Walking into the room, Liuhua is not there, it should be out to play with Satania, Gabriel has not come yet, but there is an extra star with small breasts, and a girl in a Lolita dress and a girl's hair Cute loli.

Seeing Hua Ye coming in, the cute loli hurried forward two steps, her eyes sparkling, she bowed nervously to Hua Ye, her voice was soft and sweet like cotton candy.

"My lord, I'm Ai Nakano who came to trade on behalf of lord Hoshino. If you have any orders, please tell me in the future." He looked up at Hua Ye, then hurriedly lowered his head, and said timidly, " What, anything is fine."

"Anything is fine?"

A voice full of disgust sounded, it was not Hua Ye, but Igarashi, a celebrity with poor breasts sitting on the sofa.

Nakano Ai nodded, and replied in a low voice: "No, that's right."

Igarashi raised his chin: "Then take off the fat one now."

"Ehhh?" The cute loli hurriedly raised her hands to cover her buttocks, her face flushed and said, "I, why would I do such a thing?"

"Because this facial paralysis likes to collect girls' fat times the most." Igarashi complained, "She is currently challenging all members to collect achievements, and the girls around her are almost full of fat times, so don't even try to escape, why not do it now Take it off so you don't waste time."

Hua Ye turned his head and looked: "You are enough."

Don't think that other people have a special interest in fat times after you have solved your fat times several times. It is just a piece of fabric, which has neither use value nor collection value. Who cares about that kind of thing!

"The pervert is really the most annoying."

Alice took a step back and looked at Hua Ye with vigilant eyes. No wonder she wanted to pick up her fat times that morning, so she wanted to use them as a collection.

"and many more--"

"Why did Mr. Igarashi know about this?"

"Could it be that the big facial paralysis has surpassed Mr. Igarashi's fat times?"

Thinking of this, the little bean suddenly puffed up his cheeks, and shot the "scum must die" light at Huaye.

"No." Nakano Ai shook her head, and the little loli gave Hua Ye a timid look, pitifully weak and helpless, "Excuse me, I can't agree to such a thing."

"You think it's fine if you don't agree?" Igarashi snorted softly, and mocked, "Since entering the door, the movements have been a little unnatural. You rarely wore this kind of clothes before, right?"


"For things like taking biscuits, anyone can do it." Igarashi said, "Why did you just let you come? You don't have a clue?"


Nakano Ai was silent, of course she understood why those people asked her to wear this kind of clothes.

According to observation, Hua Ye is obviously a lolicon. For example, Gabriel, who lives next door, is only [-] meters tall. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a primary school student, but she is obviously the one she likes the most.

Such things as beauty tricks have never been missing since ancient times.

As for acting cute and pretending to be pitiful...there really isn't such a thing.

According to the analysis of those adults, Hua Ye should have the ability to pierce people's hearts, all disguises will be invisible in front of Hua Ye, and sending scheming whores or love masters will only cause counterproductive effects.

So... Nakano Ai is really pitiful, weak and helpless. If Hua Ye asks her to take off her fat times, no matter how wronged and scared she is, she will silently take off her fat times for Hua Ye to keep for collection.

"It seems that you are very clear." Igarashi said with his hands folded on his chest, "It's good to understand, don't pretend to be pitiful, and lose weight quickly."

"I-I didn't..."

Ai Nakano refuted in a low voice, aggrieved, and glanced at Hua Ye quietly. Seeing that Hua Ye did not refuse, she felt even more grievances in her heart. She bit her pink lips and said with mist in her eyes, "Can I go to the bathroom to take off?"


Hua Ye turned to look at Igarashi.

"Look at what?"

The little star with small breasts blushed, recalling again the fear of being dominated by the fat one sprinkled with itching powder. The twenty minutes in the bathroom that day were the most torturous twenty minutes of her life.

Alice endured it for a while, expecting Ilya to stand up and correct Hua Ye's mistakes, but unfortunately Ilya had no intention of speaking at all, and could only say by herself: "Don't bully girls."

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "I didn't bully you."

I didn't say a word after I entered the room. The bully is obviously a star with poor breasts sitting on the sofa. Why don't you go to Igarashi and stare at me? You are a typical bully and fear the hard. Pinch it!

"Hello." Igarashi glanced at Alice, and finally jumped over the Pangci collection achievement, "How is that monster with big breasts now?"

Nakano Ai shook her head, and timidly replied: "I don't know about Hoshino-sama."

"Hey, Mr. Hoshino Xia?" Alice looked at Hua Ye, "Speaking of which, you haven't seen Mr. Hoshino since Idaly came back, right?"

Before going to Italy, Xia Xingye left because of the struggle for power within the organization. In the blink of an eye, a week passed and she never showed up at the school again. It is not clear what happened to her.

Igarashi is so irritable today, and there is a big reason why he didn't see Hoshino Natsu.

The so-called enemy of a lifetime is of course an opponent on a long road. If he disappears so casually, what kind of enemy is he?

Reiki biscuits are ready in no time.

After Hua Ye collected the reward, he handed the biscuit to Nakano Ai.

"Thank you, sir." The cute loli girl hurriedly thanked her, took the biscuit with both hands, hugged it to her chest, and then looked at Hua Ye pitifully, looking very much like a dog waiting for the owner to wave to eat.

Hua Ye said calmly, "Go back."


Nakano Ai breathed a sigh of relief as if she had received an amnesty, bowed seriously to the people in the living room, and then showed a sweet smile on her face, "My lord, I'm going back."

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