A book, if the reader has no impulse after reading it, then it must be a failed book.

"It shouldn't be. Teacher Emmanuel clearly said that I painted very well this time." Hinata tilted her head and said like a small animal with sharp mouth, "Brother Xiaoye didn't hit me on purpose, right?"

It doesn't hurt your interest at all, even if you set the heroine of this book as a combination of Lafite and Xiaojia, after reading it, you still won't feel any impulse!

But the plot just now...you can find the crippled angel Gabriel to try, although it is very likely to be kicked.

"I don't believe it." Hinata said, "Brother Xiaoye took off his pants, let me check."

Check your sister, you don't want face, I still want face, do you think it's a child playing house, stripping off your clothes and letting you check your body, you will be arrested for 'obscenity' and taken to the police station to drink tea!

"Brother Xiaoye." Hinata was a little worried, "Do you think Lafite will be angry when he sees this notebook?"

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "I won't be angry."

After all, there is a lot of difference between the book and the real person, and Lafite will not get angry because of such a trivial matter, but... it will definitely let you know who is the real big devil.

"Send me the notebook." Hua Ye said, "Go back and ask Lafite and Xiaojia to give their opinions."


At this time, the cat-eared lady ran in with her slippers 'patapata', threw herself on the bed, and assumed a paralyzed posture.

"Finally cleaned meow."

Hinata asked curiously, "Wipe what?"

"It's Yaojiang Meow." Ling Na rolled over and rolled onto Hua Ye's lap, rubbing her cheeks back and forth, squinting her eyes and said, "I can't wipe off the sweat on my body, meow."

"That..." Hinata looked up at Hua Ye, with a delicate tone, "I don't think it's sweat."

What can't be wiped dry is not only sweat, but also water!For example, the saliva, when you see the saury, the saliva can't be wiped away either!


The phone suddenly vibrated.

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and the caller's name in the note was the house girl Mountain God.

Line connected.

Shi Changji's aggrieved cry immediately reached his ears.

"Ahhh! My lord, help me!"

Hua Ye said with disgust, "I'm not."

Don't call me husband, even if you call dad, it's useless. Compared with Hinata and Mao Erniang, you are not even ordinary friends!

"Anyway, anyway, I'm in danger." A grievous whimper sounded from the other end of the phone, "There are bad people who want to catch me and play with me so that I can't be messed with."

Hua Ye complained: "Psychologically, you are called 'excessive self-awareness'."

If you want looks without looks, or body without figure, if you want to be offended, first ask others whether they agree or not!

"My lord already knows that someone is going to arrest me, right?" Shi Changji said angrily, "I haven't gone out for a while, and I haven't provoked anyone at all."

The door is not out, the second door is not open, it really is super squatting at home, before you said "the world is so big, I want to see it", you are watching it in games and anime!

"Those onmyojis are no different from robbers when they call you without saying a word." The House Girl Mountain God said, "Surely my lord will not sit idly by such an excessive betrayal?"

I'm not a member of the kind and lawful camp, so as long as I don't bother me, I'll definitely just sit back and watch, so call me back and forth as you please!

Hua Ye said, "Where are your subordinates?"

Shi Changji said, "I can't beat it."

Hua Ye said, "If you can't fight, run away."

Keeping the green hills here, you don’t have to worry about no firewood, you have been sealed for hundreds of years, and you have lost all your morals, let alone care about such things as face!

"I can't leave." Shi Changji gritted his teeth and said, "Those guys sealed the entire amusement park with something, so I can't leave."

No wonder I called for help. It turned out that the escape route was cut off and there was no way to go.

"There are still more." The house girl mountain god continued, "My lord, your teacher is also in the amusement park today. He is beautiful and has a good figure. If you don't come to rescue us, we will be caught by the enemy and play together. It's broken."

Hua Ye: "..."

The teacher must mean that Jing is cute, and I don't know how to get to the amusement park... Those people mainly target the house girl mountain god, and they probably won't attack ordinary onmyojis.

Hua Ye stood up silently and walked outside.

"Brother Xiaoye." Hinata shouted, "Where are you going?"

Hua Ye said without turning his head, "Draw your notebook."

Chapter 1491 The Miko Showdown

Deciding to go to the shrine, Miss Miko naturally acted with Hua Ye. Hinata, cat-ear girl and other short-legged girls stayed at home, and none of them were taken.

Just about to go out, a piercing voice suddenly sounded.

"I'll go as well."

The petite Yaodao Ji with silver hair up to her knees came out of the room, holding a knife in her arms, with a murderous look on her small face, "I'm going to kill someone."

After being filled by Hua Ye, Yao Dao Ji's body was full of strength, and she was eager to vent the humiliation she had suffered by slashing people.

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