
Machiko panicked all over.

Classmate Hua Ye is so scary. He was never so H before. It must be Lafite who turned/taught Hua Ye into a super-H sexual creature!

The squad leader blushed and stammered, "Could it be that Huaye and Lafite are also in the classroom?"

Hua Ye nodded: "That's right."

"I-I know."

Machiko plucked up her courage, burning with the fighting spirit to compete with Lafite, and tremblingly stretched out her hand to Hua Ye's waistband. The belt was not untied, but misty tears welled up in her eyes first.

"What are you doing?" Hua Ye said speechlessly.

Machiko said with tears in her eyes, "Do what Lafite did..."

The black-bellied girl didn't take the initiative to untie the belt, although when they took a bath together, they just helped with other things with their hands.

"Did you misunderstand something?" Hua Ye carefully recalled the ins and outs of the phone call, and then said, "I mean to let you practice lung capacity, not with your mouth [beep——]."

"Huh?" The black long straight girl wiped her eyes, "Lung capacity?"

"That's it."

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand, wrapped his arms around the squad leader's slender waist, then lowered his head and kissed her.

The hot lips made Machiko tremble, and then she raised her arms unconsciously, wrapping her arms around Hua Ye's neck.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a sound of a tool falling to the ground.

Machiko woke up suddenly, and hurriedly pushed Hua Ye away, like a fish thrown to the shore, taking a big gulp of fresh air...Lung capacity and so on, so it was practiced in this way!

Hua Ye turned to look at the glasses girl standing at the door.

Bei Yeyao's face was flushed. Seeing Hua Ye turned his head and looked over, he trembled all over, and quickly crouched down with his head in his arms: "I, I didn't see anything!"

Fortunately, her mother woke up. If she was still the dumb goose she was before, she might shout 'Hua Ye, don't lock me in the basement' now!

Machiko raised her hands to cover her face, she didn't have the face to stay any longer, and said falteringly, "I'm going to the cooking department."

The so-called hiding your face and fleeing, should be like this, right?

The classroom suddenly fell silent.

The glasses girl raised her head, looked at Hua Ye cautiously, and said in a soft voice that was always ready to apologize to Huacao: "Classmate Hua Ye, can I go?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "No."


The glasses girl didn't ask the reason at all, hugged her head aggrievedly, and squatted back again.

Hua Ye slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, and ordered: "Stand up and talk."

The glasses girl stood up silently.

"Hold your head up." Hua Ye continued, "Don't keep your head down."

The glasses girl raised her head aggrieved.

Hua Ye's poker face: "Hands hang down naturally, don't press them on your chest."


This girl with glasses is really submissive, she can do whatever she is asked to do, let alone throwing her fists to resist, she doesn't even dare to squeak!

Everyone has traits. If we say that Wei Nai is kind + complaining, and Lafite is black-bellied + tax evasion, the trait of this girl with glasses is weakness + predictability. She has pitiful eyes like a little white rabbit. It won't arouse other people's desire to protect, on the contrary, people can't help but want to bully her!

Under Hua Ye's training/teaching, Kitano Haruka finally stood in a military posture, her face flushed, and she just looked at Hua Ye with pitiful eyes, not even daring to beg for mercy.

Hua Ye picked up his schoolbag and walked towards the door. When he passed by Kitano Yao, the girl with glasses was so frightened that she stretched her body and fell backwards.

"It's enough."

A row of black lines fell on Hua Ye's head, he could tell clearly whether it was a real fall or a flop, but Haruka Kitano stayed there until he fell and was still hesitant to obey!

Hua Ye stretched out his hand, grabbed Kitano Haruka's right hand, and pulled the glasses girl up.

"Thank you, classmate Hua Ye." Haruka Kitano breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly returned to the posture of standing in the army.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "I'm going back."

Kitano Haruka blinked and whispered, "Student Hua Ye, walk slowly."

As soon as Hua Ye walked out of the classroom, the girl with glasses finally breathed a sigh of relief. She sat softly on the chair, pressed her right hand to her chest, and murmured in her heart: "Student Hua Ye's hands are still the same as before, so warm... "

Hua Ye didn't go to the culinary department, changed his shoes, turned around and left the teaching building, and was about to go back to the apartment. He was still humiliated by being caught and raped by the monitor. The trip to the culinary department is cancelled.

When he came under a cherry blossom tree, Hua Ye glanced over and stopped, "What are you waiting for?"

"Tch, who's waiting for you?" Alice came out from behind the tree slowly, pinching her waist with her hands, raised her snowy chin, turned her head and hummed, "Stop being so sentimental."

Hua Ye turned expressionless, turned and left.

"Hey, wait, wait a minute." Alice stepped on her short legs and "dengdengdeng" chased after her.

"Really, why are you walking so fast?" Alice followed Hua Ye in small steps, with her ponytails trembling behind her back, puffing up her cheeks and complaining, "Aren't your legs so long?"

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