It doesn't matter who comes first, as long as it's not a lucky draw game, Hua Ye will never lose.

"I started."

Yao Dao Ji is full of confidence. Hundreds of years ago, she liked to challenge the strong and sharpen her blade. Now she likes to challenge various difficult games... Only by defeating powerful opponents in hearty battles can she gain a sense of accomplishment, Those who abuse vegetables and mow grass all day long can't appreciate the fun of fighting at all!

Games start.

Yao Dao Ji concentrated on controlling the ninja to jump, dodge, block, and counterattack, and fought fiercely against the final boss. As the final beheading screen appeared, the corners of her lips could not help but rise slightly when she saw the battle time appear. Once, it was even faster than the fastest attack on the Internet.

"This time I will win."

Yao Dao Ji handed the handle to Hua Ye, raised her chin, and snorted triumphantly: "It's your turn, the outcome will be determined in one game, don't use any excuses like 'the network is not good, I've called, and I'm in a bad mood' .”

You understand it clearly. It seems that you have encountered game dumpers a lot. The so-called dumpers are a group of people who use various excuses and reasons to justify themselves. There is only one purpose, and that is to cover up their dish.

"No." Hua Ye took the handle with a calm expression, "One time is enough."

"Brother Xiaoye, come on!"

The pleasant smell of milk came over my face, and Hinata kissed Hua Ye on the cheek, "I added a lucky buff to you, let's fight, Brother Xiaoye."

"We want too." Maoer Niang blinked her eyes, and also kissed Hua Ye on the cheek, "This is the blood buff meow."

The two little maids clenched their fists on their chests and had no room to come over to kiss. Their eyes sparkled and they said, "Master, come on."


Looking at Hua Ye surrounded by loli, Yao Dao Ji was suddenly a little unhappy.

"Is this what it's like to 'win the game, lose the life'?"


Hua Ye looked disgusted, completely ungrateful, picked up a tissue and began to wipe his face.

When eating biscuits, don't lick your lips with your tongue! There is no buff at all, but the face is drooling, it is very troublesome, okay!

Under the clear sky, a round of silver moon is bright and bright, and it sprinkles thousands of hectares of silver light.

A breeze blows.

Reeds drift.

The ninja character controlled by Hua Ye stood quietly in front of the boss.

Then the sword light suddenly turned cold, and the battle began.

"Hmph, you don't even hide. If you are so big, you will die soon, right?"

Yao Dao Ji opened her eyes wide, waiting for Hua Ye's moment when she would 'get hurt when rubbed, and died when touched', but soon discovered that something was wrong.

Facing the sword light, the ninja on the TV just took a step to the side and avoided the blow by a hair.

"Good luck..."

Yaodao Ji put her hands on her chest, comforting herself.

It's a pity that comfort is useless.

The ninja on the TV quickly staged a battle called absolute control in front of her eyes, without any unnecessary evasion movements, and without wasting any chance to attack. It is obviously the most dangerous melee combat, but it has the calmness of dancing on the tip of a knife , Swords and swords flashing, can only blow petals all over the ground in vain, and can't touch the corner of the ninja's clothes at all.

Yao Dao Ji remembered a sentence she saw most often when playing online games.

"Is this guy on the hook?"

If she hadn't been sitting next to Hua Ye, Yaodao Ji would have thought that Hua Ye was cheating, but now... only despair remained.

The game is over quickly.

Hua Ye put down the handle and said calmly, "It's over."

Why watching other people's videos, you can shield every time and block perfectly?

Because the game has a forward-swinging mechanism, to put it simply, when the boss launches an attack, he will make a corresponding forward movement, look at the hand movement to judge the next move, and then block or counterattack... There is no surprise to catch him unawares, The boss is just a program after all.

Those who see the boss, don't think about anything, and rush up with a knife are rookie players. They are hacked to death by the boss twice, without summing up experience, without thinking about reflection, and continue to charge up. If they die three times, they will slam the handle angrily People, they have been rookies all their lives... For example, a certain useless angel.

"I lost."

Yaodao Ji bit her lower lip and looked at the breaking time, which was a full minute faster than herself. At this moment, she recalled the feeling of being completely crushed again.

"Brother Xiaoye is so powerful." Hinata hugged Hua Ye's arm, "I would like to admit defeat, what kind of punishment does Brother Xiaoye want Yaochan to accept?"

Hua Ye said blankly: "There is no punishment."

"No." Yaodao Ji stood up, gritted her teeth, and said, "If you lose, you lose. Say what you want, we never need mercy!"

You think too much, I don't have any pity for you at all, it's just that I don't have the slightest interest in a turnip like you, that's all!

Hua Ye was about to speak, when Hinata suddenly suggested a bad idea beside him, and whispered in his ear: "In the father-son game... the loser calls Dad?"

Hua Ye accepted this suggestion.

"Then call Dad."

"You, what did you say?"

Yaodao Ji opened her eyes wide, subconsciously took a step back, and looked at Hua Ye in disbelief.

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