
Hua Ye walked out of the bathroom, wiped his body with a towel, and then put on the changed clothes again. It would definitely not be dry after washing, so why not just put them back on and hand them to Ilya to wash.

After a moment.

Thor and Connor came out, without the embarrassment of men and women sharing a bath at all, and also without the slightest bit of shyness.

"Hey, why did Xiaoye put on his clothes?" Thor looked over, "Take it off and let me wash it for you."

Hua Ye said: "I don't want to wash it now, I'll wear it back and wash it."

"Don't worry." Thor pinched his waist with one hand, showing the small canine teeth at the corner of his mouth, "I just need to throw all the clothes in my mouth..."

Throw it into your mouth and wash it with saliva, the mouth is not a washing machine, you don't want to throw everything in it!

"No need." Hua Ye shook his head, "I will handle it myself."

"Okay then." Thor didn't insist, "I'll wash these clothes first, and Xiaoye can help Kang Na blow dry her hair."


I have to say that this blue-eyed baby dragon's cuteness has risen to another level after taking a bath, with skin that can be broken by blowing bombs, a baby's chubby face, and clear eyes that are bluer than the sky, and Small Qiong nose, pink mouth... no wonder he can become a bully on campus, his mouth softens after eating snacks every day, and his hands soften after receiving love letters!

Hua Ye took the hair dryer, turned it on, looked at the blue-eyed baby dragon who was sitting on the sofa, gently swinging his legs and watching TV, and suddenly wanted to reach out and pinch his face.

Wei Nai's favorite thing to do is to pinch her face while feeding. It must feel good, right?

Just do it.

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and pinched Kang Na's chubby face.

It's bouncy and soft, smooth and delicate, and feels so good that it makes people want to pinch it even better than Thor's ass.

Kang Na raised her small face: "Don't pinch your face."

Hua Ye said, "Pinch it again."


At half past nine in the evening, the knock on the door finally sounded.

Thor, who had been waiting for a long time, appeared behind the door in a flash, stretched out his hand and opened the door, showing a bright smile: "Xiaolin, welcome home."

If the dragon also has attributes, then Thor is definitely a dog. Of course, he is a dog only in front of Kobayashi.

"Well, I'm back."

Kobayashi, wearing a brown coat, walked into the entrance, the tired look on his face could not be concealed, there was no way, the hardest thing in this world was the social animals.

"Xiao Lin." Kang Na ran over with two short legs, threw herself into Xiao Lin's arms, hugged Xiao Lin's waist, raised her face and said, "I miss you."

"Kangna is back." Xiaolin showed a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to smooth the hair on the top of Kangna's head, "Hey, Xiaoye is here too?"

Hua Ye stood up: "Cousin."

"Report to Xiaolin, I told Xiaoye to stay here." Thor lifted his snowy chin, with an expectant expression of coming to praise me, come and praise me, "You have suffered from low back pain these two days again, You didn't want me to help with the massage, so I left Xiaoye here to help you massage."

Xiao Lin subconsciously stretched out his hand to help his waist, with a look of anticipation on his face, "Then leave it to Xiao Ye."

Lumbar pain is an old ailment from work. Xiao Lin went to the hospital for an examination and took medicine, but he couldn’t stop working, otherwise he would not be able to live in this city, so he never got better. Until one day, after Hua Ye helped massage, Xiao Lin Only then did I really understand what it means to 'take the burden off my shoulders'.

After taking off his coat, Xiao Lin was lying on the sofa wearing a thermal underwear, while receiving a massage, he talked to Hua Ye, and the content was naturally the interesting travel news of the past few days.

As he spoke, Xiao Lin's voice slowly disappeared, leaving only the sound of even breathing.

"All right."

Hua Ye retracted his hands and stood up.

"Xiao Lin fell asleep and seems to be sleeping very well." Thor blinked and said softly, "Thank you Xiaoye...hey, Xiaoye, do you want to stay and sleep with me and Kangna at night?"

Hua Ye resolutely refused: "Farewell, no need to send."

Chapter 1481 Amazing, boy


on Monday.

After winter, the temperature in the morning is getting lower and lower.

The cool morning breeze blew in from the window, gently rolled the curtains, and made Liuhua, who had just sat up, tremble, and without saying a word, swished back into the quilt again.

Hua Ye stood beside him, expressionlessly said: "Get up quickly, wash your face and brush your teeth."

"No, it's so cold, it will freeze." Liuhua wrapped herself up like a silkworm baby, only showing half of her small face, looking at Hua Ye with big black and white eyes, and said coquettishly, "Brave man, I don't want to go to school."

Hua Ye said, "Why don't you want to go to school?"

"Hmm..." Liuhua blinked, and soon had an answer, with a clear and melodious voice, like a bird chirping, "I want to be a housewife."

Don't even think about it, housewives should at least have their culinary skills advanced. Your culinary skills are biased towards dark cooking. If you are a housewife, the whole family will go to the hospital!

Liuhua puffed up her cheeks: "The brave don't want me anymore?"

As long as Hua Ye said 'no', the next moment he would use his nirvana 'cry for you'.


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