This is definitely a must-have magic skill for lolicon. You don't need to be careful about how to master it, just let a loli bite her finger once, and you can completely capture it!



Silver hair fluttering.

Powerful spiritual power escaped from the body, rolling up hunting flames.

Yaodao Ji took a deep breath, stood up straight, and raised her hand to grab it. The demon knife inserted in the ground buzzed and trembled, and flew directly into her hand. The blue light flowed from the palm of the demon knife to the demon knife, and quickly wrapped the demon knife.


The ground exploded, gravel splashed, and smoke and dust billowed, a petite figure holding a huge blade instantly appeared in front of Minamoto Raimiko.

When the long knives collided, the spiritual light burst out suddenly, and the newly condensed boy Anzuna suddenly broke in the slash, and an arm of the source of the hero, Raikou, shattered and dissipated directly.

"This shame... just use your lives to pay for it!"


"Who is that boy?"

Kannazuki Kagemon frowned and asked in a deep voice.

Someone next to him answered quickly.

"It's Qianye Liuli's...boyfriend, the two of them have performed many commissions together."

"Which family?"

"The investigation shows that the other party seems to be an ordinary high school student."

Kannazuki Kagemon showed a look of shock on his face: "You said he was a high school student?"

"To be precise, a freshman in high school."


Patriarch Kannazuki was silent for a moment, then frowned and said, "He should have used some kind of special technique to provide power to Yaodao Ji, and the people who were sent to attack Shi Changji just now were all defeated by him... You all take action together, He took it."

"Yes, master."

A group of onmyojis shifted their targets one after another, and began to focus their fire on Hua Ye.

"Shadow Art!"

A male onmyoji quickly made seals with his hands, and suddenly something swelled and swelled in the shadow behind him, and soon a giant who was covered in pitch black crawled out. The mouth of this giant could not be seen clearly, only a pair of shining red eyes , the upper body is extraordinarily thick, far beyond the limit of human beings, and the lower it becomes slender, and the position below the abdomen is like a wisp of smoke, connected to the shadow of the male Onmyoji.

"Bang bang bang."

The shadow giant's fists collided, and there was a roaring sound like a drum beating, and then his body suddenly elongated, and a fist the size of a washbasin smashed down on Hua Ye's head.

It's not an adjective, but it's really the size of a washbasin, and that arm shrouded in black mist looks like an elephant's leg, extremely thick!

Hua Ye looked up, but before the fist arrived, the gust of wind had already ruffled his hair, and the flowers and plants in the nearby flower beds were shaking wildly.

"Why doesn't he hide?" Jing Keai stood next to the Goddess of the Zhai Nu Mountain. Seeing Hua Ye standing there without dodging or evading, she immediately became anxious and was about to walk over. "If you get hit by such a big fist, you will die immediately." Let's do it!"

"Don't make trouble." Shi Changji raised her leg to stop her, "My lord must be sure."

"how do you know?"

Shi Changji curled her lips and said, "He has so many beautiful girlfriends, how could he deliberately seek death?"


Jing Keai opened her mouth, completely speechless.

It's just that at the moment when the giant fist landed in front of Hua Ye, Jing Kexin still felt her heart twitch suddenly. She could catch ten punches like this - except for the first punch, which would be hummed, and the next nine punches , can't make a sound.

With a calm face, Hua Ye stretched out his right hand upwards.

One side is a fist the size of a washbasin, and the other side is a human palm. Under the strong contrast, people have no reason to think of the word "mantis arm is like a cart", and some people even have their hearts tense, ready to welcome the next moment when the bone in their ears is broken. The 'click' sound.

The sound of bones breaking did not resound.

Hua Ye's arm didn't snap off like a straw.

On the contrary, the onmyojis who were looking towards this side all showed unbelievable 0v0 expressions, so that the battlefield was suddenly quiet for a moment, and then the noise suddenly rang out.

"Jijuju, you actually use your fingers?"


"Just kidding?"

"Catching a fist the size of a washbasin with one finger is simply asking for death!"


No matter how unbelievable the onmyojis present are, the facts are still in front of them.

A white and slender finger lightly supported the falling giant fist.

Then there was a light bang.

The condensed shadow, like a little giant, exploded into wisps of smoke and dissipated in the air, like a balloon that was punctured by a needle, and exploded immediately!

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