Yaodao Ji took a deep breath, closed her eyes and said, "Help me...replenish the demon."

Replenish the demon, just replenish the demon, don't show a humiliating expression that you are about to be humiliated, when you absorb pure spiritual energy, your body should be particularly happy, right?

Hua Ye stretched out an index finger, and said, "Hold it."

The essence of replenishing demons is to replenish the spiritual power of the Demon Sword Girl, not including the fingers, but also including other parts, for example...

But if you think about it with your toes, Yaodao Ji won't have that kind of part.

Well, we're talking about toes here.

Yao Dao Ji clenched her fist, turned her head to look away, gritted her teeth and said, "Don't stay here, go to the bathroom."

It has been more than a month since the last mana replenishment, and the memory of that time is still very clear, or it is deeply imprinted on my body.

Sweating profusely, dizziness in the brain, weak legs, fat and wet, and other shameful sequelae are absolutely not allowed to happen a second time.

So... just soak in the bathtub, right?

The bathroom is next to the toilet, but it is very close.

Walking into the bathroom, Yao Dao Ji paused: "You go out first, I want to take off my clothes."

Although the main body is a monster in the form of a utensil, but after hanging out in human society for a long time, there are more or less shameful concepts.

"Trouble." Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Do you want to replenish the magic?"

There is no gender distinction at all on the road of the strong. In order to facilitate the battle, Amazon female warriors will practice circumcision after adulthood, cutting off the breasts/parts that hinder bows and arrows!Of course, if Gabriel and Igarashi were born in the Amazon tribe, they wouldn't need to be circumcised...because they don't have breasts at all.

You said before that you want to challenge the strongest person, and your clothes are not the super power pants of the green fat man. If your clothes burst during the battle with others, should you give up the fight and squat down with your chest in your arms and wait for others to cut you?

Ordinary humans are fine, as a monster, don't learn the shame of humans!

Yaodao Ji noticed the impatience in Hua Ye's eyes, hesitated, turned her back, and silently took off her clothes while gritting her silver teeth.

no way.

Replenishment is imperative.

When Miss Miko asked her to move the table just now, Yao Dao Ji was shocked to find that the table was almost not moved. Although the body will not disappear, the lost spiritual power cannot be replenished. If this continues, the power will only become weaker and weaker. In the end, she became sister Lin who ran [-] meters and panted for a long time!

Absolutely don't want that kind of future and life without the power to restrain the chicken.

Yaodao Ji quickly took off her clothes, tied up her hair with a towel, covered her chest with one hand, and stepped into the bathtub.

A lavender bubble bath has been placed in the bathtub, and the pleasant scent of lavender permeates the air. There is a layer of white foam floating on the surface of the bathtub, which can effectively block the light.

"Okay." Yao Dao Ji turned her head to look, her small face was serious, "You can mend the demon."

Hua Ye responded, took a small bench and sat next to the bathtub, stretched out his right hand, "Hold it."

"Wait a minute." Yao Dao Ji frowned, "Did you wash your hands just now?"

It is me who suffers from not washing my hands, not you, how could I not wash them clean!

"Let me wash it for you."

Yao Dao Ji grabbed Hua Ye's hand, pressed it into the bathtub, and washed it carefully inside and out.

(This guy's hands are so beautiful, the most beautiful hands I've ever seen.)

(The skin is actually better than that of girls.)

(There is still such a pure aura... Humans are not so powerful.)

While thinking wildly, Yaodao Ji washed Hua Ye's right hand clean, then wiped off the moisture with a towel, opened her small mouth, and wrapped Hua Ye's index finger in her mouth.

"Well, the fingers are so long..."

"It's up to the throat."

"Be more careful next time."

"……and many more!"

Yaodao Ji, who was correcting her mistakes, suddenly opened her eyes wide.

He didn't feel ashamed, angry or struggled, just put his fingers into his mouth naturally?

For, why is this?

Could it be that he was secretly manipulating his mind by this guy?

Yao Dao Ji was about to spit out Hua Ye's finger, when she asked what was going on, the next moment, pure spiritual power weakened countless times surged out.

"Come in, come in!"

Yaodao Ji clenched her small fists, her body trembled violently, and looked at Hua Ye angrily.



Don't pour that kind of thing in suddenly!It's okay to say something before pouring in!


The panic on Yaodao Ji's face quickly turned into embarrassment, and then from embarrassment to blushing and dazed.

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