Satania said: "I have a breast piercing [beep——]."

"this is not OK."

"It's strange." Satania turned her head and asked doubtfully, "It's also underwear, why not?"

Liuhua rested her chin in one hand: "Because bras don't have the effect of exorcising demons? There are many undead in the sea."

Hua Ye said: "Because of the different materials, cotton materials will become heavier after absorbing water, which is prone to danger."

Those kind-hearted people who dive to save lives will take off their clothes before going into the water, not because they are worried about damaging the clothes, but because the clothes will become overweight once they absorb water.

Satania thought for a while: "Hey, can I swim without clothes?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "Okay."

Liuhua raised her hand to cover her chest: "But people will see it?"

"It's okay." Satania raised her chin, "I have magic light body protection."


Talking along the way, Huaye went to a convenience store on the way, bought some fresh fruit, and soon walked to an ordinary Yihujian.

There was no need to knock, because the door was already open. A mother-in-law with half-silver hair and a white bathrobe was standing in the courtyard. When she saw the three of Hua Ye, her eyes lit up and she opened the door to welcome them out.

Of course, I called to confirm the time before I came, otherwise I would rush over to deliver things, but the person was not there, and it would be very embarrassing.

"Grandma." Liuhua's voice was crisp, "I, the brave man, and Sata Meow came to see you."

The mother-in-law smiled and waved: "Liuhua, come in, come in."

Hua Ye looked up and saw an old man with a rigid face standing inside the room, who was Liuhua's grandfather.

"Grandma." Liuhua hugged Grandma's arm, and rubbed it lightly. Because of her middle school illness, Liuhua didn't have a good relationship with Old Antique's grandfather, and she was quite close to grandma.

Grandma stretched out her hand and rubbed the top of Liuhua's head, with a doting smile on her face, "Hurry up and enter the house, I just made your favorite dorayaki."

Chapter 1484 The Brave is a Daughter Control

"Grandma, I'm Liuhua's best friend."

Satania smiled brightly.

Don't look at IQ, just look at appearance, this idiot's energetic smile and small canine teeth at the corners of his mouth are easy to give people a good impression.

Grandma pulled Liuhua and Silly Meow, and she didn't forget to turn her head to greet Hua Ye, "Come in, Xiao Ye."


"Why are you wearing so little?" Elderly people seem to like to talk, Grandma Liuhua said, "The weather has been getting colder and colder recently, even colder than previous years, and it looks like it's going to snow... "

"Young people can't just focus on being handsome, the body is more important."

"I'm going to find you some clothes to wear..."

Hua Ye was speechless: "He is in good health, not cold at all."

Grandma's face became serious: "No, how can you not be cold if you wear so little? Look at your face is pale from the cold."

Hey, this is the color of the skin, not frozen white, okay?At this moment, Hua Ye finally understood what is meant by 'there is a kind of cold that makes grandma think you are cold'.

Hua Ye looked down at Liuhua.

"Eh?" The girl in the second grade raised her face, blinked her eyes, a slight blush soon appeared on her face, and said falteringly, "Grandma is still there."


In your sister, I just want you to explain that you won't be cold at all, where did you think!It is enough for the elder sister to violate her, and she will definitely not play any kind of grandparents' violation!

Walking into the house, grandma quickly took out the slippers, "Sit down, I'll get the dorayaki."

Grandpa Liuhua is a typical male chauvinist in the island country, sitting there reading the newspaper, watching Grandma Liuhua busily serving tea and snacks, without any intention of helping.

"Grandpa, I'm back." Liuhua yelled, and then took out the electric massage pillow she bought, "This is a gift my sister asked me to bring you."

The old man put down the newspaper: "How about Shihua's work in Yidaili?"

Liuhua wears blindfolds and colored contact lenses, and her left hand is wrapped with a bandage. The maverick outfit of the second grader makes the old-fashioned grandpa very uncomfortable. More than once, Liuhua has to take off the blindfold, which is the so-called generation gap. The relationship is not good, but after all, it is grandparents, long time no see, of course I will miss them.

Liuhua said: "My sister is not good, she has become thinner, and now her chin is pointed, and she looks more and more like a witch."


"It's someone who wears a black cloak all day long and can use black magic."

The old man glared, and wanted Liuhua to talk properly, but he sighed again after seeing Hua Ye and Satania, no matter what, he couldn't let his granddaughter lose face in front of her friends.

"Will you come back during the New Year of the Ten Flowers?"

"I'll definitely be back." Liuhua raised her chin, put her arms around Huaye's arm, and said proudly, "My sister promised that she will return to China from Italy to work next year."

The old man glanced at Hua Ye, and then unfolded the newspaper: "It doesn't matter if you go back to China, a girl is working hard outside, and there is no one to help when she encounters problems. Why don't you come back early, introduce someone to Shihua, and get married and have children with peace of mind... "

So Shihua is going to embark on the blind date road of no return?

No wonder He Jing is cute and good friends, the two of them cherish each other!

"Slightly slightly slightly." Liuhua quietly grimaced, leaned close to Huaye's ear and whispered, "Grandpa is an old antique."

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