"Girls must keep their eyes open when looking for a boyfriend. Don't be fooled by a scumbag..." When passing by, the woman whispered to herself.

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

You said it on purpose!Must be!

Believe it or not, I will teach you how to be a human being!

Not to mention Hua Ye's depression, Wei Nai chuckled lightly, not as nervous as before.


After opening the door and seeing the furnishings inside, Wei Nai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This is a tidy, clean room, not the ambiguous couple-themed hotels in hot spring resorts.

In fact, this kind of cheap love hotel is not much different from ordinary hotels. Except that there are no windows to prevent sneak shots, the rest are almost the same as ordinary business hotels. Hotel only.

The size of the room is not large, but it is clean and tidy, and the warm lighting shines on the whole room.

The most eye-catching thing is a white double bed. Directly opposite the bed is a wall-mounted TV, and a refrigerator stands in the corner. The food and drinks in it can be taken at will, and will be directly included in the house payment tomorrow.

On the bookshelf next to it, there are many free comics for people to read.

In addition, there is a condom vending machine in the corner, which is the kind that pays first and then ships.

When Wei Nai saw those condoms, she bit her lip immediately, and then quickly turned her head away, as if looking at them one more time would hurt her eyes.

"Shall we take a shower first?" Hua Ye said as he closed the door.

"You, what are you talking about!" Wei Nai hugged Big Meow, took a step back subconsciously, and looked over sharply.

Hua Ye was unmoved: "I just got wet from the rain, wouldn't it be hard not to take a shower?"

Wei Nai, who didn't think there was anything wrong at first, listened to Hua Ye's words, and subconsciously twisted her body. The rain-soaked clothes stuck to her body, as if a bug had crawled over her. It made her very uncomfortable, and she desperately wanted to To take a bath.

But after seeing the design of the bathroom, Wei Nai puffed up her mouth again.

Like most hotels, the bathroom is designed to look like frosted glass, which is the kind of design that can see the contours and curves even though it is not clear. In many cases, this hazy feeling is actually better than the real one. more attractive.

"If you take a bath in such a place, you will definitely be seen!"

Thinking of this, Wei Nai hurriedly shook her head.

"No! This kind of thing can't be promised anyway!"

She took a deep breath, turned her head and said, "I, I won't wash it anymore! Just dry it with a hair dryer..."

Hua Ye shrugged: "Then I'm going to take a shower."

He was also soaked by the rain just now. Although he didn't catch a cold, it was uncomfortable to have wet clothes sticking to his body.

"Just go take a shower!" Wei Nai puffed up her mouth angrily, and looked aside.

Wei Nai took the hair dryer and dried up some of the water vapor on Big Meow's body. She is a devil, so it shouldn't be a serious problem even if she gets in the rain, but cats are afraid of water, and they have just been neutered. , maybe it will cause serious consequences, and I feel really sorry for letting Hua Ye go home in the rain... But even though her back is facing the bathroom, she can still clearly hear the rustling sound coming from behind her. voice, he couldn't help biting his lips.


Why does it become like this!

Obviously they came out to look for Da Miaowu, but now that Da Miaowu has been found, why did it become two people to open the room!

Trying not to listen to the voice behind her, but the more she didn't want to hear it, the sound of splashing water became clearer... Wei Nai hurriedly shook her head, then took the remote control and turned on the TV.

A program called "Late Night Cafeteria" was playing on the TV, which looked very interesting. Wei Nai watched the TV, and gradually felt that the sound of water behind her was not so disturbing.

"I've finished washing." After a while, Hua Ye came out wearing a bathrobe, wiping his hair with a towel in one hand, but the bathrobe was only tied around his waist with a belt, exposing his strong chest into the air.

"So fast?" Wei Nai was taken aback.

"It's not a bath, this speed is normal."

She turned her head to look at Hua Ye, then turned her head away again immediately, and said nervously, "You, you put on your clothes quickly!"

Hua Ye was very helpless, "The clothes are still wet, how can I wear them?"

Wei Nai pouted, "There is a hair dryer here, you can blow your clothes..."

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

Smelling the light and refreshing breath after bathing, Wei Nai felt more and more uncomfortable that her clothes were wet. It happened that the show was over, and it was time for the boring commercials. read a comic, and said seriously: "You read the comic!"

"Huh? But I'm not interested in comics..." Hua Ye was puzzled.

Before finishing speaking, Wei Nai handed the manga in front of him, trying to say with a majestic expression: "I want to take a bath, whether you read manga or watch TV, in short, you must not peek, otherwise, Otherwise, I will not forgive you!"

Who would peek!

Do you think I'm the kind of incompetent person who dares not to act or act, but only dares to spy on girls in secret!

Let me tell you, if you want to see it, I will definitely do it aboveboard and watch it in front of your face!


Hua Ye reached out to take the manga, flipped through two pages, and the expression on his face suddenly became weird.

"What's that expression on your face?" Wei Nai had been paying attention to Hua Ye's every move, but when she heard that, she looked over with vigilant eyes.

Hua Ye didn't speak, but just raised the comic book in his hand.

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