His ancestors were originally a family of officials. Later, after he became an official, he was extremely extravagant. He spent hundreds of pennies on a meal. It is said that this person especially likes to eat chicken tongue. Each meal consumes more than [-] live chickens. , It's almost as good as the Empress Dowager Cixi.

Hua Ye and Wei Nai are very embarrassed now, they have nothing to do with poetry or painting.

The two hid under the eaves on the side of the street, looking helplessly at the pouring rain outside.

"I was in a hurry when I went out, so I didn't bring an umbrella..." Wei Nai bit her lip and said.

"Wait a while and see if there is a taxi." Hua Ye said.

However, it was already very late at this moment, and there was no convenience store nearby. Even if a taxi appeared occasionally, it would always stop and roar past.

"Meow~" the big meow in Wei Nai's arms let out a soft cry, as if he was afraid of the cold, and his voice was weak.

Stretching out her hand to touch Big Meow's head, Wei Nai frowned and said, "I don't know when this rain will last, it looks very heavy."

"The weather forecast says it will be down for at least a few hours." Hua Ye looked at his phone, pointed to a hotel across the road, and said, "Why don't we go there and have a look?"

Wei Nai looked up, and after seeing it clearly, a blush suddenly appeared on her face.

Because on the opposite side of the road, it is a love hotel.

"I, I wouldn't go to that kind of place with you!" Wei Nai bit her lip, staring at Hua Ye with big eyes, with a face of shame and indignation.

Ju, actually asked me to go to that kind of place to open a room for the night... How could I agree to you!

Regarding Wei Nai's excited reaction, Hua Ye was a little puzzled, and said, "I just bought two umbrellas in the past, otherwise would I have to walk back in the rain?"

Wei Nai: "..."

The two braved the rain and ran to the hotel across the road. Although they were fast, their clothes were inevitably wet by the heavy rain.

Before entering the hotel, Wei Nai wiped the soles of her feet on the floor mat at the door, then walked to the front desk and said, "Excuse me, are there any umbrellas here?"

"I'm sorry, there are no more." The front desk pointed to the empty umbrella bucket next to the counter, "You two came a little late, the umbrellas have just been bought out."

"That's it." There was a look of disappointment on Wei Nai's face.

"Why don't you two stay in a hotel? This rain seems to be going on for a long time." The front desk suggested.

"I, I'll think about it again..." Wei Nai bit her lip and walked under the eaves of the hotel.

It was raining cats and dogs, and the wind was rustling. Even if you were standing under the eaves, there would still be rain on your body.

Hua Ye was speechless: "At this time, staying in a hotel is the right choice, right?"

Hugging the fold-eared cat that was trembling slightly from the cold, Wei Nai intertwined her ten fingers subconsciously, obviously hesitating in her heart, she bit her lip after a while and said: "A-wait and see, maybe the rain will come soon. Stopped, or a taxi came...and how can I live with you..."

"Why do you want to live together?" Hua Ye shrugged: "We can book two rooms."

"Huh?" Wei Nai's eyes lit up, she was used to being frugal, and it didn't occur to her that she could open two rooms.

Seeing Hua Ye's funny look at this moment, Wei Nai's face suddenly turned red, she bit her lip in embarrassment, and raised her hand as if to hit her: "You, why didn't you say it earlier!"

What did I say earlier!

Who knew you were struggling with this problem!

"Hmph~" Wei Nai snorted softly, rolled a glance at Hua Ye, and regained her spirited expression, "Go in!"

Turning around and entering the hotel again, Wei Nai walked to the front desk and said, "Please open us two rooms."

"I'm sorry." The front desk shrugged. "There were originally, but just now another guest booked a room, so now there is only the last room left."


"Kacha" a bolt of lightning strikes down.

The expression on Wei Nai's face froze instantly, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a black and white silhouette.

This is the so-called cocooning yourself!

If you hadn't struggled for so long just now, there wouldn't be only the last room left!

Hua Ye turned his head and saw that someone came running in the rain, obviously wanting to stay in a hotel, so he immediately took out his wallet and said, "We've got the last room."

Chapter 149 Bathroom Play

There are generally two charging methods in hotels, one is the hourly room charged by the hour, and the other is the overnight room charged by the day, of course, the latter is more expensive.

But Hua Ye didn't care about the money, he just took out his bank card and swiped the card to pay.

After swiping the card, the front desk respectfully presented the key: "This is your key, please keep it."

"Hmm." Hua Ye reached out and took the key.

At this time, the guest who came running in the rain hurried into the hotel, shaking off the rain on his body, and said, "Open me a room..."

"Sorry, there are no more." The front desk shook his head, "The last room has just been reserved by this couple."

"Love, lovers!" Wei Nai's face suddenly turned red, but she was embarrassed to refute in front of these people, and she just pulled away the distance from Hua Ye, acting like I didn't know this person.

The two walked upstairs one after the other, and after leaving the front desk's sight, Wei Nai bit her lip and said in a low voice, "I will pay you back the money for the room tomorrow..."

As a result, a woman happened to be walking down the stairs at this time. After hearing Wei Nai's words, she couldn't help being stunned, and then looked at Hua Ye with a look of infinite contempt on her face.

What kind of expression do you have? Hundan!

Do you think that I am the kind of person who needs AA system to open a room with a girl!

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