm sorry, 'Onmyoji' doesn't have the ability to use magic yet, if you really want to do it, Satania can beat ten Onmyoji with one hand!

"It's not the attendant's fault." Satania lowered her head and said dejectedly, "Sister Shihua punish me, it has nothing to do with the attendant."

Shihua's pretty face turned frosty, and she looked at Hua Ye: "Boys must be brave."

If you do it, you will naturally admit it, but the problem is that you didn’t do it at all. At this time, admitting it is not "dare to do it", but to take the blame, okay!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and looked down at Shihua.

"What are you looking at?" Ten Flowers looked up vigilantly.

Hua Ye's poker face: "If you say no, you don't have it. If you don't believe it, the consequences will be very serious."

Shihua slightly raised her eyebrows: "What consequences?"

"Slap you." Hua Ye replied simply.


Shihua was silent for a moment, at least she didn't say "I don't believe it", otherwise she would lose face in front of Liuhua and lose her dignity.

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