Yao Dao Ji looked up at Hua Ye and licked her lower lip: "Do you want to chop him off?"

Miss Miko said calmly, "Let's come over and check the situation."


The ninja was silent for a moment, took a step back, and his figure merged into the night again.

"Just leave like this?" Yaodao Ji was disappointed.

This ninja is obviously in charge of guarding the periphery. After recognizing Miss Miko, he probably regarded Liuli as an onmyoji who came to help——Mountain God Shi Changji’s helpers are almost all monsters. Miss Miko is very famous, and many people know her would suspect her of 'defeating the battle'.

Therefore, the three of Hua Ye walked unimpeded all the way, did not encounter interrogation, did not encounter a battle, and just walked to the very center of the battlefield.

One side is the Onmyoji camp, with a large number of people, and the other side is naturally the monster who occupies the land here. The leader is Yatengu, and the mountain god Shi Changji is protected by a group of monsters. It can be seen that the Onmyoji side has the upper hand , Many monsters were wounded, and the maid outfits of several monster maids were in tatters, revealing a lot of spring... But at this time, few people would pay attention to female sex.

The battle was quite fierce.

The wings on Yatengu's back have been torn in half, and he is tossing and turning on the battlefield. He is obviously in poor condition. His enemies are two ancient generals in armor with long knives. The ancient famous general who came.

"Minato Raimitsu and Sakata Kintoki." Yaodao Ji snorted softly, "It's actually these two despicable guys, they really like to bully the less."

Minamoto Yorimitsu was a famous military commander in the Heian period. His greatest achievement was killing Shuten Doji. Unfortunately, he did not kill the enemy openly in a one-on-one duel, but used conspiracy and tricks. He had four brothers under him, known as "Four Heavenly Kings of Raikou", it is said that if they are summoned together, they will gain additional combat power.

"I'm going to kill someone!"

Yao Dao Ji paused, sword energy surged all over her body, and her silver hair fluttered. With the sound of 'buzz', the long knife was unsheathed instantly, and her whole body turned into a streamer, rushing towards Yuan Laiguang in the battlefield.


Flowing light splashed, and the collision between the two caused a rolling and spreading ripple in the air. Heroine Raikou flew out backwards, and the person rolled several times in mid-air, and then his feet plowed two deep scratches on the ground.

"It's a samurai's bullying to bully the few." The silver-haired loli pointed forward with a big knife longer than herself, "Let's have a fair and square showdown, Minamoto Raimitsu."

The silver-haired Demon Sword Fairy exuded strong confidence and charm at this moment, and instantly became one of the focuses on the battlefield.

"Who is that?"

"I seem to have seen it at Chiba Shrine..."

"Is it the shikigami of Miko Ruri?"

After a short period of silence, the nearby onmyoji cast their eyes on Miss Miko. The Miss Miko when grandpa just passed away was weak in cultivation and lonely. She had little sense of existence in the Onmyoji Association, and not many people cared about it. But now the glazed archery technique has been accomplished, and under Hua Ye's guidance, the combat power has leapt, especially the last time a foreign enemy invaded, Miss Miko borrowed Hua Ye's power to shoot Shuten-doji who had just arrived with one arrow, which was completely confirmed. The number one position on the combat power ranking list.

Yatengu's pressure was greatly relieved, and he looked at Hua Ye with a relieved and grateful expression on his face... well, not at all.

This monster has a crow's head, and it is so dark in the night, it is comparable to a black old iron, and it is impossible to see the expression clearly!

"The witch from the Chiba family?" A middle-aged man who was standing with his hands behind his back turned his head and frowned slightly. "I invited her before and said that I would not come if I had something to do. So she was the rescuer of those monsters?"

Behind the middle-aged man, a girl who was also wearing a priestess costume and combed Ji's hair calmly said: "Father, leave her to me."


Miss Miko turned her head to look, her eyes met, and she frowned slightly.

Hua Ye crossed the battlefield and walked to the monster camp behind Yatengu. Miss Miko naturally followed behind, not leaving every step. When other onmyojis saw them, several of them even showed shameful expressions.

It has been two or three months since the house girl mountain god unlocked the seal. At the beginning, she earned her first pot of gold by renting shikigami, and her relationship with the local Onmyoji Association is not bad, and she can even be called a friend... It's a pity that in this world, profit is paramount after all. When others offer higher benefits, the originally weak friendship will naturally be broken.

So no one accused Hua Ye and Miss Miko of betraying the 'human camp'. The current battle is not a battle for the survival of the race, but a very ordinary battle of interests.

"Husband..." The house girl mountain god opened her mouth, and after meeting Hua Ye's gaze, she swallowed her husband back, and looked at Hua Ye pitifully, "You are finally here, if you take a step slower, I will be arrested It’s so scary to play around until you can’t afford it.”

Looking at the mountain god with potato chip crumbs on the corner of his mouth, Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Afraid to eat potato chips?"

Shi Changji sniffled her nose, she seemed to want to squeeze out two tears, but unfortunately she couldn't, and said weakly, "It's because I'm afraid that I want to eat some potato chips to suppress my shock."

It's enough!As the head of the eldest sister, it's fine if you don't take the lead in the charge, but you actually hide behind and eat potato chips and drink Coke. Are you worthy of those monsters who are fighting bloody battles for you!

"I can't help it." The House Girl Mountain God was pitiful and helpless, "Those people actually bribed the traitor and sealed my power. I am also very desperate."

Hua Ye was about to speak, when his eyes suddenly turned, and he looked at Jing Kei who came down from the stairs. The white coat that never left her body was torn several times. The clothes on her body were obviously a size smaller, and Liu Mei also frowned slightly .

A faint smell of blood flooded into his nose.

Hua Ye narrowed his eyes: "Are you injured?"

Jing Keai's pretty face was a little pale, she raised her hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, and shook her head, "It's okay, it's not serious."

"Where is the injury?"


Jing Keai blushed slightly, did not answer, coughed lightly, and changed the subject: "Ya Tiangou has business contacts with my father, and I came here today to discuss business...and this happened."

Seeing that Hua Ye didn't speak, Jing Keai continued: "The injury is not serious, I'm still an onmyoji no matter what... It's just that mouse demon is very annoying."

"It's because he suddenly betrayed me that made the situation so bad." The House Girl Mountain God slapped the sofa and said angrily, "How angry!"

Potato chips made a 'crack click' sound, I didn't see where you were angry at all!

Hua Ye calmly said, "Where's that monster?"

"It ran away, but I couldn't catch it." Jing Keai shook her head, clenched her fists and said, "Next time, I must break his five limbs... Wait, do mice have five limbs?"

Nonsense, the reproductive method of mammals is male and female mating, mice not only have five limbs, but also quite strong abilities, much stronger than lions who are real men in five seconds!Don't forget that rat demon also pursued you, without that ability, he wouldn't pursue you at all!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and scanned the amusement park. He quickly found the mouse hiding in a dark corner, and silently took out a coin from his pocket.

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