"Don't sit down." Alice held her nose, with tears in her eyes, and subconsciously refused.

Hua Ye stood up, "Then let's go."

Disappointment is impossible to be disappointed. If it wasn't for the treatment of a cold, I wouldn't have talked about it at all, and I didn't even have the idea of ​​taking advantage of it.

"Hello." Alice yelled, sniffling, and said angrily, "Sit down."

After the little bean sat down, Hua Ye repeated what he had just said: "Close your eyes."


Alice glared at Hua Ye with puffed cheeks, and the hazy water vapor from when she hit her nose just now was in her blue eyes, and she quickly closed her eyes.

(Needless to say, you will close your eyes, just treat it as being harassed by Xiaoqiu...Ehhhhh?)

Before she could comfort herself, Alice felt something hot seal her lips.

The short bean opened his eyes suddenly, looked at Hua Ye for a moment, and then closed his eyes in a panic, only to feel a 'buzz' in his head, and his heart beating violently in his chest.

(The big facial paralysis is actually kissing me...)

Alice is actually a hidden house girl. Not only has she read many light novels and manga, but she has also read many fanbooks. She is proficient in eighteen postures. This is the first time that she has kissed in real life.

Although the touch of lips does not feel like an electric shock, the scorching heat transmitted makes people flustered, as if it can melt people.

As the temperature rises rapidly, the brain quickly becomes dizzy, which seems to be a symptom of hypoxia.

Alice felt that something wanted to invade, she opened her teeth lightly in a dizzy state, and the next moment, something terrifying broke through the city gate and invaded the hinterland with a decisive momentum.


The short bean opened his eyes again, and before he could see Hua Ye's expression, his long eyelashes fell down tremblingly.

Having never eaten pork, she has always seen pigs run away. Of course, Alice knew what the terrifying existence that invaded was.

It's a pity that Alice only has theoretical experience and no practical experience. Following Hua Ye's invasion, she didn't even have the idea of ​​​​resistance. She just closed her eyes tightly, like a little quail, weak, pitiful and helpless. The ravages of fate.

(You should be gentle and careful the first time, right?)

(So ​​rude and direct... Do you think you are a pig!)

(I hate big facial paralysis the most!)

Chapter 1487 The Lost Big-chested Monster

"Okay." Hua Ye stood up and said, "Go back."

Alice's eyes were dazed, she was out of breath, her little face was blushing, and a few messy strands of hair were hanging in front of her eyes... If she took a photo with her mobile phone and uploaded it to the Internet, many people would definitely leave a message below saying 'there should be a book here'.

"Wait, wait a minute." Alice put one hand on her chest, turned her head to look away, and said falteringly, "Let me rest for a while."

(Ah ah ah ah! It's so embarrassing!)

(It's just a kiss, just a kiss, why are my legs weak.)

(Speaking of which, it turns out that kissing feels like this...)

When seeing similar plots in books and light novels before, Alice always hated and complained, "Kissing after eating, wouldn't it smell? What if the other party ate garlic or ginger?"

"And a good morning kiss, if you don't brush your teeth and do that kind of thing, are you sure it won't smell bad?"

"It's unacceptable to drink the same drink with others, but to drink other people's saliva... I can't accept it when I think about it."

This kind of prejudice and fear has been with Alice for a long time, and it was not until Hua Ye held her down to treat her cold just now that the prejudice was shattered.

(It turned out that it was not as scary as I imagined at all, the feeling of dizziness in the head... quite comfortable.

The short bean used random thoughts to divert his attention, and suddenly thought of something.

"Eh, wait."

"I and this big-faced paralyzed man secretly doing this kind of thing...does it count as betraying Lord Bai Yu?"

"No, no, at most it's a transfer station with big facial paralysis, just imagine yourself kissing Lord Bai Yu."

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Give it to me."

"Hmph." Alice stood up, folded her hands on her chest, turned her head and hummed softly, "It's useless to be courteous, and I will never let you do such a shameless and obscene thing a second time."

For a radish like you, at most it can be regarded as a bonus, there is no need to be courteous at all, and I have no intention of kissing you again!

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "Then you continue to blow the cold wind."

Only then did Alice feel the cold air seeping into her body from the chair under her buttocks, and jumped up quickly, "Hmph, for the sake of helping you treat the cold, let me hold you again."

Hua Ye turned around and walked out: "Don't drag me, let's blow it, it won't be damaged by the cold."

"Who says it won't be cold, I'm super cold right now." Alice chased after him, "This is the last chance, if you miss it, it's gone."


Back to the apartment.

"Master, welcome home." There is no need to knock on the door. The moment you stop, Illya will open the door on time, neither a second earlier nor a second later.

"It's so beautiful." Alice blinked her eyes, and looked curiously at Illya behind the door, "Miss Maid is as beautiful as Master Baiyu... Such a beautiful maid must not be picked up?"

That's right, Illya's true identity is very troublesome to explain, so Gabriel's term "picked up maid" was used.

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