The stall owner aunt handed over the takoyaki.

The idiot school girl trembled all over, and finally came to her senses, her little face flushed suddenly, she let go of Hua Ye's hand like an electric shock, and hurriedly put her hands behind her back: "Yes, I'm sorry senior, we can't date, I, I'm still young ..."

Little sister, although she has a loli face, she has already left your senior Gabriel behind in terms of height and breast volume!

"It's not too young." Before Hua Ye could speak, the aunt who was next to the stall owner laughed, "When I was your age, I was already married and had children."

"Birth, have a baby?!" Taplis suddenly opened his eyes wide, put his hand on his lower abdomen, and muttered to himself, "No wonder I woke up with a stomachache this morning. So I'm pregnant with the senior's child?"

Shut up, I didn't even touch you, how did I get you pregnant!You obviously didn't cover the quilt when you slept at night, so you must be a little bit cold!

"Boy, it's amazing."

The aunt gave Hua Ye an appreciative look, "Now the fertility rate continues to drop, all because young people don't get married and get married late. If they were like you, the problem of negative population growth would have been solved long ago."

You are so worried about the country and the people, does the prime minister know?It is really a waste of talents to not let you join the cabinet to solve the problem of negative population growth!

"Hold your takoyaki." Hua Ye's face darkened, and he handed the takoyaki to Taplis.

"U-senpai..." Taplis said with tears in his eyes, "What should we do now?"

"I can't go back to heaven if I'm pregnant with a baby."

"Otherwise the baby will be aborted."

Hit your sister, you are still a child who has not grown up, don't suddenly worry about your future children!

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye silently took out his phone from his pocket, unlocked the screen, and said, "Come here, open your eyes and see clearly."

"What are you looking at?" Taplis sniffled and leaned over.

Hua Ye said: "Look at the necessary steps to give birth."

When Taplis came to the world last time, Hua Ye and Lafite gave her a copy of "Physical Health Knowledge Encyclopedia", but unfortunately it was confiscated by the security personnel. Until now, Taplis is still a pure girl, white a piece of paper.

At this moment, it is necessary to tell Taplis face-to-face the necessary steps to give birth to a child!

Hua Ye swiped the screen, and soon found a colorful teaching chapter with pictures and texts, telling the origin and birth of life in a vivid way.

"Y-so that's the case?" Taplis looked at Hua Ye, "I'm not pregnant with the senior's baby?"

Hua Ye said, "Absolutely not."

The idiot junior tilted her head, still a little worried, "We just held hands, will senior's [beep-] come running over?"

"No." Hua Ye said with vacant eyes, "If you want to go there, there is a necessary step that you can't miss."

"Hey, what steps?"

Hua Ye said: "When I was camping in autumn, you saw the Lianliankan steps in the Internet cafe."

"Lian, Lianliankan..."

Under Hua Ye's reminder, the terrible memory of being sealed soon turned up a corner, and Taplis finally recalled the fear of being dominated by Bai Huahua's body that day, as well as the humiliation of watching it face to face.

The face of the idiot school girl turned blood red, and water vapor came out from the top of her head, and she stammered and shouted: "School, senior is so hot!! I want to harmonize you!"

Chapter 1479 Thor's Back Wash

"Senior is too hot!"

Taplis's face was flushed red, showing the flustered and frightened little hamster Yan Yi on his face, and he hurriedly backed away, as if Hua Ye would turn into a werewolf in the next second and hold her down to play Lianliankan.

Then... the cold wind of the winter night quickly made her realize the reality.

It's really impossible to leave Hua Ye.


A gust of cold wind blew by, and the idiot schoolgirl hurriedly embraced her arms, swinging in the cold wind.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Come here."

Taplis's face was flushed, and he hesitated and said: "Senior, senior promise me first, you can't do those terrible things to me."

If you want to do it, you have to ask others whether they agree or not. The angels will catch a lot of them, and they won't take a fancy to you at all!

Hua Ye said, "Don't worry, it's none of your business."


Only then did Taplis come back slowly, with a flushed face, he grabbed one of Hua Ye's fingers. Walking around the street in such a cold day wearing a short-sleeved short skirt, even an angel couldn't bear it.

"Young man, you are very good." The aunt who sells takoyaki gave Hua Ye an appreciative look, "Well done."

You're enough, it's because she doesn't want to wear clothes to come out, so she doesn't want to take advantage of her on purpose!It's just a finger grab, what a bargain!

"Just holding hands is not enough."

The aunt looked serious, and looked at Taplis seriously.


Tapu sauce, who was about to eat octopus balls, looked up cutely.

"If you wear so little clothes, you will definitely catch a cold." The aunt pointed to a passing couple, "You two should learn the correct warming posture like that couple."

Taplis turned his head and saw a man and a woman passing by. It was not the most common hand-holding gesture, but a super-intimate gesture of a man holding a woman in his arms.

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