The spiritual power in her body was about to be exhausted, and now it could be said that she was in the body of "a long drought meets the rain". Suddenly encountering Hua Ye's massive infusion, the indescribable pleasure once again swept every part of her body.

The body betrayed the soul again, and under the intense pleasure that made people tremble, the soul was struggling like a small boat in a sea of ​​suffering, and might be submerged in the sea in the next moment.


An irrepressible vibrato rang out in the bathroom, and the air instantly turned pink.


A pair of snow-white and delicate short legs that were as smooth as jade kicked out of the water, splashing a canopy of water, and the toes were arched forward vigorously.

Hua Ye remained expressionless and continued to channel his spiritual power.

This is really just an ordinary act of replenishing magic. If it is replaced by Maoer Niang or Hinata, it will definitely not have this effect. The reason why Yao Dao Ji reacted so violently is related to her special life form. Created an effect similar to 'Finger of God'

【Finger of God: Special Skill】

[Effect: Causes dizziness, dehydration, distraction, disarm and other effects on female creatures, and has a certain chance to capture enemy units] So far, Hua Ye has never used the Finger of God, because no enemy needs him to use this skill.

At this moment, while infusing spiritual power, he verified the effect of God's Finger and found other effects.

For example... Ah Hei Yan.

The time Huaye and Gabriel read the book together, they had seen Ah Heiyan before, and this was the first time they saw Ah Heiyan in real life!

The eyes are rolled up, revealing the whites of the eyes. It looks like a fish that was thrown on the shore and died due to lack of water. It feels super strange!

Trembling uncontrollably, the towel on Yaodao Ji's head fell into the bathtub, her silver-white hair fell down, covering her eyes.


Hua Ye's face darkened: "Don't lick."

Your fingers are for replenishing your magic, not lollipops, so don't lick them there!Anyway, he is still a big monster, don't lose to the instinct of the body, try to defeat it!

It's a pity that Demon Sword Fairy failed.

This time, the body completely betrayed the soul and could no longer control itself.


Water splashes everywhere.

Yaodao Ji was lying on the edge of the bathtub, with half of her body sticking out, Xiaohe's chest was only showing the sharp corners, she looked extraordinarily young and beautiful.

Hua Ye shook his head.

Igarashi can also manually enlarge her breasts, and through unremitting efforts to make it bigger, this Demon Sword Girl has a special body, and there is no chance to grow up at all. If she wants to get bigger, she can only go for surgery and fill it with silicone!

"Brother Xiaoye." Hinata's voice came from outside the door, "What are you doing in the bathroom?"

Hua Ye said, "Replenish the magic."

"Is it a little demon?"

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded, "She's sitting in the bathtub."

"No wonder I heard the sound of splashing water." Hinata muttered to himself, "It turned out to be in the bathtub."

"The bathtub is very good, meow." The cat-eared lady's voice sounded, "The floor was wet with sweat last time, my sis asked us to clean it many times, meow."

I'm sorry, it's not necessarily sweat that wets the floor, but other liquids as well!If you look at the wet fat times, you will know what it is!

That's right, peeing your pants.

It's a long story, but it only takes three minutes.

After Hua Ye's mana repair was completed, he was about to pull out his finger. Yao Dao Ji was still awake, and refused to let go of her mouth. Instead, she tightly wrapped Hua Ye's finger with the tip of her tongue.

The moment he pulled out his finger, there was a light "boo" sound similar to picking up the cork of a red wine bottle. The finger and the fingertips of the pink lips formed a shiny silk thread, which shone exceptionally under the light.

The bathroom door didn't close.

Hinata stretched out his hand to push the door, just in time to see Yaodao Ji's saliva turned into silk threads, her eyes were dazed, panting, and she blurted out: "It's not good, brother Xiaoye has played with Yaojiang again!"

Chapter 1490

Replenishment is complete.

Hua Ye wiped his right hand and got up to leave.

"Don't, don't go..."

Yaodao Ji was out of breath, and shouted with the last bit of strength, her voice was soft and charming, trembling with a touch of excitement, she was completely different from her usual coldness.

Hua Ye stopped and looked down, "Want to do it again?"

How, how could it be possible to do it again!The body has been filled with you, if you do it again, it will be broken!

"Hold, hold me out, I won't soak anymore."

She is so weak now that she doesn't even have the strength to move her fingers, but the bathtub is so big, if Hua Ye leaves, she will definitely slip into the water, right?

The possibility of drowning is not high, after all, it is a special form of body, and it can actually live without breathing, but it will definitely choke!

I'm so thirsty now, if I fall into the bathtub, my body will probably drink water uncontrollably, and the bath water is nothing more than that. In addition to the tattered sneakers that were worn, the original stockings full of sweat, and the balloons that the girl blew up, the bath water was also included in the product list.

The problem is that besides the bath water, there are other super bad things in the current bathtub!Even if he is dead and his body is looked down upon, he will never take a sip of that kind of water!

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