Hua Ye said: "I am in good health."

"There is no smell of tobacco and alcohol, and no smell of illness. The heartbeat, breathing, and skin elasticity are all normal. It is indeed the healthiest human being I have ever seen." Thor turned his head and looked, "But I am You took out the ultimate move, but you didn't react at all... Doesn't it look right anyway?"

Big breasts and raised buttocks are great. Don’t think that everyone will be in love with you. Although the desire to mate is one of the root desires, it has been completely controlled and will not escape control because of your bubble bath!

The footsteps of "Papa Papa" sounded.

Turning his head and looking out, a figure only [-] meters tall appeared outside the bathroom door.

"Master Thor." The voice of the blue-eyed young dragon Kang Na came in from outside the door, "I want to take a bath too."

Thor agreed: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, the dragon maid came to her senses.

"Wait a moment."

"Xiao Ye is a lolicon, will Kang Na be in danger if she takes a shower with us?"

"In case Xiaoye couldn't help the lolicon spirit in his heart, and stretched out his claws to Kang Na, after being beaten, he might end up crying to Xiao Lin."

"Shut up." Hua Ye couldn't bear it anymore, don't tell me what's on his mind, he can hear it clearly, "I'm done washing."

"Well then, Xiao Ye is very clean, so he doesn't need to wash for too long." Thor nodded, forgetting that he should cover his chest, "Rinse your body, and then go into the bathtub to take a bath."

While speaking, Thor turned and opened the bathroom door, looking at the blue-eyed young dragon standing outside the door: "Konna, do you want to wash after we finish washing, or do we wash together?"

"Wash together." The blue-eyed young dragon looked up, not the slightest bit shy about the mixed bath, and said softly, "Caichuan sent me a message to chat with me later, so I want to hurry up." Take a shower."

"The people next to the plane smelled so badly of cigarette smoke."

Kang Na didn't care, and Thor naturally didn't care, "Okay, come in and wash together, I'll wash your hair for you, Xiao Ye is taking a bath, when you finish washing, it should be almost done."


Lions and tigers in the zoo are not ashamed of not wearing clothes, and the same applies to Thor and Connor-these dragon girls also have no concept of wearing clothes when they are in dragon form.

The blue-eyed baby dragon handed over a change of clothes, then stood at the door of the bathroom and began to undress.

First of all, the coat and skirt, put them directly into the changing basket after taking them off, and leave them for Thor to wash tomorrow, and then the braids that Wei Nai took a long time to weave. It hangs down to the bend of the legs, covering the body, and you can vaguely see a cartoon crab Pangci... Hua Ye couldn't help but think of the shells, crabs, conch, and turtles thrown into the mouth by this blue-eyed young dragon during the island vacation. Eggs and other seafood.

"Xiaoye, don't look, just turn your head away."

You are so embarrassed to take it off, why should others be embarrassed to look at it!


Thor opened his eyes wide, and the golden dragon's vertical pupil fired pressure at Hua Ye, pinched his waist with one hand and said, "Kangna's parents are very powerful. If you are in love with Kangna, be careful that your legs will be broken by them."

Hua Ye was not afraid at all.

Not to mention parents, even if Kang Na's grandparents, uncles and aunts come together in a group, I can beat them into obedience!

Hua Ye quickly retracted his gaze, he was not interested in the bare-bottomed blue-eyed baby dragon, because it was still a juvenile, others were Xiao He who showed his sharp horns, and Kang Na hadn't even broken ground yet!

When he was resting at Chiba Shrine, he had already taken a loli bath, and now he subconsciously compared Kanna with Hinata and Rena... The deepest impression was the pair of little girls who were far beyond ordinary lolita. Thick legs!

This blue-eyed baby dragon sat on a small plastic stool, the horns on the top of its head were not hidden, and a tail like a ball of yarn protruded from the back of its buttocks.


Thor squatted next to Conna, holding the shower and helping Conna wash her hair.

"Kangna, do you care if Dali is having fun?"

"Happy." Connor said, "I ate a lot of delicious food, chocolate, pasta, pizza, snowball ice cream..."

Sure enough, at this age, there is only appetite, no sexual desire, no wonder children are carefree, as long as they feed every day, Kang Na can be happy every day!

"I want to eat too." Thor turned his head to look at Hua Ye, his eyes sparkled, and he asked with anticipation, "Will Xiao Ye do it?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "Before you speak, wipe off your saliva first."

Thor raised his hand to wipe his mouth, and inevitably made the big rabbit on his chest bounce again, "You don't take me with you every time you go out to play, I want to eat delicious food too."

Xiao Lin is still working overtime at home, even if he takes you there, you won't agree.

Hua Ye said: "There are teaching videos on the Internet, you can do it yourself."

"It feels like a lot of people are posing for pictures, the amount of seasoning is not precise enough, and the heat is not well controlled. According to their method, even if it is made, it will definitely not taste very good." Thor shook his head, criticizing, "The most annoying It’s a certain food blogger, who is clearly using the signboard of ‘home-cooked food’, and always says that the hot pot is full of oil, and a whole bucket of vegetable oil is not enough to pour it in.”

Hua Ye said speechlessly: "Just look at it, don't follow suit."

"I definitely won't learn." Thor shook his head. "Based on his actions, Xiaolin will soon fall into a deficit crisis, and he won't even be able to pay the rent!"

"Okay, I've washed my hair." Thor rinsed Kang Na's hair and said with satisfaction, "Go take a bath."

The bathroom is not big, and the bathtub is naturally small. Hua Ye stood up silently, not at all interested in taking a bath with this blue-eyed young dragon.

"Konna, children can't watch." Thor stepped forward and covered Kangna's eyes.

Your reaction is too slow, you have already seen it, okay?Calculated by human age, this blue-eyed young dragon is nearly [-] years old, definitely not a child!

"Xiaoye, hurry up and get out." Thor urged, then looked down, "Hey, nothing has changed, isn't it Lolicon?"

Hua Ye said with a blank expression: "It's not a lolicon, but it's fine to accuse you."

"No." Thor shook his head, "I only like Xiaolin alone, and I will never change my mind. You go to Elma, that idiot came to our house yesterday and complained tearfully that you didn't take her to play."

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