

The ghost who almost scared Jing Keai out of a heart attack just now knelt down on the ground, holding his head in his hands, trembling.


Hua Ye let go of his right hand and said calmly, "Don't show up a second time."

The ghost kneeling on the ground nodded hurriedly, opened its mouth and swallowed the tongue that had fallen down, its posture looked like eating ramen, which was quite strange.

After swallowing the tongue, the atmosphere of terror dropped suddenly. The ghost actually turned into a handsome girl. She covered her mouth with her hand to prevent the tongue from falling out, and then timidly looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said, "Let's go."

The ghost girl nodded quickly, with a grateful expression on her face, she turned around and ran out in small steps.

Jing Keai lowered her head and glanced down. The ghost also has feet, but it doesn't make footsteps when walking, it looks like it is floating in the air.

"Just now... what's going on?" Jing Keai couldn't turn the corner for a while, and said in disbelief, "Why did she kneel all of a sudden?"

"Because she is afraid of death." The house girl mountain god looked normal, still eating potato chips, not surprised at all, and muttered and explained, "Did you see the spider just now, the ghost just now is much weaker than the spider Now, if my lord husband punches down, she will definitely die."

"Many ghosts have memories of when they were human beings. They are actually very smart, they can play tricks, they can chase after people, and of course they are also afraid of death." Shi Changji complained, "If you die again, you will completely become nothingness."

"How?" Shi Changji raised her chin, and said proudly, "Didn't you say that two fists can't beat four hands, but just now there were six hands... No, spiders have eight legs... Anyway, there are many hands."

Jing Keai turned her head to look at Hua Ye, complaining with complicated eyes: "A battle solved with one punch is massacre, right?"

if not?

A puppet spider, a shadow assassin, and a ghost female ghost are extremely weak existences, and they don't need a second punch at all. Even in your world, when all the seals are unlocked, it is also a punch. thing!


at the same time.

Yaodao Ji is in a desperate situation. Her current body is an alchemy creation, unable to generate spiritual power on its own, that is, the so-called recovery ability is zero. In fact, this body was a consumable at the beginning of its manufacture. If Hua Ye hadn't helped fill in the loopholes , has already collapsed and shattered.

As the patriarch of the Kannazuki family issued the order of 'quick battle and quick decision', more shikigami besieged her suddenly. She could have gained the upper hand in a one-on-one battle, but now she was completely at a disadvantage.

To make matters worse, the spiritual power in the body was rapidly consumed along with the battle, and the combat power plummeted, reaching a critical point.

"Is this the end?"

Looking at Minamoto Raimitsu's long sword, Yaodao Ji, or Yaodao Hongying, his heart was at peace.

For her, death is not the end. She was already dead. It was the stories passed down by human beings that made her an existence similar to a heroic spirit. This time, when she dies, her consciousness will return to nothingness. appear in this world again.

It's just that the woman she was at that time will definitely not be the woman she is now.

"It's a pity."

"There are still two bosses left in Black Soul that have not been defeated."

"There's also the New Year's Eve reunion dinner that Hinata talked about..."

“The food is really delicious…”


The cold light on the blade rapidly enlarged in his eyes.

"After [-] seconds, it will be cut on my body, the power is enough to break through my defense, and cut myself into two pieces." A series of battle information surged in Yaodao Ji's heart, but as her spiritual power was exhausted, her body I can't keep up with my thoughts.

Zero three seconds passed.

A second passed.

Two seconds passed.

The expected darkness did not engulf him.

Yao Dao Ji opened her eyes, and saw a white and slender hand appearing in front of her, quietly holding the blade.

This hand is very familiar to Yao Dao Ji, because an hour ago, she sat in the bathtub and cleaned it carefully, and even put her finger in her mouth to absorb the magic power.

"Who are you?" A deep and hoarse voice sounded, and Minamoto Raikou, who had never spoken since the beginning, looked at Hua Ye, and said for the first time, "You were able to catch my boy, Qie Angang, empty-handed..."

Before he finished speaking, the expression on Minamoto Raimiko's face turned into astonishment and shock.

With Hua Ye's light pinch, a small crack suddenly appeared on the top of the boy's knife, and the crack spread rapidly, like a spider's web, quietly spreading to the entire blade, and then...


A crisp sound resounded in the night wind, and the whole boy, An Gang, shattered into pieces, turning into tiny stars and dissipating in the air.

"How could it be?" Minamoto Raimiko opened his eyes wide and looked at Hua Ye in disbelief, "How could you crush Dojikiri with your bare hands?"

It's just a knife made of spiritual power, as long as you find the weak point, let alone crush it, it can be shattered with a flick of your fingers!

Hua Ye was too lazy to answer this kind of question, explaining it was cumbersome and meaningless, he simply put his five fingers together and started to make a fist.

"You want to fight with me?" Minamoto Raikou looked over, and the long knife in his hand slowly gathered again, "Answer my question first..."

Hua Ye said calmly, "It's troublesome, I don't want to talk about it."

Punch first, and after punching those who didn't ask questions, they will naturally be quiet.

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