"You're right." Hua Ye said with a poker face, "Long legs means you can do whatever you want."

It is indeed useful to be tall. With short legs like you, you will never realize what it feels like to walk with big strides in your life!

Alice showed her small canine teeth, super fierce: "Believe it or not, I will bite you?"

"Do not believe."

"I really bit you!"

"Twenty meters ahead, your classmates are haunting you."

Alice: "..."

Chapter 1486 Green Onions and Butts

"Big pervert, walk slowly."

After confirming that the melon-eating classmate in front of her disappeared, Alice stepped on her short legs and caught up with Hua Ye, her golden twin tails dangling behind her back.

"What do you want to do?"

"It's okay." Alice turned her head, put her hands on her chest, and said crisply, "It's just a coincidence."

When I left the teaching building, I saw you squatting behind the tree with your head poking your head. It would be more appropriate to describe it as "waiting for a rabbit!"

Hua Ye didn't speak, and walked towards the apartment.


A gust of cold wind blew by, Alice folded her arms, her petite body trembled, and couldn't help sneezing.

After the winter, the weather is getting colder every day, and today is cloudy and there is no sun, so you can clearly understand what it means to be cold and freezing.

Hua Ye looked down: "Put more clothes on when it's cold."

"No." Alice turned her head subconsciously, and then said, "Other girls are not afraid of the cold, so it's embarrassing for me to wear more clothes?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Is body more important than face?"

"Of course the body is important. The body is the capital of everything." Alice raised her snowy chin and snorted softly, "So I choose face."


This question shouldn't be asked, for Aojiao who desperately wants face to suffer, body is definitely not as important as face, it is true that head can be broken, blood can be shed, but face cannot be lost!


Alice sneezed again, raised her hand and rubbed her nose, the small and lovely Joan's nose was slightly red.

The little bean shook his head, suppressed the desire to sneeze, and said a little nervously: "I don't have a cold, do I?"

Hua Ye nodded: "You squatted under the tree for a long time, and you probably didn't exercise. Now that the wind and cold are entering your body, there is a [-]% chance of catching a cold tonight."

"What, what should I do?" The little bean suddenly panicked, "I don't want to catch a cold."

Alice has been physically weak since she was a child. When she was in elementary school, she would take sick leave almost once a month. The most annoying disease was a cold. Once she caught a cold, it would not heal for half a month, and it would be accompanied by headache, runny nose, and cough. Waiting for symptoms——In the quiet classroom, everyone is listening to the teacher carefully. Will coughing cause trouble to others?

Alice has tried to endure coughing, and that kind of patience is extremely uncomfortable.

"Can I take some medicine now?" Alice went to the doctor in a hurry.

"No." Hua Ye was merciless, and hit the nail on the head, "Currently the cold medicines on the market can only relieve symptoms, but cannot eliminate the germs that cause colds, mainly relying on human immunity."


No wonder others get better after a week of catching a cold, but I don't feel better after half a month. Is it because the immunity is too low?

The little bean's eyes fell on Hua Ye's hand, he gritted his silver teeth, stretched out his hand with a blushing face, and quietly grabbed one of Hua Ye's fingers.

"What are you looking at?" Alice blushed, trying to put on an expression of indifference, but unfortunately even her earlobes turned pink. This was the first time she took the initiative to hold Hua Ye's hand, and it was still in a busy street. On, really super ashamed, "It's just using your hand to prevent a cold, don't think too much!"

(Having said that, the hands of this big-faced paralyzed man are so warm.)

(Even though he doesn't wear gloves and wears very little clothes, his hands are not cold at all... Is it like this for all boys, or is he just gifted?)

Alice looked across the road at a boy shivering in the cold wind with his hands tucked into his cuffs, and quickly came to a conclusion.

(It should be that this big facial paralysis is very talented, other boys are definitely not like this.)

(Master Baiyu said that he is a human-shaped kotatsu that can move. If you hug him to sleep at night, it must be more comfortable than a pillow, right?)

"No, no!" Alice shook her head hurriedly, recalling the terrible dream that the three of them had when they slept together that night, "What if this big-faced paralyzed beast wants to violate me?"

I wouldn't swallow my anger and pretend to be asleep, and silently endure this big-faced paralysis attacking me behind my back, and I will definitely bite him...bite his chest!

Yep, it's there.

There was this plot in the light novel I read two days ago. Once bitten, even boys will beg for mercy in pain, right?

"Hey hey hey."

Imagining Hua Ye's exaggerated begging for mercy, this short little bean soon let out a suppressed little smug laugh, which looked surprisingly cute.

"Stop laughing." Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Cross the road."

"Hmph." Alice came to her senses, "I didn't laugh."

Grabbing Hua Ye's finger and crossing the road, Alice quickly regained her composure, "You won't catch a cold now, will you?"

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