The black book floating in mid-air closed with a bang and fell to the ground.

"You can use my sword?" Sakata Kintoki looked at him with wide eyes.

Hua Ye said, "It works."

"Give me back the sword." Sakata Kintoki said again.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "I won't pay back what I said."

Sakata Kintoki was silent for a moment, wondering which brain circuit was missing, and suddenly buzzed: "Public robbery is an illegal and criminal act, and it has been punished for more than three years..."

"You talk too much."

With squinting eyes, Hua Ye casually slashed the famous sword in his hand, and sent the heroic spirit back to his hometown.

Just like you, you are still the prototype of Sakata Gintoki, go back and charge your IQ before you talk!

When the Sakata gold was cut, the famous sword in Hua Ye's hand still hadn't dissipated. The blade turned and pointed at a shikigami carrying a red gourd.

This shikigami is short in stature, wearing a straw hat on top of his head, wearing shabby clothes, his exposed skin is shriveled and thin, and a gray beard can still be seen hanging down under the straw hat.


The red gourd hit the ground, splashing a circle of smoke and dust.

The old man Shikigami shook the gourd, and then pulled out the cork with a "boom" sound. Fiery red flames spewed out suddenly, turned into a giant pillar of fire, and swept towards Hua Ye.

The temperature in the air rose suddenly, and people couldn't help but raise their hands in front of them.

"Isn't this kind of shikigami too dangerous?" Jing Keai couldn't help but said, "Do you know that the weather is dry in winter, and this place is close to the mountains, so it's easy to cause wildfires!"

"Have you made a mistake about the person you care about?" The house goddess threw a piece of potato chips into her mouth, "Kacha Kacha", and complained vaguely, "Why don't you care about your sweetheart?"

"Don't even hide, obviously nothing will happen..." Jing Keai raised her eyebrows, clenched her fists and said, "What did you just say?"

What the hell is a sweetheart?

Does the teacher care about the students' problems? Talking nonsense is social death!

"Age is not a problem." The house girl said plausibly, "You should have eaten some natural materials and earthly treasures. Your body is slowly returning to its peak state. It must be difficult to be alone at night, right?"

Treasures of heaven and earth?

It should be the kind of super delicious biscuits, other than that, I haven’t eaten anything special. Although it’s scary expensive, the effect looks pretty good...

Hearing Shi Changji's words, Jing Keai subconsciously said, "What's so difficult?"

"It's just a long night, and you can't sleep alone." Shi Changji said, "Your body hormones are secreting rapidly, such as female hormones, and you must want it very much every night..."

"Shut up." A row of black lines fell from the top of Jing Keai's head, and she reached out to grab Shi Changji's shoulder, "I'll teach you a lesson today, what is misfortune coming out of your mouth..."

Chapter 1494 Buying a Lolita

The flames surged and turned into a fiery torrent, sweeping towards Hua Ye.

The scorching temperature made people's skin tingle, and the nearby onmyoji retreated one after another, while Hua Ye still stood where he was, with a calm expression, not moving an inch.

If it was three minutes ago, these onmyojis would have labeled Hua Ye as 'cool'.

but now……

"It always feels like it won't work."

"The real strong don't need to dodge, don't need to be coaxed, just do it."

"So Qianye Liuli's boyfriend is so scary?"

"Sakata Jinshi is already cold, why hasn't that demon sword disappeared?"

"Has anyone discovered... all the battles just now were resolved with one blow?"


Hua Ye's face was calm, he raised his right hand, without any movement of accumulating strength, and he didn't need to hold his breath, calm his mind, and slashed forward at will.

There is no raging sword energy.

No brilliant light.

It was like a child waving wildly in a fight, and the flame that spewed out in front of Hua Ye suddenly split into two halves from the middle!

"Hey, are you a liar?"

A group of onmyojis watching were stunned.

"Can even cut through gaseous flames?"

"You think too much, the flame is not a gaseous state, nor a liquid, it is the fourth form, the plasma state."

"Is it the wind? It's like waving your hand at a candle, which can blow it out directly."

"If your eyes are not good, please go to the ophthalmologist for an examination. With a wave of your hand, can it affect things more than ten meters away?"

The old man in the straw hat who held the gourd and released flames at Hua Ye was also dumbfounded. He probably had never seen anyone who could cut his own flame in half after being a monster for so many years.


A crackling sound resounded in the air.

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