Walking to the door, there was no need to knock, the door opened directly, and a group of little lolitas rushed out, obviously waiting behind the door for a long time.

"Sister, brother Xiaoye, you are back."

"Sister, are you injured meow?"

Miss Miko nodded slightly, her eyes softened, and she said, "We'll talk about it when we go home."

Walking into the shrine, Hinata discovered the little loli Peach Blossom Demon hiding behind Hua Ye, hugged Hua Ye's arm, and said vigilantly, "Brother Xiao Ye, who is she?"

This kind of soft and timid, petite and cute little loli, who can make people desire to protect at a glance, is definitely a lolicon killer, right?

On the site of Chiba Shrine, brother Xiaoye's favorite loli can only be himself, and no one else can usurp the throne.

"Not human." Hua Ye said, "Shikigami, Peach Blossom Demon."

"Hey, brother Xiaoye's shikigami?"


Hinata raised her small face: "I never heard that brother Xiaoye has a shikigami before."

To put it bluntly, shikigami are combat tools. The force value in your world is too low, so low that any enemy can be dealt with with one punch, so there is no need to summon shikigami.

"Brother Xiaoye is mine." Hinata looked at Peach Blossom Demon, "Don't snatch it."

The cat-eared girl blinked her eyes, raised her hands to her face, and showed a super fierce expression: "Ula——"

The Peach Blossom Demon was taken aback, misty mist welled up in her eyes, her nervous and cowardly appearance made her feel extremely distressed.

"Don't make trouble." Miss Miko reached out and touched the top of Peach Blossom Demon's head, explained the situation, and then said, "From now on, she will sleep in the same room with the little demon, so don't bully her."

From Miss Miko's point of view, Peach Blossom Demon is not really powerful as a shikigami, but it is quite rare. It is not a problem at all to keep it as a pet. It is rich and powerful, but willful.

"So that's the case." Hinata showed a cute smile instantly, patted his chest and said, "Call me for anything later."

"That, that..." Peach Blossom Demon shrank her head, already imprinting the shadow of Sister Hinata's head in her heart, and whispered, "It's Sister Sakura."

"What?" Hinata tilted her head and asked curiously, "Sister Sakura? Is it Yaochan's name?"

"It's not Yaojiang..." Peach Blossom Demon corrected in a low voice.

"I don't have a name, that's what people called me in the Heian era." Yaodao Ji was exhausted at this moment, her body was quite heavy, but her waist was still straight, she said calmly, "You can call me whatever you want. "

Hinata rested her chin in one hand, with a dark smile on her face: "Then call Hachi?"


"The movie we watched together a few days ago, you said you liked Xiaoba..."

"No!" Yao Dao Ji pursed her pink lips, and actually called the loyal dog Xiao Ba's name, I don't want to lose face!

"Heian era meow." Ling Na looked up at the sky with a dazed expression, "A long time ago meow, Showa boy, Heisei abandoned house, Reihe salted fish meow."

"Okay, let's stop here." Miss Miko sat on the sofa, gently rubbed her shoulders, and said with a final word, "Taoyao can call Sister Ying if she likes it, and you continue to call Yaojiang."

Hua Ye looked at Miss Miko: "May I give you a massage?"

Miss Miko blushed slightly and nodded, "Please trouble Hua Jun."

She had previously fought against the miko of the Kannazuki family, and although she won, it was only on June [-]th, and she also suffered some injuries, for example, her shoulders were sore, and her chest was still aching.

After the Amazon female warriors grow up, they will be circumcised. It is not just for fun. If you use too many bows and arrows, you will inevitably hit your body, which is really painful.

"Sister, it's true, there's no need to talk about trouble between lovers." Hinata turned around and lay down on the sofa, eyes squinted and said, "When brother Xiaoye takes a shower, it's okay for my sister to help wipe his back."

You are enough, thinking about selling your sister all day long, if you really sell your sister, you will not be so happy!

Hua Ye stood up and walked behind Miss Miko: "Pinch your shoulders first."


Liuli closed her eyes, relaxed her body, and asked Hua Ye to help with the massage. As for the pain in her chest... I'll talk about it when I go to bed at night.

Hinata raised his hand and said, "I also need Brother Xiaoye's help."

Hua Ye said blankly: "No."

Hinata said: "But I have been drawing a book for a long time, my arm is very sore."

Hua Ye said, "Let Lingna pinch it for you."

"No." Hinata shook her head, "Lina is an idiot, pinching people is not serious or serious, sometimes it doesn't feel like it, sometimes it hurts."

"We're not stupid." The cat's ears pricked up her ears, "I'll show you meow right now."

Ri Ri rested his chin on the back of the sofa, and turned his little head from side to side, "The last time you cracked eggs, you actually crushed them with your hands. Your hands are so strong that you won't be able to pinch them."

Miss Miko opened her eyes and said, "Go to bed immediately after taking a bath."

"It's only past nine o'clock, so I can't sleep at all."

"Is nine o'clock still early?"

"There's no class tomorrow, so my sister will play with her mobile phone until late when she sleeps, right?" Hinata picked up the remote control and switched channels at will, "Leave us alone, sister and brother Xiaoye go take a shower."



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