Miss Miko hesitated, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go together."

The three of them walked out of the shrine, and then hailed a taxi on the side of the road. Hua Ye and Miss Miko sat in the back seat, and Yao Dao Ji sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Japanese taxis are strictly tested, and the drivers are generally not young, and they are mainly men. Today, I met a middle-aged aunt in her [-]s or [-]s.

Aunts of this age are usually talkative, and after a short drive, they started chatting with Yaodao Ji who was sitting beside her.

"How old is the little girl, is she still in primary school?"

Yaodao Ji glanced at the driver's aunt, her face was expressionless, and she didn't answer.

If you really want to talk about age, as a big youkai in the Heian period, it is hundreds of years old.

The aunt was not dissatisfied with Yaodao Ji's indifferent attitude, and continued to say cheerfully: "You like cosplay with such a big knife when you go out, don't you?"

Yaodao Ji was dissatisfied: "This is my weapon, not a toy."

Once alone, he challenged monsters from all over the world, and only the sword was his partner.

"Understood." The aunt nodded and smiled, "When my daughter was in junior high school, she also had the same hobbies as you. She often said that she was Hei Zhen, and she liked to hide in her room at night and make clothes. I heard that this is something that everyone will experience. stage, similar to the rebellious stage... what is it called?"

Yaodao Ji said speechlessly: "Second secondary disease."

"That's right, it's the second disease of middle school." The aunt chattered, "It's actually quite interesting. I took photos of my daughter wearing strange clothes, and I showed her when my daughter grew up. The expression at that time was quite wonderful."

The driver's aunt said: "Have you asked your brothers and sisters to take pictures of you?"

"Not brother."

Yao Dao Ji gritted her teeth and answered.

The humiliation in the bathroom before is still vivid in my memory. If my brother did that kind of thing to his sister, he would be hit by a thunderbolt!

The driver's aunt showed a knowing smile: "People who often get into trouble with brother actually like him more."

Yaodao Ji said decisively: "Impossible!"

I can't wait to tear up the guy sitting behind me, how can I like him!

"Who is the person who thinks the most in your heart?"

Demon Sword Fairy: "..."

Looking at the weak Demon Sword Girl, Miss Miko smiled with her pink lips, and said in a low voice, "I don't know if Hinata will have a second illness in the future, and I can take a picture of it and save it."

It's useless, give it up, Hinata's skin is as thick as bulletproof glass now, and when she grows up, her skin may be as thick as the earth's crust, the shameful photos from her childhood are definitely useless!

"Everyone has a second grade..." Hua Ye looked at Miss Miko, "Where's your picture?"

Miss Miko blushed slightly: "There are no photos."

Just say that there are no photos, do you not deny the second phase?

Thinking about it, even Shihua has a tattoo on the back of her neck. It's not surprising that Miss Miko has a second grade.

Hua Ye said, "Hinata said that you recently bought a nurse uniform."

"Just for fun." Miss Miko turned her head to look out of the window, her side face flushed slightly under the light, "It's just a hobby."

Hua Ye said, "I want to see it."

Miss Miko came over annoyed, pursed her pink lips and said, "...we'll talk about it when we go back."


Speechless all the way.

Soon they arrived at the entrance of the amusement park. After Hua Ye paid the bill, the three of them opened the door and got out of the car.

This amusement park is located in the suburbs, coupled with poor management and outdated facilities, it was once on the verge of bankruptcy. Later, it was bought by the house goddess and transformed into a private amusement park. Since then, it has been closed to outsiders.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

The gate of the amusement park was locked, and it was extremely quiet. There were only dim street lights to illuminate the night. It was obvious that a large sensory barrier had been placed to prevent ordinary people from discovering the fighting situation inside.

Miss Miko said, "The door is locked."

Yaodao Ji was about to draw her sword: "Let me do it."

"No need." Hua Ye said, "jump in."

The last time when He Jingai came to buy shikigami, he just jumped into the wall directly, so he didn't have to worry about breaking into the house.


Jing Keai can climb over the wall, and the three of Hua Ye have no problem, they easily cross the wall and enter the amusement park.

The light distorted slightly for a moment, and the real amusement park appeared in front of the three of them.

Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the flames of war raged... Naturally, there was no such thing, and it was not a battlefield with hot weapons. Onmyoji duels were not so grand at all, or the Onmyoji in this world were too weak to create amazing sound and light effects.

Walking all the way to Snow White's castle where the mountain god lives, you can see many traces left by the battle on the road, such as large areas of frost-frozen vegetation, uprooted thorns and flowers, the air is filled with the smell of burning flames, and There is a salty smell of blood.

Yao Dao Ji's eyes were shining, her right hand was pressed on the handle of the knife, and the expression on her face clearly said 'my big knife is already hungry and thirsty'.

"Who are you?"

A ninja wearing a black night suit with only a pair of eyes exposed jumped down from the tree, and asked in a cold voice.

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