"What?" The old man suddenly stood up and grabbed a chair, "Why is there no child?"

Without further ado, grandma turned around and went into the kitchen and came out with a kitchen knife: "Liuhua, don't worry, grandma will help you uphold justice."

No wonder Shihua often uses violence. Is it a family inheritance? With such agility, you must not be retired agents!

Liuhua puffed up her cheeks and said, "Because my sister woke me up."

"Shihua?" Grandma shook her hands in disbelief, "How could Shihua do such a thing?"

As he spoke, his eyes turned and fell on Hua Ye: "Could it be..."

Liuhua continued: "After my sister woke me up, I closed my eyes and never dreamed of Misaki and Kentaro again."

"Eh?" Satania finally recovered, "Are you talking about dreaming?"

Liuhua nodded, and said seriously: "Although it is a dream, I remember the names of the brave men clearly, Misaki and Kentaro, and the child will be called this name from now on (*^▽^*)."


Grandma took the kitchen knife and turned back to the kitchen silently.

With a trembling hand, the old man tore up a corner of the newspaper, stood up with a dark face, and said to Hua Ye, "Let's go play chess."


This old man likes to play shogi first, and secondly, he likes to drink some wine. The last time he came to play, he led Hua Ye to play several games of chess. Of course he will not miss the opportunity now.

Time passed quietly.

It will be dark at half past five in winter, and before you know it, the sky outside becomes dark.

After losing three games in a row, the old man threw his hands behind his back in anger and almost flipped the chessboard. Hua Ye stood up and bid farewell, ready to go home.

It's a pity that they couldn't make it. Grandma Liuhua held on to Hua Ye and asked the three of them to stay for dinner. They couldn't shirk it, so they could only nod their heads in agreement.

The dinner was quite sumptuous, and it was probably prepared since the morning when Liuhua received a call. During the dinner, the old man also brought out his own plum wine and drank a few glasses with Hua Ye.

In the island country, almost every household can brew plum wine, because it is easy to grow. For example, there are two plum trees in the backyard of Grandpa Liuhua’s house. Ordered plum wine.

The liquor is yellowish, clear and bright under the light, and shakes gently. The fruity aroma of the fruit wine and the richness of the distilled liquor are mixed together, and the aroma is overflowing, which is particularly attractive.

Satania gently tugged at the corner of Hua Ye's clothes, looking expectantly: "Servant, let me have a drink."

Although this idiot is a taste idiot, he still has a strong interest in food and is very curious. Otherwise, he would not have seen the sea water under the moonlight so beautiful that he would even take a sip of the sea water!

"Here you are." Hua Ye handed over the wine glass.

Wei Nai can get drunk when drinking, but Satania doesn't have this problem. As for not drinking before the age of twenty... Just listen, don't take it too seriously, no one cares about you if you drink secretly.

"Well, it's sweet and sour, and it smells like plums." Satania stretched out the tip of her pink tongue and licked her lips lightly, "It's delicious, attendant, I want more."

If you want to drink, pour it yourself, don't always steal wine from other people's cups, the taste will not be better!

After dinner, they talked for a while, and it was already half past seven in the evening, and the three of Hua Ye got up to leave.

The evening wind outside the house is cold, and the lights of thousands of houses are dimmed.

Looking around, you can also see the gentle undulations of the sea in the distance.

"It's so cold." Liuhua hugged Hua Ye's arm, "Brave, brave, let's go home."

Satania stretched out her hand and pointed forward, leading the charge, "Let's go, go home."

"Come back." Hua Ye reached out and grabbed the idiot, "Going in the wrong direction."


Liuhua's grandparents lived in the countryside. Because the population flocked to the city, the town looked very quiet at night. Under the dim street lights, it seemed that only the footsteps of the three of them echoed.

"It's so quiet." Liuhua exhaled, her crisp voice was very clear in the night, "It's much quieter than at home."

Nonsense, when you are at home, your range of activities will not exceed the kotatsu, Gabriel not only frantically clicking the mouse, but also frantically typing on the keyboard when playing games, it is strange to be quiet!

"There are so many stars." Satania looked up at the sky, without the light pollution and air pollution in the city, the starry sky was extraordinarily bright.

Silly Meow looked at Hua Ye, her wine-red eyes were extraordinarily beautiful under the starlight: "Aide, will we always be together?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."


We soon arrived at the tram stop, but the return tram hadn't come yet.

As soon as Satania was blown by the wind, two blushes soon appeared on her cheeks. The alcohol content of plum wine is not high, and it can also play a role in invigorating the stomach and eliminating food. Drinking too much will still make people dizzy. Those who drink beer People who will faint have the most say.

Apart from Hua Ye and the three of them, there was another couple at the tram station. The two were holding hands and kissing each other in the corner.

Satania blinked, turned her head to look at Hua Ye, and whispered, "Servant."


The idiot's face was flushed, and he didn't know if it was a symptom of being drunk, or because he was shy, and looked forward to saying: "Kiss, kiss."


At the beginning, when people see safety pants, they will be teary, but now they can say kiss with anticipation. The world is really a good place to train demons, and even fools will be enlightened!

Hua Ye said, "No kiss."

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