
The sound of vomiting blood sounded.

The onmyoji who summoned the shadow giant with his own shadow directly opened his mouth and spewed out a mist of blood, rolled his eyes, and fell directly to the ground.

"Hey, just hold it with your hands, but you actually use a finger..." Jing Keai took a light breath, and couldn't help complaining, "If you are so arrogant, you will be beaten and crippled."

It has nothing to do with arrogance.

Hua Ye had absolutely no interest in showing off his strength in front of a group of ants.

The fist just now looked scary, but it was actually an inflated balloon...well, it was a silicone doll.

With a simple glance, Hua Ye can see countless weaknesses.

So I chose the simplest way to deal with it - find the weak point, puncture the weak point, it's that simple.

As for whether the fingers will be injured... There is no problem at all with washing hands with magma, let alone this kind of idiot shikigami that looks scary but is actually a superficial one!

"Don't stop." Patriarch Kannazuki frowned, and ordered in a deep voice, "Let's do it together."


The ground trembled and smoke billowed.

A crab the size of a shipping container came out of the darkness. I don't know what it ate to grow such a huge body. Its carapace was covered in black and blue, and its double pincers directly clamped towards Hua Ye.

Hua Ye gathered his five fingers together, clenched his right hand, and punched out.

This crab has no entity, it's just a summoned shikigami. If you want to eat crab meat, you can't do it. If that's the case, kill it directly.

As Hua Ye punched down, the aggressive and rampant crab immediately petrified in place. On the huge crab claws, fine cracks spread wildly, and the huge body collapsed like fragments, scattered and dissipated. in the air.

at the same time.

A book engraved with a pentagram appeared in the hands of a female onmyoji. The book was floating in the air. Obviously no one flipped it, but the pages of the book turned quickly, and then a chain of purple light quickly stretched out. , turning into two sharp purple claws, grabbing Hua Ye's legs.

"Everything grows."

Beside her, another female onmyoji gritted her teeth and threw out a seed. The seed fell on the ground, quickly broke through the ground and germinated, and grew at an indescribable speed. The growth was condensed in just ten seconds.

The flower suddenly bloomed and turned into the mouth of a huge piranha, biting Hua Ye's head from midair.

at the same time.

Sakata Kintoki, one of Raikou's Four Heavenly Kings, suddenly appeared behind Hua Ye, and a purple brilliance flashed through the long knife in his hand, and he quietly slashed at Hua Ye.

The cooperation of the three people was particularly tacit, and ordinary people were under siege, basically no longer able to resist.

It was said to be a siege, but in fact, not many people attacked Hua Ye.

The people from the Onmyoji Association in this city are paddling water and making soy sauce with a tacit understanding—Hua Ye and Miss Miko are both members of the same family. They have done many tasks together, drank alcohol, attended dinner parties, and some people were even rescued by Miss Miko , It is naturally impossible to kill someone.

The people who shot were mainly the onmyoji of the Kannazuki family.

As a big family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, the strength of this group of onmyojis is obviously higher than that of the city's onmyojis. At this moment, many people are worried about Hua Ye.

"too slow."

Hua Ye's face was calm. These people's attacks seemed to erupt together, but in fact they were in sequence, and they could be deciphered one by one. He naturally has the ability of three-headed six-armed or clone, but he can't use it at all.

Raising his hand and grabbing backwards, the heroic spirit Sakata Kintoki who was about to attack directly ran into Hua Ye's hands, as if he had rehearsed countless times in advance, and was restrained by Hua Ye without reacting at all.

Sakata Kintoki's face just revealed a look of astonishment, and his body suddenly slammed out, directly crashing into the big mouth of the piranha, and directly smashed the piranha bit by the probe with a 'poof'.

Dizzy, Sakata Kintoki, who fell from mid-air, stretched out his hand...

"Where's my knife?"

The knife was naturally in Hua Ye's hands.

This piranha is a special magic item, and it won't disappear even if it is killed. It is no problem to hit it with fists, but it will stain the clothes and smell bad.

For this reason, Hua Ye directly snatched the famous knife from Sakata Kintoki's hand, and then slashed in front of him at will. The piranha, which was frantically healing, broke at the root. It withered at a visible speed, and soon turned into a field of dead leaves.

Sakata Kintoki stared at Hua Ye with wide-eyed eyes, his voice roared, and his ears were ringing. As one of the four heavenly kings of Raikou, his force value was naturally extraordinary.

Now striding towards Hua Ye, he stretched out his hand and said, "Give me back the knife."

"not return."


Sakata Kintoki was silent for a moment, "That is my sword."

Hua Ye said, "If I snatch it, it's mine."


The melon-eating crowd watching by the side were shocked immediately.

"Hey, can Heroic Spirit's weapon be snatched?"

"No, generally speaking, these weapons, like clothes, are part of the heroic spirits. When the heroic spirits fight, their clothes will be tattered. In fact, they are not injured, but they decompose the clothes and transform them into combat ones. Spiritual power...I want to see Heizhen beat Ereshkigal!"

"The mist that snatches the heroic spirit should be the same as before, is it some kind of special technique?"

With a twist of Hua Ye's wrist, the famous knife in his hand was like an antelope's horns, and it fell down suddenly, directly cutting off the purple claws that were holding his legs.

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