With pattering footsteps, wearing a pair of clogs, a petite loli about the height of Hinata walked in, her silver hair fell to her knees, holding a samurai sword longer than a human in her arms, and walked in with a serious face .

The Demon Sword Girl walked up to Hua Ye and said with a stern face, "I want to bet my glory and challenge you."

Hua Ye was unmoved: "I refuse."

More than a month has passed, and due to fundamental flaws, the strength of this demon sword girl has been almost lost, and now she is weaker than ordinary elementary school students. It is useless to have fighting skills and poor physical fitness. The next opponent, Hua Ye, has no interest in accepting the challenge at all.

Yaodao Ji took a deep breath, with a faint sword energy all over her body, and her breath was sharp: "The shame you brought me last time, I will definitely..."

Before he finished speaking, a piece of sea bream was handed over, and the cat-eared girl's voice was as soft as cotton candy: "Yaojiang, eat sea bream meow?"


Yaodao Ji took a breath, gritted her teeth and said, "Don't eat."


"I will repay you twice..."

"Eating cookies, meow?"

The cat-eared lady handed over another biscuit.

A black line fell from the top of Yaodao Ji's head, she resolutely refused: "Don't eat."

"Eh, wait-"

After finishing speaking, Yao Dao Ji came to her senses, her eyes widened, "This cookie...why does it look so familiar?"

"This is the super delicious biscuit brought by the master just now." Lingna moved her ears, the little tail on the back of her buttocks rubbed against Hua Ye's leg, her eyes were bent into crescent moons, and Meow said, "The demon Sauce doesn’t want to eat, your share is our meow.”

"Put down my cookies!"

Yaodao Ji bit her tongue hard, swallowed the words that came to her lips, and turned her head to the side with difficulty.

That kind of special biscuit that is full of aura, like rain nourishing the earth, I really want to eat it.

It's just... If you say something, if you change your mouth now, where will you put your face as a big monster?

Yao Dao Ji looked at Hua Ye with wide eyes, her small face was serious: "Do you dare to accept my challenge?"

Hua Ye's face was expressionless, this aggressive method was meaningless.

People who want to challenge themselves can circle the earth twice hand in hand, not everyone will agree to the challenge!

"If you win, I'll do whatever you want." Yao Dao Ji swung her sword horizontally, "If you lose, you are forbidden to do strange things to me when you replenish your demons."

Hua Ye said, "Strange thing?"

"It's just...you know it yourself!" Yaodao Ji blushed and gritted her teeth, "It's not that I haven't plundered other people's magic power. You must have tampered with it to make your body react so badly."

The sea was difficult for water, because Hua Ye's power level was too high, even though he had been divided many times, it still had a strong impact on Yao Dao Ji... Every night, Yao Dao Ji would recall the fear of being dominated that day, except that she did not quit Reaction is exactly the same as addiction.

"Brother Xiaoye, just promise Yaojiang." Hinata said while eating a biscuit, "Get it done quickly, and then go to my room to read the book."

This book is much more interesting than this demon sword girl, Hua Ye thought about it and agreed.

"it is good."

"Yaochan, what do you want to compare?" Hinata turned his head and looked, "I remember you had a sword competition with brother Xiaoye when you first came here, and you lost completely that time."

"It's not sword skills." Yao Dao Ji shook her head. Although she was reluctant to admit it, she was indeed no match for Hua Ye in terms of sword skills, not to mention that her strength had plummeted now, and it was difficult for her to even hold a knife. She challenged Hua Ye. Absolutely lose.

Yaodao Ji raised her chin, with a smug look on her face: "You know the ninja games that are very popular recently, right?"

Hua Ye nodded: "I know."

With the useless angel next door, Hua Ye is very well informed about the news in the game industry. The recently popular ninja game is naturally Sekiro. After Gabriel saw the sales of this game, she quickly waved her hands to buy it. In the next month, the living expenses of the heavens have been paid, and Gabriel has entered a period of rich and powerful hand-chopping.

It's a pity that this useless angel has a handicap, and it's okay to play with the support. After playing Wolf for less than half an hour, he was so angry that he almost dropped the controller because of the 'Cai Cai Cai' on the screen!

"This is the content of the duel." Yao Dao Ji crossed her arms and said, "We challenge the final boss in Sekiro. Whoever can defeat the boss in the shortest time will win. How about it? Do you dare?"

Hinata pulled Huaye's sleeve and whispered to his ear, "This game is super difficult to play. I died so many times yesterday that I almost dropped the controller... Can Brother Xiaoye do it?"

Dropping the handle is a sign of incompetence. As a handicapped party, just watch other people's videos to pass the level honestly!

Hua Ye said: "No problem, just compare this."

Hinata asked curiously, "Brother Xiaoye has played?"

"No." Hua Ye shook his head, "I saw Xiaojia play."

"Little demon has now become a house girl, playing games at home every day." Hinata whispered, "Can't we change the content of the competition?"

"I'm not a house girl." Yaodao Ji had a good ear, and immediately retorted, "It's just that I don't want to go out!"

Compared with hundreds of years ago, this world has changed too much. Every time Yaodao Ji goes out, she will always feel a strong sense of loneliness. The masters slashed and slashed back and forth, so they could only stay at home and be a quiet house girl.

The cat-eared lady was eating taiyaki, and said vaguely: "We heard people say that girls who refuse to go out and play games all day are house girls."


Yao Dao Ji didn't want to talk, turned to turn on the TV, and loaded the game: "Let's start now."

"You come first or I come first?"

Hua Ye said, "You go first."

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