
Taplis opened his eyes wide, showing a familiar shocked face 0v0.

"Ju, there are girls who don't wear fat clothes?"

There are not only girls who don't wear fat times, but there are a lot of them!Especially in winter, many girls with poor breasts like to go to school without bras... It has nothing to do with clairvoyance, and a simple analysis of behavior and demeanor can draw conclusions.

"This kind of behavior is too unclean!" Taplis's eyes turned into mathematical symbols, "It must be harmonious, otherwise it will deepen the sin!"

Illya calmly said: "As a maid, the highest action target is to please the master."

To put it simply, if Hua Ye didn't want to move, Ilya would silently push his butt from behind.

"This kind of thinking...isn't it a maid?"

Tapless couldn't accept it.

Liuhua whispered: "Ilya is a maid from heaven picked up by the brave man, and her favorability has reached full value, so she said strange things."

Gabriel ignored the controversy over the maid's way, walked slowly to the kotatsu, connected the computer to the power supply, clicked on it to turn it on, then propped her chin with one hand, turned to look at Hua Ye and said, "I'm hungry."

If you are hungry, go to the kitchen to help, don't sit there just waiting to eat!

Hua Ye looked at Ilya: "Go to the kitchen and wash the ingredients."

"Yes, Master."

Ilya bowed and saluted, then turned and walked into the kitchen. The skirt of the maid's skirt fluttered slightly as she walked, making Taplis super worried that she might suddenly disappear.

Fortunately, the incident did not happen.

Taplis breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Hua Ye, opened his eyes wide and said, "Senior, don't do strange things to the maid."

Hua Ye said, "What is a strange thing?"

"That's, that's..." Taplis hesitated, his small face flushed at a speed visible to the naked eye, he squeezed the corner of his clothes with both hands, closed his eyes and said pitifully, "It's about H."

"Taking advantage of others' danger is the worst."

"The family of the missing maid must be very worried, right?"

"If the senpai does something nasty to the maid, even if you go through the back door of Master Gailu, you won't be able to go to heaven."

"Tap sauce." Liuhua interjected and said in a low voice, "I heard people say that boys like H very much. It would be terrible if they don't release it. It's like a balloon. If you keep blowing it in, it will eventually 'bang' ’ sound exploded.”

"Is there really such a thing?" Taplis was dubious.

"That's right." Liuhua nodded solemnly, then put her hand on the blindfold, and said in a serious tone, "Yesterday you said in church 'I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell', let me help the brave man tonight." 【Beep—】Let's go."

"Hey, did I say this yesterday?" Taplis was a little stunned, tilting his head and thinking for a while, "No, what I said seems to be that God loves the world, and only by dedicating his body can he have a pure and flawless life." faith..."

Hearing this sentence, a black line fell on the top of Hua Ye's head, and he couldn't help but think of the book recommended by Dirty Lolita before.

An ignorant and ignorant shrine maiden who lives deep in the mountains, and takes saving the world as her mission.

As a result, a group of military officers suddenly broke in from the deep mountains, begging the witch to help get rid of the evil spirits in their bodies.

The way of exorcising demons... is that the priestess uses her body to drive away the demons!

With the brain circuit of an idiot schoolgirl, maybe she will really dedicate herself to save the world for the belief of 'God loves the world'!

"That's right, that's the sentence." Taplis blushed again, clenched his fists and pressed his chest, and stammered in a low voice, "If, if sacrificing yourself can make the senior go on the right path, I, I, I……"

"Taplis." Gabriel called with one hand on her chin, "Come and eat oranges."

"I'm watching this facial paralysis."

"If he dares to do strange things to the maid, he will break his three legs."

"Understood, Senior Gabriel." Taplis breathed a sigh of relief, went to sit by the kotatsu, and then asked curiously, "Senior only has two legs, why did Senior Gabriel say he planned to have three legs? "

"I know, I know." Liuhua raised her little hand, and the hair on the top of her head swayed, "The third leg of the brave man is..."


Gabriel raised his hand and tapped a chestnut chisel.

"Oh." Liuhua raised her hands and hugged her head, lying on the futon, "Why did Xiaojia hit me?"

Gabriel squinted her eyes: "Try to see if it feels comfortable."

"Is that comfortable?"

"I don't know, let me try again."

"No, it hurts."



"I'm done eating." Taplis clasped his hands together, with an extremely happy expression on his face, "Senior's tofu is the best."

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye took out a napkin and handed it over: "Wipe your mouth."

Wipe your mouth clean before you speak!It’s okay to drink yogurt and lick the bottle cap, but it’s too bad to lick the plate!

"Thank you senior." Taplis quickly stood up, reluctantly said, "Senior, Senior Gabriel, I'm going back."

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