
Satania was a little dazed, turned her head to look at the girl who kissed the boy, and quickly said, "Then I will kiss myself."

Sata Meow was obviously a little drunk at the moment, her wine-red eyes were hazy, one hand was tightly grasping Hua Ye's sleeve, and she stood on tiptoe and approached.

The ice-cold lips quickly blocked Hua Ye's lips, and a strong scent of plum wine came over, as well as the scent of hair and sweet-scented osmanthus. The combination of several scents was very pleasant.

"It's not fun." Satania dawdled a few times awkwardly, and quickly let go of Hua Ye, with a disappointed expression, she muttered to herself, "It's not as comfortable as last time."

Nonsense, of course it's impossible for you to make people comfortable, let alone you are still messing around!

Hua Ye's poker face: "One more time."


Satania blinked her eyes, she was very obedient when she was drunk and fainted, she tiptoed over again, and then...

Hua Ye pushed the idiot away with a blank expression.

"The attendant is too much, just say it when you stick out your tongue." Satania blushed and said dizzily, "I didn't know you were going to stick out suddenly, and you haven't brushed your teeth yet..."

"Shut up." Hua Ye squinted his eyes, "I won't kiss again in the future."

Every time I have to bite someone, fortunately I have enough defensive power, if it were someone else, I would have been bitten by your canine teeth and the blood would have come, no wonder you said that the canine teeth hurt the body, it is not true at all!

"Try again." Satania patted her chest and promised, "I won't bite you this time."

Believe you Dixie, there are too many things you said on the front foot and forgotten on the back foot!

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "No kiss."

"It's okay." Satania thought for a while, and soon showed her small canine teeth with a bright smile, "It's fine for the attendant to stand, and I will move."


Move your sister, when you are drunk, you become more and more courageous. After lying down one day, will you still sit up and move yourself!

"Kiss again, I promise not to bite you."

While speaking, Liuhua came out of the bathroom, seeing Hua Ye and Satania, the hair on the top of her head stood on end.

"It's too much for Sata Meow to bully the brave man while I'm not around." Liuhua rushed over, puffed up her cheeks and shouted, "No, I want it too."

Sure enough, you are also drunk, whoever is bullying whom, you should see clearly before speaking!


All in all, time has entered December in such a calm manner.

There are still twenty days until Christmas.

After Christmas, it is the New Year of the Gregorian calendar, when the angels and demons will return to their hometowns.

Chapter 1485 What to do with a small mouth

Fast forward to Friday.

After school in the afternoon, Hua Ye stayed in the classroom and cleaned up. Besides him, there were Machiko and Glasses Girl.

"Squad leader, let's go to the cooking department first." Sister Tanaka waved her hand and said with a smile, "Don't forget to bring your family with you later."

"You, you two don't talk nonsense." Machiko's pretty face flushed, and she looked away with guilt, "Family and so on, I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Squad leader." Ueno girl stretched out a finger and shook it gently, leaned forward, opened her eyes wide and said, "I'll tell you a secret."

"Eh? What secret?"

"When you tell a lie, you never dare to look at people."

Machiko: "..."

"Squad leader, let's go first." Seeing the two friends bouncing away holding hands, Machiko heaved a sigh of relief, and explained to the glasses girl, "The two of them are joking, Haruka-chan, don't take it seriously."

Hua Ye said: "It's not just kidding, it's just family members."

The squad leader's pretty face was flushed, and her earlobes turned pink. She raised her head and gave Hua Ye an angry look, and hurriedly handed over the blackboard eraser, "Hurry up and wipe the blackboard."

"Remote Sauce..."

"It's okay." The glasses girl shook her head and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, monitor, I won't talk nonsense."

"It's not nonsense..." Machiko pursed her pink lips. The current situation is very complicated, and it's not just two people who are dating. If they say it, the whole school will explode. After thinking about it, the monitor can only blush and say, "Thank you Yao Sauce."

There is a lot of content on duty, not only cleaning the classroom, but also corridors, bathrooms, taking care of small animals and so on. As the class monitor, Machiko silently took on the responsibilities of cleaning the bathroom, which was despised by others.

"Squad leader." The glasses girl raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. The heater was burning in the classroom, and the north wind was blowing outside, but the classroom was as warm as spring. She said softly, "I'll clean the stairs."

Machiko nodded and said, "Please Haruka-chan."

After the glasses girl left, the classroom fell silent.

"Student Hua Ye." Machiko turned his head to look, raised his hand and pinned a strand of hair behind his ear, revealing his snow-white and slender neck. With no outsiders around, he could finally have a private conversation, "Are you free on the weekend?" ?”

"I'm going to the shrine at night, and I won't be back on Saturday." Hua Ye said, "I'm free on Sunday, so why don't I go to your house for dinner?"

"It's not my house." Machiko shook her head, her pretty face flushed again, "It's a guest at my cousin's house."

The last time I went home for dinner, I accidentally showed such a terrible thing in front of my mother. Although my mother didn't say anything, she must have cared about it in her heart, right?

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