"Wait a minute." Yaodao Ji shouted suddenly.

Hua Ye looked down, "What's wrong?"

"I'll do it myself." Yao Dao Ji gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Extend your finger and let me take a bite..."


Chapter 1493 Lolicon's magical skills

"Help me mend the magic."

Yao Dao Ji tried her best to stand up straight, and opened her mouth to enclose Hua Ye's fingers.

As a sword, he met an acquaintance from a hundred years ago. There is only a boiling fighting spirit in his chest. With this fighting spirit, he can definitely suppress his body's instincts.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

As Hua Ye poured her spiritual energy, Yao Dao Ji felt an indescribable sense of insensitivity instantly sweeping through her body. The intense pleasure was like a surging tsunami, instantly melting away her steel-like fighting heart.

"Why is it more, more comfortable than the previous two times?"

"You must hold back..."

Yaodao Ji tensed her body, the silver hair that fell to her waist couldn't help trembling, she tried her best to resist the pleasure of her body, and then...


Loli's coquettish and soft crooning finally resounded throughout the battlefield.

The air was suddenly quiet for a moment.

Whether it's an onmyoji or a monster, they all cast shocked gazes here.

Leaving aside the identity of the Demon Sword Girl, she looks like an eleven or twelve-year-old loli who is about the same size as Hinata.

Long silver hair hangs down the knees.

In front of him was a demon knife bigger than a human.

The face is exquisite and lovely, and the eyes are sharp and bright.

A small dull hair on the top of his head trembled slightly in the night wind.

The clothes were damaged in many places, with the looming snow white inside, the body was not developed, and there was no trembling alluring spring, but the young and tender slender body was even more eye-catching.

No matter from which aspect, Yaodao Ji is a super cute and beautiful loli.

But at this moment.

This beautiful loli is infinitely beautiful, one minute too young, one more year old, her body trembling half against Hua Ye's arms, her pink lips slightly parted, her chest heaving, her sharp and cold eyes turned into a Countless streams of spring water appeared on the cheeks as white as jade, and large swaths of blush floated up. The aftertaste of the extreme happiness exuded from all over the body made all the female onmyojis present blush and cursed in their mouths. , The legs subconsciously clamped.

Music knows no borders.

Certain sounds can also resonate with the souls of others.

Peach Blossom Demon opened her eyes wide, opened her small mouth slightly, and looked at Yaodao Ji in disbelief.

"Sister Sakura, you you you..."

The Yaodao Ji in my memory is cold, powerful and silent, and now she actually holds other people's fingers in front of her... What happened to Sister Sakura all these years!

"That kid... what is he doing?"

Jing Keai also trembled a bit, a blush rose on her face, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Hua Ye.

"If you're not mistaken." The Mountain Goddess Zhai Nu supported her chin with one hand, tilted her head and said, "It should be helping to replenish the demon."

"Replenishing, replenishing magic?"

Jing Kei was taken aback, and couldn't help but think of that night when she asked Hua Ye to replenish the magic in the parking lot of the park. So the magic repair would cause such a terrible chain reaction?

Fortunately, I didn't let him replenish the magic, otherwise I would no longer have the face to be a teacher!

Almost all the female onmyojis present were experienced, and under the low voice of Yaodao Ji's soul, they all resonated with their souls and began to fantasize.

In contrast, the thinking of male onmyojis is more complicated.

The most common type of people are those who are shocked, they actually do such things to their own shikigami in such a serious battle situation, please take a look at the situation!

The second type of thinking is curiosity.

Curious about what Hua Ye did to Yaodao Ji to create such an exaggerated effect.

The third category is lolicons who hide their identities.

This group of people has the most complicated faces

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! To actually do such an obscene and shameless thing to such a delicate loli, it's not as good as a beast!"

"Ahh! Let go of that loli, let me do it!"

"Ah! This big brother, please be sure to accept me as a younger brother, and then pass this trick on to me!"

The vast majority of human form gods have their own joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys. Onmyoji can use the power of the contract to force shikigami to do things, but the more excessive things are, the more intense the resistance of the shikigami will be.

For example, if you force Shikigami to do chest pushes for you, if you don't have enough goodwill, it will not only consume a lot of mental power, but you may also suffer backlash if you are a little careless.

If you can learn the trick just now, things will be much easier!In the historical records, the Demon Sword Fairy was a cold and proud lone monster, but now she has been transferred/taught by Watery Panting Lolita...

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