"The first year of high school will be finished soon." The old man looked up, "How is your study?"

"Grandpa, don't worry." Satania gave a thumbs up, "I am the first, and Liuhua is the second."

"Huh? First and second?" The old man pushed the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose with an obvious expression of disbelief.

Hua Ye was also expressionless.

Although the first and second place are correct, they are just the bottom one and the second place!

When Satania was in the Demon Realm, her grades were the bottom one. When she came to study in the human world, no one can shake her bottom one position. She is a real idiot.

As for Liuhua, the second-year middle school girls only learn the things they are interested in, such as foreign languages ​​and Chinese, and the rest of the grades are a mess. After transferring to another school, they firmly occupy the second-to-last seat. The combination of the two directly lowered the average score of the class. A lot of it!

Even Wei Nai, who is willing to help others, finally gave up in despair after helping with tutoring several times!The saying that rotten wood can't be carved is true. Wei Nai's brain hurts after tutoring, but she can't get Satania to open up. If she doesn't give up, she might be vomited blood!

The old man took a sip of the freshly brewed green tea, "Liuhua, after the Chinese New Year you will be a sophomore in high school, you should study hard."

"But you can't learn it."

The old man frowned and said, "If you don't study hard and get admitted to a good university, even if you go to work, you can only struggle at the bottom."

"I don't go to work." Liuhua shook her head and replied.

"Huh? What did you say?"

Liuhua hugged Hua Ye's arm and said solemnly, "I have already decided to be a housewife after I graduate from high school."

You are enough, the dark dishes you make can send people to the hospital, who dares to make you a housewife!

In the end, the old man actually nodded and agreed: "Yes."

Yes, your sister!My granddaughter's wish is to be a housewife, so it's fine if she doesn't educate and reprimand her, don't nod her head in agreement!

"When two people are together, only feelings are not enough." The old man looked at Hua Ye, with a glimmer of light reflected on the lens, "You have to make money, I think you are very talented in shogi, do you want me to recommend you to participate in it?" A shogi game? The prize money for the title competition is more than [-] million, which is enough for you to support your family."

Hua Ye said blankly: "No need."

There are still [-] billion in the bank card, which is impossible to spend... The extra money is earned by Wei Nai. Not long ago, Wei Nai officially obtained the new attribute label of 'financial expert'.

"Grandpa, don't worry, the Brave said very well." Liuhua leaned on Hua Ye, swaying dumbfoundedly, "I will take care of Misaki and Kenjiro at home, and leave the money to the Brave."

Hey, what are these two names you have never heard of before, what kind of mess are you taking care of!

Liuhua put her hand on her lower abdomen, with a happy smile on her face: "It's a child, our child."

"Hey?" Satania was startled, her eyes widened, "You and the attendant have a child?"

The old man shook his hand and almost spilled the tea: "What? Have a child?"

"How many months old is the child?" As soon as the words finished, grandma ran out of the kitchen with a spoon in her hand. Shihua likes spoons so much, so it probably has something to do with grandma. "Have you been to the hospital for an examination?"

"Not yet." Liuhua blushed slightly, bowing her head shyly.

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "Tell the truth."

I never slapped you at all. Where did you come from? This is not a dream!

"Really, they are twins." Liuhua puffed up her cheeks and said dissatisfiedly, "You were the one who named Kentaro and Misaki."

Hua Ye said, "I haven't."

Santania was dumbfounded, and silently took out her mobile phone: "Lafite, the attendant..."


Hua Ye reached out and grabbed the phone, took the phone and turned it off. Spreading rumors without understanding the matter is a crime of slander.

The old man slapped the teacup on the table, blew his beard and stared: "I've already chosen the name, why don't you say no?"

These two names were chosen by Liuhua, and I have never taken them at all, so I will not recite this blame!

"Tell me." Hua Ye said with a straight face, "Where did the child come from?"

"It was that night." Liuhua stretched out two fingers, circling in front of her chest, "The attendant sneaked in, did such and such things, and even went to the amusement park, riding the Ferris wheel and the merry-go-round... ..."

"Doing that kind of thing in an amusement park?" Grandma looked over with shock and hesitation. The translation should be

"Young people nowadays really know how to play."

"If you know how to play, aren't you afraid of being seen?"

Satania turned her head to look: "When did Liuhua go to the amusement park with the attendant, why didn't you ask me to go with him?"

"I don't know." Liuhua blinked her eyes, "Satanay didn't seem to be there at the time, it was just me and the brave two."

"It's agreed that I won't be left alone." Satania puffed up her cheeks, and looked at Hua Ye aggrievedly, "The attendant's words don't count."

Huaye's poker face: "Listen to Liuhua and finish."

"When I came out of the amusement park, I was pregnant with a baby." Liuhua continued, "The brave man also said that he likes his daughter, and he will definitely become a daughter-in-law in the future."

Shut up, you're neither a lolicon nor a daughter-in-law. I don't know if there will be a daughter in the future!

"The brave also looked through the dictionary to help the two children choose their names."

Such a common name doesn't need to be looked up in the dictionary at all. If you blink your eyes, it sounds better than these two names!

Speaking of this, Liuhua suddenly sighed and said, "It's a pity that the child was not born..."

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