Wei Nai reached out to take it suspiciously, and after looking at it twice, a red glow appeared on her face, and there was even a sign of steam on the top of her head.

Because what she handed to Hua Ye was an erotic comic!

And the plot is still the type of bullying the girl next door!

"Ju, it's really irresponsible to put this kind of comics in the hotel!" Wei Nai stammered and said angrily.


This place was originally a love hotel, and there were only erotic comics in it, so how irresponsible is it!


Wei Nai slammed the comics shut, and tried to say in a dignified tone: "Don't read these terrible comics! You should watch TV!"

But you, who are blushing all over your face, don't have any majesty at all!

Chapter 150 Vacuum or something...

"Hold the big meow!" Wei Nai handed over the fold-eared cat in her arms, trying to keep a pretty face, and said in a serious tone, "Also, no peeking!"

No need to emphasize it anymore, you have already said it the fifth time!

And how could I peek at it, even if I did, I would look at it openly.

Wei Nai said it again worryingly, then walked into the bathroom with a blushing face, took off her clothes after a long time, and as the warm water poured down, the shyness and tension in her heart dissipated a little.

Soon, the fog in the bathroom began to steam up, Wei Nai turned her head slightly, and looked through the frosted glass, only Hua Ye's blurry back could be seen.

"Huh~" Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a hint of bewilderment in her eyes.

Why... why did it become like this?

She obviously came out to find Big Meow, why did she end up staying in a love hotel with classmate Hua Ye!

"Could it be that you really have to cocoon yourself?" Wei Nai bit her lip a little bit angrily, "If I hadn't struggled with it for so long, then I could have opened two rooms, and such a thing would not have happened, although It's going to cost you a lot more…”

Wei Nai usually likes to be clean. If conditions permit, she must take a bath at least once a day. When taking a bath, she will empty her mind and let herself enter an ethereal state where she doesn't think about anything.

It's just that at this moment, she started to think wildly uncontrollably.

"I heard that boys are terrifying creatures who will turn into adult wolves under the moonlight... But there are no windows in the room, and the moonlight won't come in..."

"If classmate Hua Ye touches me... for the sake of finding Big Meow, I'll at most knock him out..."

"By the way, there is only one bed in the room, how should I rest later..."

Under such entanglement, Wei Nai finally took a shower.

Then she finally discovered a very serious problem - this is a love hotel, not her neatly arranged room.

In other words... After she took a shower, she didn't have a clean and refreshing change of underwear at hand!

"How could this happen!" Wei Nai opened her eyes wide and puffed out her mouth angrily.

She just took a shower, and she didn't want to put on the underwear that had been worn for a day anyway, not to mention that the underwear was still wet from the rain, and it would definitely be uncomfortable to wear on her body.

But, but if you don't wear it, do you have to... go out in a vacuum?

No, no, no, no!

How could such a thing be possible!

If you appear in front of boys without underwear, you will definitely be regarded as a slut! !

"What should I do?" Wei Nai fell into a tangle again.

There seemed to be only two options before her.

Either endure the torture and put on wet underwear...

Either no underwear, go out in a vacuum...

Ahhh, no matter how you look at it, both are equally bad options!

"That's right!" Wei Nai suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "If you dry the underwear, it's still a little uncomfortable, but it's not impossible to wear it..."

But if you want to dry clothes, you must use a hair dryer, but the hair dryer is outside, and it may be dangerous to use it in a place like the bathroom... As for the option of drying fat times in front of Hua Ye, It has been rejected by Wei Nai immediately.

Wei Nai struggled for a long time before finally making up her mind, and shouted shyly, "Hua Ye, bring the hair dryer..."

However, because the sound was too low, almost like a mosquito humming, Hua Ye couldn't hear clearly for a while, thinking that Wei Nai was calling him to go over.

Hey, why did you suddenly call me over?

Do you want me to go into the bathroom and wipe her back like that erotic book just now?

So he walked to the bathroom door, ready to open the door and go in.

"What are you going to do?" Wei Nai asked cautiously with a red face.

Hua Ye blinked: "Didn't you call me over to wipe your back?"

"Who asked you to wipe your back!" Wei Nai was ashamed and angry, her face blushing, "I'll hit you again! I just asked you to bring the hair dryer! What are you thinking about!"


Hua Ye brought the hair dryer over, Wei Nai opened the door a gap, leaned sideways and stretched out a hand.

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