Taplis will graduate from the Angel School next year, and now he cannot stay in the human world. His wish to eat mapo tofu is fulfilled, so he will naturally return to the heaven.

"It's getting dark outside, why don't Tapu stay here?" Liuhua and Taplis have a good relationship, and the three of them have similar IQs. They are commonly known as the idiot trio, and they can just play together, "One girl It is very easy for a person to encounter terrible idiots when walking at night."

Don't worry about it at all!Although Taplis is an idiot, her force value is there. Unless she is a Godzilla-level idiot, don’t try to catch her to do strange things. Begging at the gate of the park with a frisbee!

Hua Ye stood up silently.

"Hey." Liuhua raised her face and looked up, "The brave man wants to send Tapu home?"

"No." Hua Ye said blankly, "I'll take Kangna home."


Hua Ye led Kang Na to the corridor. After Ilya came back, he didn't need to ask about things like tidying up the room and cleaning.

Quickly walked downstairs to the apartment.

Cold wind blows.

Tapless folded his arms, trembling.

"Okay, it's cold."

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Why are you in a hurry to change clothes?"

When this idiot schoolgirl went out, she changed her warm winter clothes into an angel school uniform, and now she was wearing a light blue scarf. Her two delicate white arms were exposed to the cold wind of the winter night. No wonder it wasn’t cold. what!

"Because those clothes can't pass the security check." Taplis sniffled and said in a low voice, "Besides...it's not cold in the sky, so you don't need to take them back. Why don't you stay at Senior Gabriel's house and come next time?" Wear it when you are in the world."

"Ah, Ah Choo!"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "If you continue like this, you will catch a cold."

"Hey, what is a cold?" Taplis tilted his head and looked.

"It's just sick." Kang Na said softly, "Little Lin caught a cold a few days ago, had a headache, a sore throat, and a runny nose. He looked really uncomfortable."

"No." Taplis waved his hand, showing a bright smile, "I won't catch a cold."

Wei Nai once caught a cold in the rain, demons can catch a cold, and angels can also catch a cold, even this blue-eyed young dragon has the possibility of catching a cold!

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and said calmly, "Grab it."


Taplis blinked, looked at Kang Na who grabbed Hua Ye's finger, did not refuse, and grabbed Hua Ye's finger with a blushing face.

One has two.

Shivering in the cold wind three days ago, he kept warm by holding Hua Ye, and doing it again now... is no longer a big deal.

"Senior's hands are so warm." Taplis looked up, his azure blue eyes were particularly shining in the night, "I don't feel cold all of a sudden."


"Senior, senior, are boys' hands so warm?"


"Hey, I thought boys were all the same."

Soon walking near a snack street, the sweet aroma of cakes, the aroma of fried onions, ginger, and garlic, and the aroma of various dishes wafted through the nostrils, and the crowds were noisy and extremely lively.

"Hey, is that Takoyaki?"

Taplis looked towards the source of the scent, the expression on his face was like a dog waiting to be fed.

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Didn't you eat enough tonight?"

"Eat, I'm full." Taplis blushed slightly, stretched out a little finger, and said with wandering eyes, "But I can eat a little more, just, just a little bit."

Kang Na looked up and said, "I can eat a little too."

Forget about Tapris, your little bit is actually eaten from the street to the end of the street!

"One serving per person."

Hua Ye stopped and started to line up.

Taplis looked left and right, and asked curiously: "Senior, why are you holding hands? They shouldn't be afraid of the cold, right?"

The owner of the takoyaki stall is a middle-aged aunt in her forties, and she laughed when she heard this: "Because when you are dating, you can hold hands so you won't get lost."

Taplis was taken aback, his eyes were cute: "Acquaintance?"

"That's right, holding hands is the proof and announcement of a relationship."


Taplis opened his eyes wide and looked down at the hands he and Hua Ye were holding together.

(Auntie said that holding hands is the proof of relationship...)

(Could it be that I'm dating a senior?!)

(Acquaintance or something...)

"Your takoyaki is ready."

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